The Rainbow
Luke is out sick one day, and so Ashton partners up with Richard for a class project, much to Luke's horror.
Ashton: 5
Luke: 4
Dedicated to always_under_ashton for the idea!!
As soon as Luke's little feet hit the floor of his preschool, he felt something wrong.
He ran away from his mom and started searching for Ashton.
"Lord give Lu strength." He muttered when he saw Richard sitting next to Luke's Ashton.
He marched up to them and tapped Richard's shoulder forcefully.
They both turned around and Ashton smiled when he saw his best friend. "Lu! Lu is back from being sick!"
"What this?" Luke demanded, pointing at Richard. "What this doing with Lu's Ashy?"
"Did Luke just call Richy a 'this'?" Richard asked, confused.
"Dun say Lu's name!" Luke screeched at him.
"Lu chill down," Ashton pleaded. "Ashy and Richy are partners-" "Ew." "-for project!"
"What project?" Luke asked suspiciously.
"Learning colors," Richard explained, pointing to their worksheet. It had a rainbow on it, and they were coloring it in according to what color was printed in each curve.
Ashton scribbled with red. "Lu was sick yesterday so Richy asked Ashy to be partners."
"Well Lu is back now so Ashy is Lu's partner." Luke tugged on Ashtons arm. "Not dumb Richy's."
Richard frowned. "Can not take Ashton, have to finish project together. Luke needs to get his own worksheet and own partner."
"How dare!" Luke shouted. "How dare dumb Richy try to take Lu's Ashy!"
"Luke? Is there a problem over there?" The teacher called.
"Yes! Dumb Richy was born." Luke scowled at the boy.
Richard blinked and Ashton sighed. "Lu, Ashy will work with his Lu this time, but needs to be nicer to Richy."
Richard pouted as Ashton got off his stool and went to Luke. "But Ashton!"
Ashton shrugged. "Am sorry, Richy. Ashy has to stay with him Luberry."
Richard scowled at them as they walked to a new table, siting across from Michael and Calum, who were obviously partners.
Luke was happy now, and he colored in his rainbow with Ashton and his friends, laughing and shrieking when Michael scribbled blue in the yellow spot on Luke's rainbow, just to spite him.
They hung their pictures on the wall when every group was done, and then it was nap time.
Luke laid beside Ashton, sharing a mat with him instead of getting his own.
"Why Lu hate Richy so many? Richy is nice to everyone, especially Ashy." Ashton yawned.
Luke glared at nothing. "Dun wan dumb Richy to be nice to Ashy. Only Lu can be nice to Ashy. Dumb Richy need back off. Find own best friend. Lu dun share."
As if he heard them talking, Richard sat up from his mat and looked over at the pair.
Luke stuck his tongue out at him.
After nap time, the adults started coming to pick up their kids.
Luke grabbed Ashtons hand and walked back to the wall with their rainbows.
He gasped suddenly. "Oh no! Ruined!"
Their rainbow had a big red X over it and was crumpled, the corners having been cut with scissors.
Ashton gasped at the pure violence, his hands covering his mouth. "R-raimbow!"
"How happen?" Luke demanded. "How happen?!"
Ashton started crying, which of course brought Richard over to see what was wrong.
"Ashton is okay?" He asked, concern in his eyes.
"Go way!" Luke snapped. "Dun talk to Lu's Ashy!"
"R-ruined!" Ashton sobbed, pointing to their picture. "Ruined rainbow!"
Richard embraced Ashton. "There there."
Luke was about to throw a tantrum, when something caught his eye.
In Richard's pocket, was a small pair of scissors.
Luke stared at it. Then he looked to the cuts on their paper. Then back to the scissors.
Anger took over and he roared, shoving Richard to the floor.
Ashton gasped in shock. "Lu!"
"Dumb Richy ruined rainbow!" Luke exclaimed. "Dumb- no, bully Richy is meanie!"
Ashton gasped again, facing Richard. "Richy? Is true? Ruined rainbow?"
Richard glared until he couldn't stand to anymore, and he broke out crying. He threw the scissors out of his pocket, seemingly surprised to find them there.
Luke took that as a confession of guilt. "Off with him head! To gallows! No mercy!"
"Omg." Michael said, coming up. "Lol."
Ashton took their picture down and sniffed, a tear landing on it. "Mean Richy. Dun talk to Ashy or Lu no mores."
"But- but," Richard stumbled.
"Away!" Luke shouted, snapping in the boys face.
Terrified, the boy ran off.
Luke took Ashton in his arms. "There there Ashy beebee, Lukey take care of. Make new rainbow at Lukey's house? Big big rainbow dis time!"
Ashton sniffed and nodded.
Their moms came in then, and when they got home, Luke helped Ashton make a brand new rainbow.
No one had to know Luke convinced Michael to slip the scissors into Richard's pocket.
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