Luke throws a tantrum that Ashton doesn't like.
Ashton: 5
Luke: 4
"Ashton, Lucas, your friends are here!" Liz called as she opened the door, letting in Calum and Michael's parents.
They set down their sons and Ashton and Luke came out of Luke's room.
"Fwends!" Luke gasped. "Hallo! Come play with Lukey and Ashy?"
"Where da cookies?" Michael ignored Luke and toddled to the kitchen.
Calum crawled up the stairs. "Hi hi."
"Cooookies." Michael called.
"Lu, go show Cally Pally Lu's room!" Ashton smiled.
"Otay. Can show Cally Pally da dolly!" Luke grabbed Calums hand and dragged him into the room.
"Mikey? Why you hair black?" Ashton asked as Michael came over, a cookie in each hand.
"Punk rock."
Ashton frowned. "But....no."
"Noooooo!" Luke suddenly cried. "Das Lukeys!"
"Lukey?" Ashton poked his head in. "Lu oki dokey?"
Calum was sitting on the floor, softly biting the Barbie dolls head while Luke screeched and pointed.
"Cally Pally taked! Was showing him dolly them he just taked! Now is hurting da dolly! Dat Lukeys dolly! 'Specially for Lukey from Lukeys Ashy." Luke sniffed. "Not for Cally Pally to bite!"
"Lukey, no yell." Ashton said. "Ask Cally nicely for dolly back."
Luke wiped his eyes and faced Calum. "Cally please give back dolly?"
Calum shook his head and continued to bite it.
Luke gasped. Angrily, he raised his little fist and hit it against Calums head.
Calum froze.
He dropped the doll and screeched.
"Luke!" Michael scolded. He ran over to Calum and handed the boy the other cookie. "Here Cally Pally, no sad! Have cookie! Happy cookie!"
Calum sniffed and bit the cookie instead. "M'wikey."
"Yas, am Mikey." Michael led Calum away. "Go get apple juice?"
Calum nodded and the left down the stairs.
Ashton put his hands on his hips and glared at Luke. "Lu hit the Cally. Hitting is not oki dokey, Luke. Lukey was naughty."
Luke plopped onto the floor, tears streaming down. "But Cally-"
"Was. Not. Nice." Ashton hissed.
"Needs to apologize or will get time out." Ashton said.
Luke gasped, bringing his hands to his cheeks. "No! No time out! Please, Luke's Ashy! No no!"
"Apologize to Cally Pally." Ashton said firmly.
Luke started crying. "But don't want to 'pologize! Cally deserve it! Was biting Lu's dolly!"
"Lewkas!" Ashton shouted. "Must always apologize!"
Luke sniffed. "Ashy will cuddle with Lu if Lu 'pologize?"
Luke stood up. "Okay, Lukey will go 'pologize." He toddled out to go find Calum and Ashton picked up the doll.
There were a few bite marks on it and he frowned. "Must buy Lu new dolly." He ran his fingers over the Barbie's skirt.
"Lu's Ashy! Lu's Ashy, Lu 'pologized!" Luke called, running back in. "Asked for 'giveness and Cally Pally nodded! Ashon cuddles with Lukey now?"
"Ashon cuddles with his Lu now." Ashton agreed, wrapping his arms tightly around Luke.
Luke beamed. "Lu promise not to hit the CallyPally again."
"That's a good Lu." Ashton smiled and pulled back. He kissed Luke's face.
Luke blushed and giggled. "Lukey likes being good for his Ashy." He frowned. "But...dolly...."
"Ashy will buy his Lukey better dolly." Ashton promised.
Luke giggled again and bit his thumb. "Thank."
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