Time Travel 2 (now with actual time traveling)
Dedicated to 5sauce_rawr for the idea!
(A lot of u asked me to do this part 2, but she commented it first)
Where Luke and Ashton go into the future using the time machine.
(They r the same ages from part 1)
Ashton was woken up only a few hours later by Luke tugging on his arm.
"Ashy!" Luke whispered frantically. "Lukey needs to use potty! But needs help getting on potty without falling in!"
Ashton rubbed his eyes and sat up. "Okay Lukey, be quiet so not wake up Fletchy and Robby."
They crept silently to the bathroom and Ashton helped Luke use the bathroom so he wouldn't keep falling in.
Luke pulled his stool up to the sink, and climbed on top of it. As he was washing his hands, he saw something out the window.
It was a big machine, and it was blinking lights.
"Ashy, wassat?" He asked, pointing.
"Was what?" Ashton asked.
"Dat!" Luke tumbled off the stool and ran out of the bathroom.
Ashton followed him as Luke toddled to the front door.
"Lu, why Lu wan go outside? Is night time! Is scary time." Ashton whispered, hiding his face in his hands.
"Saw pretty lights! Must touch the lights!" Luke stuck his tongue out as he stood on his tip toes to reach the doorbell.
"Lights?!" Ashton gasped and dropped his hands. "Must get outside!"
Grabbing a chair from the kitchen, they managed to reach the lock on the door, unlocking it.
The door creaked open and they peered out.
"Dark." Luke whimpered.
"Lights!" Ashton pointed at the machine.
They made a break for it, and ran to the machine.
"What da heck?" Luke asked, placing his little hand against the cold metal. "What is?"
"Dunno. Hey! Door!" Ashton grabbed the handle and with Luke's help, they opened it.
"Whoa." They stared in shock as they walked inside.
"Buttons!" Ashton giggled, running to a control panel. He immediately started pounding his palms on all the buttons.
Luke clapped his hands joyfully. "Maked sounds!"
Suddenly, the machine rumbled and Ashton stopped pushing buttons.
"Uh, Lu?" Ashton cried.
Luke curled into a ball as the machine roared louder snd louder, shaking more violently.
Then suddenly, everything was still and quiet.
They peeked out the door and gasped.
"What dis place? Where housey go?"
Back at the house in present time, Fletcher and Robert woke up to a loud, rumbling sound.
"Ash, did you hear that?" Luke whispered, scrambling off Ashton's lap.
"It sounded like our time machine!" Ashton said, frantically throwing pillows and blankets around. "Shit, where are the kids?"
"Uh oh..." Luke said, looking out the window. "Its gone!"
"And so are we!" Ashton cried.
The babies crawled out of the time machine, staring at London in 1779.
"Ashy? Lu is scared." Luke grabbed Ashton's hand and sat down, getting dirt on his pajamas.
"Is oki Lukey, Ashy protect." Ashton bent down and kissed Luke's hair.
Not sure what to do, Ashton sat beside Luke.
It was still night time, and no one was about.
"Dun like da dark!" Luke cried, cowering into Ashton. "Want mommy and daddy!"
"Want mommy too." Ashton whispered. *pauses writing to cry*
"Well, what have we here?" A policeman asked, walking around the street corner and seeing them. "Two toddlers? And a peculiar contraption?"
"Hallo." Ashton greeted, recognizing an officer uniform. Police officers were nice.
"Hewwo." Luke said, sucking his thumb.
"What are you two doing here after dark? How did you get here?" The man asked suspiciously, leaning down.
They shrugged.
"Not talking, eh?" The officer frowned. "Im afraid I have to take you two in."
"In where?" Ashton asked as the man picked him up in one hand, and Luke in the other.
"To the station. Babies can not be left alone in the dark." The man said. "Is that your machine there?"
"Yis." Luke reached his hand out and slapped it. "Makes lights and noise."
"This is not right." The man frowned. "What kind of infants are you?"
Luke went back to sucking his thumb and stared at the man with big eyes.
Ashton, who wasn't liking the way the man was looking at his Lukey, hit the mans neck. "Dun wan go to station! Wan go home!"
"Violence!" The man cried. "Help! Im being attacked by alien babies! Help, help!"
Lights flicked on in nearby houses, and windows were rolled up as people looked out into the street.
"Call the priest! Maybe they're possessed!" Someone called.
"Burn them at the stake!" A woman screeched.
"Aliens?! The apocalypse is upon us! Everyone, run for your worthless lives!"
Instantly, everyone was screaming and running around.
Panicked, Ashton bit the mans hand and he yelped, dropping the toddler to the floor.
He picked himself up and reached his hands up for Luke. "Give back Ashys Lukey!" Ashton shouted. "Give back very right now!"
"Very right now!" Luke snapped, slapping the man repeatedly. "Bad man! Bad man!"
"Ow, what the, ouch! Okay jeez!" The man set Luke on the ground and backed up. "Im calling back up!"
Ashton grabbed Luke's hand and helped him stand. "Lu, run!"
Luke started to cry. "Dun wan run! Ashy carry Lukey!"
Ashton huffed but let Luke crawl onto Ashton's back.
"The thingies Ashy does for him Lu." Ashton muttered.
"Fuck, what do we do?!" Luke yelled, gripping his hair in frustration. "Their-our- parents will be home soon!"
"We have to go and get them back!"
Ashton said, checking the time.
"How? We can't just build another time machine!" Luke snapped. "We fucking stole that one, remember?"
"On accident." Ashton snapped back. "Calm down, for fucks sake."
"How are we supposed to save them?" Luke sighed.
"More importantly, how are we going to tell our parents that we lost ourselves in the past or future?" Ashton asked. "Come on Luke, lets be real."
"Dere!" Luke suddenly pointed to a dark alleyway. "Hide dere!"
Ashton ran to the alley and sat Luke down. "Hide in dat!"
A garbage can was tipped on its side and was empty. The boys squeezed in, and Ashton pulled the lid over the opening to conceal them.
"Stinky." Luke complained. "Dude dumb idea."
"Lu thoughted of it!" Ashton shouted.
"Don't yell at Lukey!" Luke cried.
"Sowwy Lu, Ashy sorry." Ashton felt for Luke and patted the boys face. "Did not mean it."
"Is oki." Luke sighed. "Where housey at, Ashon?"
"Dunno." Ashton sighed.
"How we go home?" Luke frowned.
"Dunno!" Ashton exclaimed.
"Hush!" Luke shushed him as they heard approaching voices and footsteps.
"I saw them run off this way! Lets burn the demons at the stake!" A voice shouted.
"No, they're aliens from another dimension! We must ask them questions about the universe!" Someone else cried.
"I just wanna pinch their cheeks!" Giggled another.
They ran off again, and all was silent.
Ashton let out a sigh. "No pinchies!"
Luke patted his own cheeks and giggled.
They crept out of the garbage.
"Okay, how get home?" Ashton asked.
"Light box again?" Luke asked. "Is Lukeys turn to push buttons!"
"Kay fine, go push buttons then find out how go home." Ashton agreed. He started running back, but Luke's voice stopped him.
"Uh, Ashy?"
"Lu?" Ashton turned back around.
"Ashy carry?" Luke asked, lifting his arms up.
Ashton groaned and nodded. "Lu is so lucky Ashy luvoo him. So so lucky."
"Boys!" Liz called drunkenly as the adults stumbled inside. "Where are the other boys?" She giggled.
"Shush! You'll wake them up!" Anne gasped.
"Mom- er, Mrs. Hemmings and Mrs. Irwin, welcome home!" Luke grimaced.
"Hey whats up hello!" Liz waved.
"How were they?" Anne smiled.
"Great. They were so quiet, it's like they're not even here." Ashton coughed.
Luke elbowed him. "Um, why don't you two go straight to bed? The boys are in their bedroom, sleeping."
"In a different century." Ashton mumbled, and Luke punched him again.
"Ill just give them a goodnight kiss then shower." Anne said.
"No!" Luke shouted, blocking her path.
"Oh I know you did not just do that!" She gasped. "Liz, hold me back!"
"He means...you can't go see them right now!" Ashton jumped in.
"Why not?" Liz asked suspiciously.
"Because...because..." Luke thought rapidly.
"Because...uh, because we're actually playing hide and seek!" Ashton declared.
Everyone whipped their heads to the front door, as Luke and Ashton crawled inside.
"Found them!" Robert laughed nervously.
"My baby honey bunches!" Liz scooped them up. "What were you doing outside?"
"Saw lights and machine maked scary noise then was in da dark and meanie police camed and was big butt to Lu and Ashy and den Lu and Ashy runned away and hided den went back to machine and Lukey got to press buttons!" Luke explained happily.
"Apple juice?" Anne whispered to Fletcher and Robert, and they nodded.
"Sounds like an adventure. But it's way past your bedtime. Lets get you two into bed." Liz said, carrying them to their room.
"Goo' night Fletchy and Robby." Ashton yawned as they passed by.
"Fletchy and Robby?" Anne frowned. "I thought your names were Aaron and Lee?"
"Well you have a good night." Luke said, running out the front door.
"Your first night was free of charge, please dont call us back." Ashton said, following Luke.
He stopped at the doorway and turned back. "Also, if Ashton were to accidentally lock you outside of the house, don't ground him. It was an accident. Okay, later!"
Anne watched them hop into a large machine, and then, in a flash of lights, it disappeared.
She rubbed her eyes. "Shit, how much did I drink?!"
"Hey, I think they actually fixed it!" Luke said as he drove them back to their own era.
Ashton leaned against the wall. "And you didn't want to babysit ourselves." He teased. "Told you we could handle it!"
"I wonder where they went." Luke mused.
They found out where their baby selves went later, when they too visited London in the 1700's and saw a statue of them and a time machine inside a museum.
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