The Beach
Dedicated to bubblebuttcalum for the adorable idea ♡♡ (when I can)
The boys go to the beach and Luke embraces his sassy side.
Ashton: 5
Luke: 4
As soon as Liz set him down on the sand, Luke was sprinting as fast as his little legs could carry him towards the water.
"Lukey!" Ashton shouted. He swatted his moms hands off him as she tried to apply sunscreen on his face. He ran after his Luke.
"Fishies!" Luke screeched, his arms out stretched to the water.
Ashton tackled him into the sand. He sat on top of Luke. "Lu! Canoot just run away like dat! Must always stay close to Ashy!" He scolded, booping Luke's nose.
"Wanna pet da fishies!" Luke cried, reaching towards the ocean still.
"Must get sunscreen first, then can pet fishies." Ashton explained, getting off him.
Luke jumped up and started running to the ocean again. "Lukey wan all da fishies!"
Ashton stood in shock for a moment. Did his Lukey really just disobey him like that?
Liz came running by and picked Luke up. "Naughty! Sunscreen first, and you don't run away like that!"
"But mommy, want fishies!" Luke pouted as he was carried back.
Ashton still stayed rooted to the spot. "Ashys Lu...did noot listen? Did noot listen to his Ashy?!"
He sat down in stunned silence. " possible?"
"Ashton hun! Come back so I can finish your sunscreen! Then you and Luke can go and swim!" Mrs. Irwin called.
He didn't move, and she eventually came over and carried him back.
Luke was oblivious to Ashton's drama as he nommed on an apple sauce packet.
"Mommy, open?" He asked, holding it out to her.
"Later Luke, wait for lunch." Liz said, not looking up from her magazine.
Luke pouted. "But am hungry now! Will die if no eats!"
She ignored him and he huffed. He crawled over to Ashton and placed the packet in his lap.
He cocked his head and smiled. "Ashy hun, open for Lukey?"
Ashton looked down at the packet, then back to Luke. "Ashys Lu did noot listen...."
"Hm?" Luke went back to focusing all his attention on opening the packet.
Ashton watched him, still in shock. "Did noot listen! Was naughty!"
"Yee." Luke wasn't really listening.
Eventually he gave up on the packet and tossed it aside.
He looked around his surroundings, and dipped his hand into the sand. He pulled out a handful and sniffed it.
He stuffed his hand in his mouth and munched on the sand.
Ashton gasped. "Lu! No! Dun eat dat!"
Luke just looked at him and continued to eat the sand. "Am hungry."
"Spit out!" Ashton demanded, standing up.
Luke pulled his hand out of his mouth and grabbed more sand. He raised it to his mouth, and Ashton snapped.
He slapped Luke's hand away, and the sand went flying. Luke cried in surprise and at the loss of his lunch.
"Luke. Does. Not. Disobey. Ashton." Ashton glared.
Luke sat, absolutely frozen. He stared at Ashton with wide eyes. He didn't know what to do, Ashton had never been like this before.
"Lukey understand?" Ashton asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Lukey- I- Lu- y-yas." Luke gulped. He grabbed his toes nervously. "Am sorry Ashon...did not mean to disobey."
"Is oki." Ashton's whole demeanor suddenly changed. He beamed and sat down in front of Luke and grabbed the packet.
He opened it with ease and handed it to Luke.
Luke took it slowly. "Th-thankie, A-Ashon."
"Go see fishies later?" Ashton asked, making a mini sand castle.
"Yas!" Luke cried, then remembered Ashton didn't like screaming. "Yas." He said, more softly.
"Oki." Ashton giggled.
From that point on, Luke behaved the rest of the trip.
And he didn't disobey his Ashy again.
I literally am trying not to wake my parents up from laughing at Luke's reaction omfg what have I done
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