Richy's Birthday Party
Richard invites his whole class to his birthday party, including Luke and Ashton.
Ashton: 5
Luke: 4
Preschool was almost over, when the doors opened and a woman came in.
Luke dropped his toy car and all the little kids stared at her as she walked over to the teacher.
Suddenly, Richard stood up. "Mommy!" He giggled and ran over, hugging her leg.
"Richy has a mommy?" Luke gasped. "Lukey has mommy too! Richy is copy cat!"
"Luke..." Ashton sighed.
"Hi hun, you forgot your invitations at home and the party is tomorrow, so I had to bring them over." She crouched down and handed him a stack of envelopes. "Wanna hand these out to your classmates?"
"Yah!" He accepted them happily and ran straight over to Ashton and Luke.
Luke immediately started throwing a tantrum. "No! Go way from Lukeys Ashy!" He cried, kicking his legs in the air. "Dun like you! Dun like!"
"Lucas!" Ashton huffed, patting Luke's face forcefully. "Be nice or Ashy no cuddles his Lu later."
Luke instantly stopped and was silent.
"Hiya!" Richard beamed. "Wan come to my birthday party tomorrow? Will be cake and ice cream and presents!"
"And bawoons?" Luke asked suspiciously.
Richard nodded. "Lots!"
"What about cupcakes?" Luke narrowed his eyes.
"Um, sure."
"Grass?" Luke sat up. "Will have grass?"
"Yah...there will be grass." Richard looked confused. He looked to Ashton.
Ashton shrugged.
"And will have, uh-" Luke got lost in thought.
Ashton smiled at Richard and accepted the two invites. "Thank Richy, will be there."
"Yay!" Richard blushed and giggled before leaving to hand out the other invitations.
"Hey! Not done!" Luke shouted after him. "Will be trees? Need trees at party or no come!"
"Luke, rest it." Ashton grabbed Luke's shirt and sat him down.
Luke sat in Ashton's lap and studied the card. He gasped. "Wait, Ashy got card too!"
"Yee." Ashton giggled and waved the card around.
"Dat mean Ashy go to Richys!" Luke slapped his hands to his face. "Noooo!" He cried. "Ashy can't go!"
"But...Ashy wan go." Ashton frowned.
"No." Luke declared.
"But." Ashton pouted.
"Only but here is Lukeys butt." Luke said. "Ashy no go to Richys, Richy likes Ashy!"
Ashton just stared at Luke, not sure what to say.
"Okay, here plan." Luke explained. "Lukey get Richy present. Present is bomb. Richy blows up and Lukey gets his Ashy all to himself!"
Ashton just blinked at him, his mouth slightly open.
Luke smiled and kissed Ashton's face. "Good talk."
"Okay boys, we're gunna stop at the store so you can pick out something for Richard's party tomorrow." Liz said as she pulled into the parking lot of a store after picking them up from preschool.
"Remember the plan." Luke whispered to Ashton.
Ashton just huffed and shook his head.
Inside the store, Liz brought them over to the toy section. "Alright, each of you boys pick something for him, and then we'll go get a card."
Luke studied the aisle. "Hey! Not right place! Only toys here, where the bombs?!"
"Oo, dis!" Ashton squealed, kneeling in front of a toy car pack. It had five cars and a racetrack. "Is cool!"
"Lukey has a Barbie and Barbie is cooler." Luke mumbled.
"You want to get him that, Ash?" Liz asked, picking it up.
Ashton nodded, and she put it in the cart. "Okay Luke, what do you want to get him?"
"Two bombs." Luke muttered darkly.
Eventually, Ashton picked out another thing for Luke for Richard, and they got two matching cards.
At the checkout, Liz paid for the items while the boys sat in the cart and signed their cards.
Luke glanced over at Ashton, who was carefully writing his name in shaky letters.
He pouted. "Ashy writed him name for dumb Richy, but not for Ashys Lukey?!"
Ashton sighed and raised his pen to Luke's pale forehead. He scribbled his name on Luke's skin, and Luke smiled.
The day of the party, Mrs. Irwin dropped the boys off at Richards house.
Immediately, Richard handed them party hats and gave them both a huge smile. "You made it! Yay!"
"Bappy hirthday Richy!" Ashton giggled and handed over the two presents.
"Whatever." Luke hugged Ashton and glared at Richard.
"How many is Richy now?" Ashton asked kindly.
Richard beamed and held up his whole right hand and his left thumb. "Am this many now!"
"Older than Ashy!" Luke gasped. "Whoa, Richy is super old!"
"Come this way." Richard turned and led them inside to the living room, where the rest of the class was playing and talking.
Luke spotted Michael and Calum and dragged Ashton over. "Yay, hi the Cally Pally and Mikey!"
"Hallo." Michael nonchalantly showed of his new, recently dyed hair.
Calum munched on a cracker using both his hands while he stared at Michael with large eyes.
"Get Richy present?" Ashton asked them.
"Yah, got him paints." Michael said, handing a napkin to Calum. "Silly the Cally Pally, maked mess!"
Calum giggled and bit his thumb as Michael brushed the crumbs off of Calums outfit.
Luke crouched down and patted the Calums cheeks until Michael glared and swatted his hands off.
"Alright everyone, who wants cake?" Richards mom called a few minutes later.
Everyone cheered and ran to the kitchen, where Richard was sitting at the table. A large cake was sitting in front of him. It had a dinosaur on it and six candles.
"Lukey wan blow (Ashton) out those fire sticks." Luke whispered, staring at the candles.
"Dun Lukey dare." Ashton whispered back.
Luke bounced up and down (on Ashton's dick). "Really really wan do it." (Do Ashton)
"No! Is for Richy on his bappy hirthday!" Ashton scolded.
"Do it." Michael whispered to Luke.
That was all it took. Luke crawled under the table and popped up beside Richard. He climbed onto the table, and before anyone could grab him off, blew out all the candles.
Everyone gasped like what they had just witnessed was the worst thing ever.
"Lewkas!" Ashton shouted. "Come. Here. Right. Now."
Richard stared at his cake in shock.
"Didn't get to blow out candles..."
"Am so sorry Richy, Lewkas was very berry bad." Ashton patted Richards cheek as Luke sulked at them.
Richard started to cry and Ashton pulled him into a hug, glaring at Luke.
Luke gasped and clutched his heart. "Ashon! How- how dare!"
Ashton just stuck his tongue out and escorted Richard off the chair and into the living room.
"Literally just relight the candles." Michael muttered, digging his hand into the cake and pulling out a handful.
Calum nodded in agreement and poked his tongue out for some frosting. Michael stuck his hand out and Calum licked off some cake, giggling.
Luke scrambled off the chair and ran to the living room. "Ashy Ashy Ashy!" He cried, tears streaming down his cheeks. "Am sorry! Dun hug Richy! Lu needs him Ashy!"
"Lu needs to apologize. Was mean to Richy on Richys bappy hirthday!" Ashton declared.
Luke hung his head. "Am sorry dumb Ric-um, not dumb Richy." He sighed.
Richard sniffed and wiped his eyes. "Is oki. Ashy helped Richy feel better."
"Oh?" Luke raised his eyebrows.
"Richard! Come back sweetie, you still have presents to open!" Someone called, and Richard slid off the couch.
"Thank Ashton." He smiled and left.
Ashton smiled back and waved goodbye.
Luke glared at Ashton and crossed his arms. "Ashy helped Richy feel better?"
"Yis." Ashton stuck his tongue out. "Cos Lu was meanie to him."
Luke climbed up onto the couch. "Lu no like that. Ashy can only make Lu feel better."
Ashton huffed. "Ashy make whoever he want feel better."
Luke instantly started throwing one of his famous tantrums. "No! Only Lukey! Only Lukey!"
Ashton sighed. "K fine."
Luke beamed and sat up. "Yee!" He leaned in and kissed Ashton's face repeatedly. "Lob lob lob!"
"Lob Lu." Ashton giggled.
Michael and Calum came into the room. "Saved cake for all." He held out his sticky hand.
"Oh..." Ashton grimaced. "Thank."
"M'wikey." Calum whined, sitting down and tugging on Michaels pants.
Michael immediately crouched down beside Calum. "Yas the Cally Pally? The Cally Pally is okay? Is happy?"
"Wan cake." Calum pouted and reached for Michael's hand.
"Oh." Michael relaxed and offered both his hands.
Calum took Michaels non dirty hand and held it tightly, and scooped some cake off his other hand. He stuffed his small hand into his mouth and beamed up at Michael.
Michael smiled and kissed Calums cheek.
Luke pulled Ashton off the couch and behind it. He sat them both down and leaned in, placing his hands on Ashton's cheeks, squeezing them.
"Lewk." Ashton said, as Luke giggled and played with his face.
"Ouch." Ashton complained.
"Kiss it better?" Luke beamed.
"Kiss it better." Ashton agreed.
And Luke went straight (flaming homo-ly) in and kissed Ashton's lips, 'accidentally' missing his cheeks.
"Ew." Michael said.
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