National Lu Day
Luke tells Ashton it's National Lu Day.
Ashton: 5
Luke: 4
Ching chong!
"Luke! Ashton is here!" Liz called as she answered the doorbell that Mr. Hood had installed, to let in Ashton and his fanfuckingtastic mom.
Luke shrieked and flailed his arms and legs, tumbling down the stairs. "Ashon!"
"Lu," Ashton sighed. "Ashton has told Lu to walk down the stairses."
"Lu is rock punk." Luke stuck out his tongue, his smol hands patting the space in between his legs. (Ashton's spot) "Lu does what he wants."
"LMAO k." Ashton grabbed his bag and they went to Luke's room.
"Is troo!" Luke pouted. "Like troo moo!"
"Lukey has to follow rules doe." Ashton instructed. "Specially Ashtons'." (Daddeh)
Luke shook his head. "Not uh! Not on...Nashnol Lu Day."
"Tf?" Ashton asked.
Luke nodded, studying his smol nails. "Yeah, today is Nashnol Lu Day. Lukey does whatever (and whoever) he wants."
Ashton frowned. "Ashy has never heard of Lu day before."
"Shame on Ashon." Luke cried. "Didn't even know about Lu's day! H8s Lu!"
Ashton gasped and ran to him. "No! Ashton lobs him little Luberry! How does Ashton celebrate Lu day?"
"Well," Luke tapped his baby chin as he thought. "Ashon gets Lu all the food he wants."
Ashton nodded quickly. "Will go get Lukey all the food right now!" He hurried down the stairs and ran to the fridge, grabbing as many items as he could in his little arms.
When he came back upstairs, Luke was sitting on a throne.
"Also," Luke continued, grabbing a grape, "Ashon kisses his Lu, and gives mani pedis!"
"Wassat?" Ashton cocked his head. "Mini penis?"
"What's penis?" Luke asked in confusion.
"Dunno, sounds like a disease." Ashton shrugged. "Ashton is glad he doesn't have one."
"Also," Luke declared, "Give Lu massage."
Ashton obliged and went behind Luke (get some), giving him (head) a shoulder massage.
"Kisses!" Luke shrieked, clapping his hands.
Ashton pressed two kisses to Luke's cheek.
Luke smiled. He could get used to national Luke day.
"Ashy! Get Lu more 1D magazines!" Luke cried. "Needs posters!"
But Ashton was laying on the bed, totally passed out from running all of Luke's demands all evening.
Luke huffed. "Lu has to do everything himself."
He slid off his throne and walked over to Ashton. "Ashy? Waked up!"
Ashton sniffed in his sleep and rolled over, his curly hair hanging in his face.
"Cant be night night time yet!" Luke wailed. "Is not even dinner time! Who will get Lu his food?"
But Ashton cuddled into the blankets and Luke suddenly felt guilty. He made his very best Ashon friend tired.
Luke frowned. He looked down at his tummy and punched it. "Get out, bad feeling! Stop making Lukey feel naughty!"
But the feeling stayed and Luke sniffed, wiping his eyes. "Am sowwy, Ashy. Lu won't even blame dumb Richy for this; was all Lu's fault."
He tucked Ashton in, even giving him his stuffed penguin. He plugged the night light in, even though Ashton didn't need it. He leaned in and kissed Ashtons cheek. "Goodnoot frond."
When Ashton woke up the next morning, he was surprised to find himself covered in fluffy blankets and big pillows.
He even had Luke's penguin. But Luke always slept with Pengy!
Quickly, Ashton climbed out of the bed. "Lu? Where Lu?"
Luke was sleeping on the floor beside the bed, using a towel as a blanket. He woke up and rubbed his eyes. "Morning Ashon!"
"Why Lu sleep on floor?" Ashton asked, bending down and patting Luke's face.
"Cos Lukey didn't deserve bed." Luke sighed. "Lu was bad frond yesterday. Didn't treat his Ashon like the princess he is."
Ashton blushed.
"Lukey is gunna makes it up doe!" Luke said excitedly. He grabbed Ashtons hand and led him to the throne. "Here!" He sat Ashton down on it.
"Today is Nashnol Ashy Day!" Luke giggled, clapping his hands.
Ashton giggled too, hiding his mouth with his hands. "Yayaa!"
Luke bowed. "What does Ashy want?"
Ashton smiled. "Just to be with him Lu."
Luke beamed and crawled up, into Ashtons lap. "Lukey lubs Ashy ♡."
"Ashy lubs him lil Luberry ♡." Ashton squealed, hugging Luke so hard the boy squeaked.
The rest of the day was spent playing Barbie together and giving each other smol kisses.
They couldn't wait for the next Nashnol day.
My phone corrected Luke to like. Every single time. Without fail.
Can u imagine nashnol Mikey day tho? #GetRekt
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