!¡crossover part 3¡!
(( ATH6000 = Aiden
@cutenekogirl340 =Sophia
Joyful_Nicole = Nicole))
Boris and bendy played with mickey and Oswald while the cat that Is named Felix was showing you these neat things his magical bag can do.
Eventually a man walked up to him and said it was time to leave "Felix it's time to go home" "ok papa! Let me say bye to my friends!" Felix said to his father and ran off to say goodbye to his friends.
In the meantime the man who is named Aiden started a small conversation with you.
He was a pretty nice person, Felix ran up to his father and they walked to their car after saying their goodbyes.
Eventually Sophia and her sons had to leave too, so bendy and boris played by themselves for a bit. Then a boy with a cup for a head dressed in red started to play with them, he was a very sweet kid. You noticed after a bit another boy that is similar to the one dressed in red but he's wearing blue walked up shyly and started to play with them too.
You saw a lady dressed in violet ((Sorry if u don't like the color u can change it if u want)) and have salmon colored hair recording the boys playing, you assumed she's their mother. You both didn't really talk at 1st till she noticed you and you both started to chit chat for a bit.
Turns out you where right she was the mother of the 2 boys with cups for heads, her name was Nicole. She was a very nice lady, it was starting to get hot out and you checked the time. You and the boys where here for 3 hours, you went to get the boys after they said their goodbyes to their friends and you said goodbye to Nicole.
You walked home in the heat, when you got inside your sons went to sleep when they got cooled off and ate lunch, They where so tuckered out from all the playing.
((Sorry it's not as good as the previous chapters I haven't been inspired to do anything batim related lately, I barely put any effort to do this and the last chapter.
But now we are getting to the moment we have all been waiting for!))
((The death of Joey drew 😈))
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