Imaginary Friends
Luke gets an imaginary friend and Ashton gets jealous.
Ashton: 4
Luke: 3
On a Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Irwin dropped her son off at Luke's house for a play date.
Ashton eagerly climbed the stairs to Luke's room. He knocked on the door, a big smile on his face.
After a minute or so, the door still hadnt opened and Ashton frowned. "Lu? Ashys Lu?" He knocked again.
He could hear Luke talking from inside the room, and he pouted. Knocking harder, he called out, "Lukey! Open door!"
Finally, the door creaked open. "Ashy hun ♡!" Luke smiled. "Hallo!"
Ashton walked inside. "Why Lukey ignore him Ashy?" He plopped onto the floor and pouted. "Rude."
"Oh, didn't hear." Luke shrugged. He faced his tea set. "So, as Lukey was saying-"
"Um, Lu...who Lu talking to?" Ashton cocked his head.
Luke beamed and grabbed his toes. He pointed to the opposite side of his tea set. "Lukeys new frand, Dexter!"
"Dexter?" Ashton scoffed, glaring. "Is no one there!"
"Dexter is mind friend!" Luke giggled. "Made him while Ashy hun ♡ was gone for years!"
"Was gone for two days." Ashton mumbled. "Visit fam fam."
"Dexter!" Luke screeched in laughter. "Dun be mean at Lu's Ashy!"
"What?!" Ashton shouted.
"Nuffink." Luke waved him off and refilled 'Dexters' cup of water. "Dexy wan cookie?" He offered up a plate of nothing.
Ashton glared and crossed his arms as Luke continued to play with his imaginary friend.
Eventually he stood up and left the room.
Luke didn't even notice.
Ashton went downstairs and planked across his moms lap. "Mommy, Lu is meanie!"
"How so?" She asked.
"Likes Dexy more than Ashy!" Ashton huffed. "Won't pay 'tention to Ashy!"
"Smh." She patted his hair.
"Dexter?" Mrs. Hemmings asked. "Oh he's Luke's imaginary friend. He'll be gone when Luke forgets about him in a week or so."
"But wan Lukey to pay 'tention to Ashy now!" Ashton whined.
Mrs. Irwin pushed Ashton off her lap. "No one likes a whiney bitch." She sipped her tea.
Ashton pouted on the floor. "Everyone always abuse Ashy."
"Yeah." She nudged him with her foot. "Go play with Luke."
Sighing, Ashton made his way back up to Luke's room.
He threw the door open. "Lewkas!"
Luke jumped. "A-Ashy!"
Ashton marched over and grabbed Luke's face. He pressed his lips to Lukes and kissed him.
Luke's eyes went wide and he squeaked in surprise.
"Frick frack dumb Dexy." Ashton said when he pulled back. He glared. "Lukey have Ashy, dun need dumb Dexy, oki?"
"O-o-oki." Luke stuttered. He blushed and smiled, hiding his cheeks with his small hands. "Ashy hun ♡ finally kissed his Lu."
"Was right time." Ashton sat down in Dexters spot. "Now play tea party!"
"Tea party!" Luke cheered, already forgetting about Dexter.
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