You see a figure in the distance by some trees, the figure looked like a tall male with a trench coat and a hat on. He was looking at bendys direction which startles you, the very 1st thought you had is to take the boys out of here and take them somewhere else.
"Bendy! Boris! Its time to go!" You called trying your hardest not to sound worried, bendy looked at you funny but went up to you anyways followed by boris. You picked both of them up then speedwalked away from the park, you wherent lying if you did look behind you to see if he followed you.
You where lucky he didnt.
Bendy was upset that you all left the park, it was mainly because you where only there for 15 minutes. Boris didnt have a problem since he quickly fell asleep in your arms, he tired himself out after those 15 minutes of playing in the park.
You hated to disappoint bendy but seeing that man watching bendy in the distance was disturbing, your heart is still pounding from the 'what ifs' of what would happen if you didnt leave.
You ignored bendys angry words as you held him tighter.
You are scared.
"(M/d)? Why awe you cwying?" Bendy asked,You didnt even realize that your crying. You need to calm down before you have a mental breakdown, bendy hugs your neck "dun cwy... Im sowwy" bendy said, you smile at him "theres nothing to be sorry for bendy... Im just over thinking things"
You felt a little better, you tell yourself that theres nothing to worry about and everything is ok. You mightve been jumping into conclusions and that figure was looking somwhere else, thats a good way to look at things.
You took them to get ice cream and took them back home, bendy wasnt angry about leaving the park anymore and boris acted the same hyper wolf he was this morning.
You where no longer worried anymore.
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