A day at preschool with Ashton and Luke.
Ashton: 5
Luke: 4
"Luke, it's time to go! Are you ready for school?" Liz called.
"Am ready!" Luke yelled back. He pulled his backpack over his shoulders and sat down on the top of the stairs.
Slowly, he inched his way down, thumping down every step.
"Ow. Ow. Ouch. Ow. Owie." He complained until he reached the bottom.
He pulled on his sneakers and did the velcro straps. "Am ready mommy!"
She picked him up and brought him to the car, buckling him into his car seat.
He dug into his backpack and pulled out his batman lunch box. He took out his Apple juice box and looked out the window as his mom drove.
Ashton would have to help him with the straw, so he just nommed on the corner of the box.
A few minutes later, Liz pulled into the Irwins driveway, where Ashton and his mom were waiting in the yard.
He watched as Mrs. Irwin said goodbye to her son and handed him his TMNT backpack.
Then Liz helped him into his car seat beside Luke.
"Ashon!" Luke screeched happily.
"Lu!" Ashton smiled. "Goo' mownin'."
"Help?" Luke handed Ashton the juice box.
"Ashy always help his Lu." Ashton took the box and opened the straw. He stuck the straw through the hole and handed it back to Luke.
Luke happily drank from it as they were driven to school.
"Mikey and Cally Pally gon be dere?" Luke asked as they pulled into the parking lot.
"Hope so." Ashton nodded.
"Dun wan dumb Richy to be dere." Luke scowled. "Dumb Richy always look at Lukeys Ashy and only Lukey can look at his Ashy."
Ashton blushed into his hands. "Lu luvoo him Ashy?"
"Luvoo him Ashy lots and lots! Always luvoo!" Luke cried, grabbing onto Ashton's arm. "Lukey luvoo Ashon more than dumb Richy!"
Ashton giggled and kicked his feet. "Ashy luvoo him Lu!"
Liz parked the car and led them inside.
She dropped them off at the play area and Luke hugged her legs goodbye.
"Bye mommy!"
"Bye Luke, please be nice to Richard today, okay?" She said, patting his hair.
Luke huffed. "Dun like dumb Richy."
"Lu! Come play at water table with Ashy!" Ashton shouted, tugging on Luke's hand.
They ran to the table and played with the toy boats in the shallow water.
"Beep beep!" Luke said, crashing his boat into Ashtons. "Oh no!" He cried.
He plopped down onto his bum. "Killded Ashys boat! Am sorry Ashy!"
"Is okay!" Ashton ran around and hugged his Luke. "Boaty is okay!"
"Must have funeral for Boaty." Luke sniffed, reaching his hands up for Ashton to help him to his feet.
"Hallo!" A voice called.
"Hallo Mikey." Ashton waved. "Are just in time for Boaty funeral."
"Dun wan go to funeral." Mikey frowned. "Too sad. Where the Cally Pally?"
"Not here yet." Luke said, cradling Ashtons boat in his hands.
Michael pouted. "Want the Cally Pally. Wanna hug the Cally Pally."
"Will be here soon." Ashton patted Michael's head.
Luke stepped in between them and offered up the boat.
Ashton took the boat and put it in the sand box. He buried it. "Is dead."
"Goodbye Boaty!" Luke cried into his hands and Ashton hugged him.
Luke pulled back. "Am hungry."
"But Lu, is not lunch box time yet." Ashton said.
"Lukey will die if he dun eat!" Luke wailed, throwing his arm over his eyes.
"No!" Ashton gasped, slapping his hands to his cheeks. "Never die, never!"
He ran to Luke's cubby and pulled out his lunch box. He grabbed the sandwich that was there and unwrapped it.
He ran back to Luke and handed him it. "Dun die!"
Luke giggled happily and clapped his hands at the sight of the sandwich. He accepted it and took a big bite, smiling up at Ashton.
Ashton sat down beside Luke and sighed. "Phew. Saved his Lukey."
"Ashton! Hi!"
Luke scowled and scooted closer to Ashton, practically sitting in his lap.
"Hallo Richy!" Ashton smiled politely.
"Go 'way, dumb Richy!" Luke shouted, dropping his sandwich to wrap his arms around Ashton.
Richard ignored Luke and sat down in front of Ashton. "How you?"
"Am good." Ashton patted Luke's face as Luke glowered at Richard. "How Richy?"
"Am okay." Richard giggled. "Ashton wanna play cars with Richy?"
"No!" Luke yelled, pulling Ashton closer. "He dun wan play with dumb Richy!"
"Lukey..." Ashton warned. "Must be nice."
"Dun wan be nice." Luke mumbled, burying his face into Ashton's shirt.
"Cally Pally!" Michael suddenly shouted.
He ran past them and knocked over Richard as he hurried to his best friend.
Luke laughed at Richard.
Ashton sighed and helped up the boy. "Richy is okay?"
Richard looked down at Ashton's hands that were on his arm and he grinned. "Richy is perfect."
Luke stopped laughing and glared. "Richy needs to stay in him own lane."
"Guys lookit! Is the Cally Pally!" Michael beamed as he walked over to them. He held Calums hand tightly.
Calum hid halfway behind Michael and gave them a small smile and a slight wave.
Ashton and Luke returned the wave. "Hallo the Cally Pally."
Calum blushed and hid behind Michael.
"Okay kids, come over here now so we can start!" Mrs. Parent called.
The kids gathered around her and the board, sitting on plush rugs on the floor.
Luke sat beside Ashton and shot Richard a glare when he tried to sit on Ashton's other side.
Michael sat there instead, sharing a rug with Calum.
"Does anybody know what today is?" She asked, sitting on her chair and facing her class.
"My birthday?" Someone asked.
"Is it?" Mrs. Parent asked, surprised.
"No." The kid looked at the floor.
"Oh. Well today is Thursday." She said. "And what do we do on Thursdays?"
"Story time!" The class cried.
"Lub story time!" Luke whispered to Ashton.
"Lub Lu." Ashton whispered back, making Luke blush happily.
"Today's story is Sleeping Beauty." Mrs. Parent said, pulling out the book from behind her chair. "Does anyone know it?"
Several hands shot into the air. "I do, I know it!" They yelled.
She quieted them before beginning.
During the story, Luke adjusted his rug so he could lean against Ashton's side. He stuck his tongue out at Richard whenever he caught the boy looking at Lu's Ashy.
Calum fell asleep, and Michael pulled the boy onto his lap. He pulled the rug over Calum like a blanket and ran his fingers lightly through the boys hair.
Luke watched them, then looked up at Ashton. He was watching the teacher and listening to the story intently.
When she finished, she dismissed them for lunch and play time.
They put the rugs away, except for Michael, who was still holding a sleeping Calum.
Ashton and Luke gathered around him.
"Must wake him up!" Luke said, wanting to go eat.
"No." Michael hugged Calum tightly.
"Must wake him up with a kiss! Like in the story!" Ashton shreiked.
"Okay." Michael agreed.
"Lukey will do it!" Luke shouted. He crouched down and pressed his lips against Calums cheek.
Calum stirred but stayed asleep.
Michael glared at Luke and hit him. "Dun do dat! Is not your Cally Pally!"
"Mikey wanna do it?" Ashton asked softly.
Michael nodded. Slowly, he bent down and gently kissed Calums nose.
Calums eyes fluttered open. He blinked a few times, before setting his big, brown eyes on Michael.
He giggled slightly and bit his thumb.
"Morning!" Michael said cheerfully. "Wanna go eat?"
Calum nodded, and they stood up. Michael led them to the snack table, and made sure Calum sat by him before sharing his lunch with the smaller boy.
"Ashy!" Luke tugged on Ashton's hand. "Am starving!"
"Let's go eat then." Ashton went to their cubbies and pulled out their lunch boxes.
They sat down at a table and opened their boxes.
Luke took out his cookie and frowned when he saw a packet of carrots in his box.
He took it out and slipped it into Richards box when the other boy wasn't looking.
Then he smiled and enjoyed his cookie.
Ashton split his lunch with Luke, and they talked and giggled about Barbies the whole time.
Then it was nap time, and Luke placed his sleeping mat right up against Ashton's.
Richard laid his out in front of Ashton. "Hi Ashton."
"Hallo." Ashton waved.
Luke pouted. "Ashy!"
"Dun talk to dumb Richy." He grabbed his toes and glared at Richard. "Is dumb."
"Lukey, be nice!" Ashton sighed, laying down. "Ashy luvoo him Lu, not Richy."
Luke huffed and grabbed Ashton into a sudden hug, rolling them over onto Luke's mat.
Ashton giggled. "Lu is jelly."
"Lu is not jelly." Luke muttered.
Ashton poked Luke's nose. "Is jelly like peanut butter and jelly."
Luke shook his head and grabbed Ashton closer. "Lukey dun share his Ashy is all."
"Das jelly." Ashton said. He hugged Luke. "Is okay though, cuz Ashy dun share his Lu either."
Luke beamed.
They fell asleep soon after that, then when nap time was over, preschool was almost done.
They did the clean up song and helped the teacher put away all the toys. (Luke made Richard dig up Boaty.)
Ashton helped Luke into his coat and shoes as they waited for Liz to come pick them up.
"Bye!" Michael called as his ride showed up. He dropped Calum off with Luke and Ashton.
He hugged Calum goodbye and handed him a small heart made from red felt from the crafts table. "Here, the Cally Pally. For you."
Calum giggled and rubbed the heart all over his face.
The three sat down and Luke and Ashton continued their talk of Barbies while Calum admired his heart.
"Hey boys, ready to go home?" Liz asked when she arrived.
"Mommy!" Luke stood up. "Learned a story today!"
"That's nice hun." She walked them back to her mini van. "Did you guys have fun today?"
"Any day with Ashy is fun." Luke nodded.
Ashton giggled and hid his blushing cheeks with his hands.
"That's good." She buckled them into their car seats. "Luke, I think we need to go shopping for some new clothes for you."
Ashton gasped suddenly. "Ashy need new clothes too! Mommy said she take Ashy and Luke for new clothes! Can do that tomorrow?"
"Yas yas!" Luke screamed.
"Alright, I'll talk to her about it." She nodded.
Ashton and Luke looked at each other and smiled.
Luke grabbed Ashton's hand, holding it between their car seats.
Ashton squeezed Luke's hand as they looked out their windows.
"Luvoo my Lu."
"Luvoo more my Ashy."
Second book is confirmed ^.^ and one of them is a cross dresser, but im not saying who yet hehe
Plus there will be a few more surprises in it, and I cant wait for you guys to read it!
Im going to write a few more one shots in here before I publish it tho, because they'll be essential to the second book.
RANDOM SHOUTOUTS TO @fragileluke AND @MrsCliffHoodHemWin ♡♡♡
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