The Weed Chapter
Welp, i said I was gunna write this and here we are XD thanks for all the weed comments in the finger painting chapter btw, cuz thats y im writing this now XD
Ashton: 4
Luke: 3
The boys get high for the first time when they discover weed accidentally.
"Who dat?" Ashton asked, peering around the corner at the man who just walked into Luke's house.
"Das Lukeys Uncle." Luke whispered, poking his head out too. "He visit Lukey lots."
"Why he smell funny?" Ashton wrinkled his nose. "Can smell all the way here!"
"Uncle always smell funny." Luke explained, smoothing the Barbie dolls hair. "Dunno why."
"Go find out!" Ashton declared. "Play spies."
"Spies?" Luke gasped, dropping the doll. "Dun dun dun!"
"Yis, dun dun dun." Ashton crawled out of the room. "Where Uncle sleep?"
"Lukey show." Luke crawled in front of Ashton and led the way to the guest room where Luke's uncle was staying.
"Ugh." Ashton plopped down and held his nose. "Smell worse in here."
"Lukey wants bath now." Luke complained.
"Can taked bath later. Wanna find out smell first." Ashton said, walking around the room.
"Okay, Luke's Ashy. Lu will help." Luke searched the closet while Ashton crawled under the bed.
"Wassis?" Ashton pulled out a clear, plastic bag. "Why Uncle have grass in him room?"
"Dunno, go ask?" Luke asked.
They went downstairs, where the grown ups were all talking in the kitchen.
"Uncle?" Luke pulled on his pant leg. "Have question about grass."
"Luke!" His uncle picked him up. "How are you."
"Have question about grass." Luke repeated.
"Well, okay then. Let's go outside and talk about grass." He set Luke down and Ashton followed them out to the backyard.
Ashton pulled out the bag of 'grass'. "Why Uncle have grass in him room? Grass belong outside!"
"Oh shit." Luke's uncle quickly grabbed the bag back. "This isn't grass, kid."
"Looks like grass, so is grass." Luke said stubbornly.
"No, it's weed. Don't tell your mother I have it. It's naughty." Uncle explained.
Luke and Ashton gasped and looked at each other. "Naughty is not good! Will get in trouble for being naughty!"
"No it's not like that- here...I'll let you try some so that you don't want to do it in the future." He pulled out a lighter and a piece of paper from his pocket.
Rolling the weed into a joint, he lit one end of it and smoked it.
"You guys wanna try? I don't think you'll need much since you're little." He lowered the joint down to the boys.
"Ashy go first." Luke hid behind Ashton.
"Otay." Ashton put his lips around the end of the joint and sucked in.
Immediately he coughed and pulled away. "Icky!"
Luke giggled. "Lukeys turn!" He copied what Ashton did.
"Ew! Is icky!" Luke cried. He fell onto his back. "Never eating grass again!"
Uncle laughed. "It gets fun when it kicks in. Like I said, don't tell your parents on me."
"Whoa." Ashton stared intently at his hands. "Whoa."
Luke crawled over and stared at Ashton's hands. "Dis real? Or dis just fantasy?"
Ashton fell over and looked up at the sky. "What is what." He blinked. The air was speaking to him.
"Lukeys skin is moving!" Luke cried, flailing his arms around. "Lukey has bugs in him skin!"
"Sh Lukey, Ashy must speak to the air." Ashton sprinkled dirt over his clothes.
"Maybe this was a bad idea..." Uncle said. He shrugged and lit another joint.
"Angel!" Luke shrieked and pointed to a bird. The bird chirped and flew off. Luke chased after it.
Ashton watched him crash into the fence and fall down. He laughed. "Fence monster killded da Lu. Lu got killded."
Luke rolled around in the dirt. "Lukey is a flower."
Ashton got up and crawled over to Luke. "Pretty flower Lukey is!"
He picked up some flowers from the garden and put them on Luke's head. "Now smell like real flower!"
Luke went cross eyed trying to sit still.
Ashton poked Luke's face repeatedly. "Squish squish."
Luke grabbed his toes and rolled away.
Ashton frowned and followed him. "Come back! Miss you!"
"Who's you?" Luke asked suspiciously.
"You- Lu." Ashton corrected. He patted Luke's cheeks. Luke stuck his tongue out and Ashton pinched it.
"Ow." Luke complained.
Ashton took his pants off and ran back inside. Luke screeched something incoherent and followed.
"Boys! What are you doing?" Liz shouted as they ran almost naked around the house.
"Ated grass, now super hyper!" Luke yelled.
"Grass?" She raised an eyebrow.
Luke's Uncle whistled and walked away.
"Yas yas, ated grass through straw, now feel happy!" Ashton giggled, slamming his head and hands against the wall.
"Pancakes go moo!" Luke whispered.
"Alright, its nap time for you two." She picked them both up and put them in Luke's bed. "Go to sleep."
"But not sleepy." Ashton whined.
"I don't care, its bed time." She turned on the night light and shut the door.
Ashton sighed and patted Luke's face. "Lu?"
"E= mc^2."
Ashton sighed again and crawled under the blankets. "No like grass no mores."
"Agrees." Luke crawled on top of Ashton and fell asleep. "No mores grass."
Who would u guys prefer to be the cross dresser? Luke or Ashton?
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