Better Than Words
Dean pov
I stood by Brie's side eating chicken wings as the whole entire company -well it looks like the whole entire company- is gather around us. Brie looks nervous and I don't blame her. If I was a girl I would have been nervous too........ Or not. I can't help but think if these people doesn't have a life? Seriously? Why is almost everyone gathered around us? Well everyone except those we are in a match right now. Bryan didn't show today and now everyone guess we are the reason why and they might be right.
"So Bryan and I are getting a divorce." Brie stated as everyone gasp and look around.
"Why?" Kane asked folding his arms.
"Because I want to be with Ambrose here." She turn and held my arm as I send them a wave.
"Why?" Alicia sounded almost disgusted as I send her a gasp face as she smiled back at me.
"Because I love him." Brie answered.
"You don't have good taste in guys. A girl like you should be with Channing Tatum or Brad Pitt." Kofi told.
"What the hell that suppose to mean Kingston? I'm a very hot guy." I set the recorded straight as they roll their stupid blind eyes.
"I think Brie got through with Dean. He is hot." Renee commented and I pop my invisible collar as Brie and others roll their eyes. "What? Yeah, of course Brie is gorgeous but Dean is very gorgeous himself." Renee defended herself before going back to eating her fries.
"Please, Dean is the winner here. Brie is super gorgeous. That is coming from me, Randy Orton." Orton bragged.
Brie looked up at me smiling knowing she is definitely winning. These people here are blind! I say myself and Brie are on the same level. Yes, I'm being serious. Thank you very much. The crowd was now arguing over which is winner in this relationship and all I'm hearing is me because Brie is out of my league.
"Brie is like the prettiest diva here! Dean isn't the hottest superstar here!" Rhodes told and Brianna blushed as I rolled my eyes. The divas began to act up on Cody's statement but one stood out. "NOOOOO!! I am. Fet that right." Brie gasp and look at her own twin sister with a her mouth wide open as I smirked. "Nicole!" She scolded as Nikki shrug from beside her. Brie looked at me and I just send her a cute wave with my fingers as she scolded me with her eyes. "We are identical twins." Brie stated out the facts. The whole room was watching with much excitement. "Yeah, but I'm the hotter one." Nikki told.
"I'm the prettier one." Brie one up her and everyone clapped and I booed earning a push from Brie.
"So tell us the whole details about Dean and yourself." Emma took us back to the point.
"Well, I'm going to be honest here. When Bryan left because of injury the week after Dean and I hooked up and from there on then I couldn't get rid of him an I tried to break us up but I was too addicted to him. He is my happiness," We smiled at each other. "But at the same time I couldn't leave Bryan because I was confuse with whom I was in love with. Blah blah I found out it was Dean but stuck with Bryan because I was guilty. Only last night I couldn't contain myself from leaving Bryan since he bad talk Dean so much. Yes, I told Bryan I was having an affair with Dean when we were in Mexico and he forgave me thinking it will stop but instead we did." Brie explained and everyone was now silent. "If you want more information and inside details. According to who you are check Brie or myself until then bye." I announced and everyone just looking at me with a 'what the hell' look on their faces.
"Brie!" AJ called out as Brie look at her.
"Yeah?" Brie answered
"Talent still isn't sexually transmitted."
"Tell me that in a match I have the perfect comeback for it."
Brie then took my hand and led us away from the crowd. I then let her jump on my back as I carried her to the divas locker room. Her and AJ aren't the best of friends and it shows. "What is your comeback." I ask as she got off my back now standing in front of me smiling. "What and see." She kissed my lips and then slammed the door in my face, leaving me to blink at the door. I love her, I thought walking off with swag.
Brie and I are now at a super great hotel which we booked together, singing. "My feet up, I kick it with ya!" We sang and dance around the hotel room in nothing but our underwear. I'm shock no one haven't complained about us yet! We are being so damn loud right now! "I'm spinning, I'm spinning with my hands up." Brie sang as I'm now lifting her up and spinning as she has her hands up.
I rest her down as we laugh and have the time of our lives until the song is over. I'm crazy in love with her and I won't change a thing.
She touch me and I still feel sparks. "That was fun." She commented looking into my eyes as we sat on the floor facing each other. "I know," I bragged as she rolled her eyes and push me slightly. We just started to smile at each other before I lean in to try to kiss her but she got up and I had to catch myself before my face land on the ground. I got up and walk behind my lover, my very irreplaceable lover. "Let's play a game" she suggested as I nod and waited to hear what game she wanted to place. "Uh, let's play tic tac toe." She suggested as I roll my eyes and nod.
We are now playing her suggested game and she pulls the paper away and rip it! "I'm not making you win again, nope." She told me as I laugh I beat her in all the games. "Then next time don't suggest it." I joked putting the pencil down.
We then got up and walk over to the bed where she sat on my lap legs at Botha sides of me. "How is it like being with me?" She asked looking me straight in the eyes with a smile as I play with his hair. "Better than words." I simply told her as we immediately kiss leading into other things.
(A/n; I know I didn't updated as quick as usual but I was in lazy mood. Zayn left One Direction (I like Zayn whatever) 😢. WrestleMania was tonight!! Seth won! I'm so happy I love Seth! I wish Dean won but it is all cool. Was rooting for Nikki and Brie😭 love ya all)
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