Lemonade Stand
Ashton: 5
Luke: 4 ("And a half!")
Its summer and the boys decide to open a lemonade stand so they can earn some money.
"Oo! Ooo!" Luke gasped, making grabby hands at the toys on the shelves. "Want da dolly!"
"Need money." Ashton pointed to the price sticker.
Luke stuck his tongue out and reached into his pocket, pulling out a half eaten sucker and some lint. "This 'nough?"
"Hmmm....no." Ashton sighed. He tugged on his moms hand. "Mommy, want to buy dolly for Lu, but don't have money. Mommy give Ashy money?"
His mom stopped pushing the cart. "If you save up some money yourself and buy it, then I'll drive you to the store and you can get it."
"But how make money?" Ashton whined.
"What about a lemonade stand?" She asked as they stopped at the check out.
"Lukey loves lemmanade!" Luke nodded approvingly.
"Lucas, what's under your shirt?" Mrs. Irwin crossed her arms.
"Luke's tummy." Luke pulled his shirt further over the box he was trying to hide.
"Luke, stealing is naughty. You don't want to be a naughty boy, do you?"
Luke's eyes welled up with tears. "No! Luke good boy! Don't want time outs or spanks!"
"Then hand over the doll." Mrs. Irwin held her hand out.
Luke sighed but lifted up his shirt, and the doll fell to the floor. "Lu is sorry."
"Is okay LuLu," Ashton patted his head. "Make lemmanade stand and make money and get doll!"
"Can Lukey buy all da lemmanade?" Luke asked. "Have quarters."
"No Lu, for da buyers. Dey give us money!" Ashton explained as they walked to the car.
"Oooh, yes yes." Luke nodded.
Mrs. Irwin unloaded the stuff and buckled the kids into their car seats before getting behind the wheel.
"How many lemmanade we need?" Luke asked.
"Um, umm, this many!" Ashton spread his arms wide.
"Ten!" Luke screeched. He frowned. "Wait...dunno how to make da lemmanade."
"I'll help you with that." Mrs. Irwin said. "You two just have to sell it."
"Will sell all da lemmanade!" Ashton shouted. "Then get dolly!"
"Why do you want the doll so bad? It's just a Barbie, your sister has a ton in her room." Mrs. Irwin asked.
"Think she pretty." Luke said. "Pretty like Ashton."
"Nu, much more pretty like Luke." Ashton disagreed.
"Plus like her clothes!" Luke shrieked.
"Yas yas! Mommy will buy Ashy clothes like on da dolly?" Ashton asked excitedly.
"You're God damn right I will."
"Okay, here's the lemonade, your father is outside with the stand." Mrs. Irwin said, handing down a large pitcher of lemonade to her son.
Luke sucked on a sugar cube and followed Ashton outside.
Ashton's dad was hammering in the last nail into the stand. "You guys ready?"
"Yis, am going to sell lemmanade to da people so can get money to buy da dolly." Ashton nodded, setting the pitcher on the table, spilling a little.
"For Luke!" Luke shouted. "Is gun buy da dolly for Luke!"
"Yis." Ashton sat on the stool and patted the other one for Luke to sit down beside him.
Luke poked his tongue out and climbed on.
Mr. Irwin hung the lemonade sign up. "We'll be inside if you two need any help. No going into the street, okay?"
"Oki daddy." Ashton smiled.
"Lukey wants lemmanade." Luke pouted, reaching for it.
"'Top it!" Ashton whined, pushing Luke away. "For da people, 'member?"
"But Lukey neeeeeed it!" Luke cried.
"Okay, will get small glass for Ashys Lu." Ashton relented and climbed off the stool. He went around to the front and grabbed a Styrofoam cup.
"Yayayaya." Luke licked his sugar cube as Ashton shakily poured him a glass.
"Dere go." Ashton set the cup down in front of Luke.
"Tankie Lu's Ashy." Luke said, taking a drink.
"Aw, are you two selling lemonade?" A voice asked.
The boys looked up to see a woman walking her dog had stopped in front of their stand.
"Yes, am selling lemmanade to buy dolly." Ashton nodded. "Want some?"
"Sure, how much is it?" The lady asked.
"Puppy!" Luke shrieked. "Luke can pet da puppy?"
"Sure." The woman smiled. "His name is Calum."
"Asian puppy." Luke giggled, patting the puppys head.
"Is a quarter for da lemmanade." Ashton said. She handed him one, and he concentrated on pouring her a glass without spilling.
"Thank you, have a nice day." She sipped her drink and walked away.
"Bye bye!" They called after her.
"Have enuff for dolly now?" Luke asked.
"Dunno...dunno how much dolly is." Ashton said.
They stared at each other. Luke licked his sugar cube seriously. "Uh oh."
"This prob'lee enuff." Ashton jumped off his stool. "Go back to store and get dolly now!"
Luke ran after him and they went inside.
"Mommy mommy mommy!" Ashton chanted. "Got money! Go to store now?"
"You got enough already?" Mrs. Irwin asked. Ashton showed her the quarter.
"Oh...well, I mean-" She tried.
"But mommy said she bring Ashy and Lukey to store if got money. Well, got money!" Ashton explained.
"Well...I suppose you did." She sighed. "Alright, lets go."
"This was the one, right?" She asked, taking a Barbie off the shelf.
"Yas yas yas!" Luke screamed. "Das da dolly!"
Ashton clasped his hands over his ears and glared at Luke. "Lukey! Have told you, use indoor voice!"
"Sorry." Luke whispered.
They went to the checkout and Mrs. Irwin paid for the doll, letting them keep their quarter.
When they got home, the two boys went straight (Lel, dey gay af) to Ashton's room to open the doll.
Ashton took it out of the box and they ooo'ed.
"Is pretty!" Luke gasped. "Jus' like Lu's Ashy!"
"Luuuu...." Ashton whined, blushing. He handed Luke the doll. "Lukey can play with dolly first, since was so nice to Ashy."
Luke beamed and made the doll hop around for a bit. They took turns playing with it, and added in some other toys as well to play school.
An hour later, Mrs. Irwin stuck her head in the door. "Boys, Liz is here. Are you ready to head home, Luke?"
Luke pouted. "But...will miss Ashon."
"Will miss Luke." Ashton cried.
"You've been together all day." She sighed. "You can play again tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay, Lukey will come back tomorrow to play with Ashy and dolly." He stood up and hugged Ashton.
"Bye bye!" Ashton called after him. He picked up the doll.
"So...my baby boy likes skirts and high heels, huh?" Mrs. Irwin smiled.
"Think dey are pretty." Ashton murmured. "No bows though, bows for girls."
"How about we go shopping sometime then?" She asked hopefully. "We can buy you all the skirts and shirts you want!"
"Lukey come with?"
"Then okay." Ashton smiled. "Mommy? Ashy can have some lemmanade?"
"Of course hun." She took his hand and they went downstairs to enjoy some lemmanade.
Im thinking of maybe doing a book about baby luke and ashton when they are grown up, so like when these one shots r done, and one or both of them may be a cross dresser oops cx
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