Finger Painting
The boys are finger painting when they accidentally get some on the floor and wall.
Ashton: 4
Luke: 3
"Ashon? Can Ashy pass da wed?" Luke asked as he smeared blue paint across his canvas.
"Dere go." Ashton handed the cup of red paint to Luke as he colored his own canvas yellow and orange with his fingers.
"Gunna make rainbow!" Luke giggled happily, splattering the red all over his painting with his fists.
"Gunna make Lukey and Ashy." Ashton poked his tongue out as he carefully made Luke's hair yellow.
Luke gasped. "Ashy! Really? So sweet, Lukey changed his mind. Lukey gunna make Ashy and Lukey too!"
He reached for the purple, but his hands were slippery from paint and he tipped it over on accident.
The paint spilled out from the cup and washed over the carpet and wall.
Ashton gasped.
Luke gasped.
Ashton picked the cup up and set it aside. "Uh oh! Lukey spilled!"
"Lukey gunna get spanked!" Luke cried, falling on his bum. "No want spanks!"
"Soki Lukey, clean it up before mommy sees." Ashton ran to the kitchen and Luke followed.
First, Ashton made Luke wash his hands and get all the paint off of their fingers. Then he grabbed a washcloth and handed it to Luke. "Go get purple off of wall, Ashy go get purple off of carpet."
"Right." Luke nodded and hurried to the wall.
Ashton scooped up as much paint as he could off the carpet, and threw it into the sink.
Luke pressed the cloth against the wall and smeared it around the stain, creating a bigger stain. "Oh..."
Ashton came back and frowned. "Picked up paint from carpet, but paint still there!" He grabbed some towels and threw them over the floor stain. "Ah, better."
"Ashy help Lukey!" Luke wailed. "Made mess and now will get spanks!"
"Hmmm..." Ashton grabbed their canvases and leaned them against the wall, hiding the purple mess. "Dere!"
"Boys, are you all done finger painting?" Liz called, coming down the stairs. "It's time to go to Ashton's house now."
"Yas mama, all done!" Luke shouted.
"Wow, what beautiful paintings! And you even washed your hands? Good boys!" She helped them out of their painting aprons.
"Yay, go see Ashys house now!" Luke kicked his feet excitedly as his mom helped them both into their car seats.
"No spanks." Ashton beamed.
Liz dropped them off at Ashton's and kissed them both goodbye, before driving home, where she found a big purple stain on her wall and smeared into her carpet.
There was even some paint in the sink. Not to mention all the little purple footprints that ran from the living room, to the kitchen, and back again.
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