Dedicated to hakunamatata0723 for the idea!!
Luke goes missing one day, and Ashton needs Michael's and the Calums help to find him.
Ashton: 5
Luke: 4
Michael: 5
The Calum: 4 1/2
Ashton and Luke were sitting outside in the backyard, playing with Luke's beloved Barbie.
"Ashon!" Luke suddenly screeched, flailing his little arms.
Startled, Ashton let out a cry and fell onto his back. "Lu! Lu, what? Is oki? Get ouchie boo boo?" He frantically ran over and patted Luke's face and body. "What matter?!"
"Am hungry." Luke sniffed.
Ashton stopped and stared at Luke. "Dun do dat!" He wailed. "Scared Ashy!"
"Am sorry. And hungry!" Luke cried, clutching Ashton's hand. "Mostly hungry!"
"Lu just had crackers doe!" Ashton sighed.
"Needs more!" Luke shouted.
"Fine fine. Come with Ashy and go get aminal crackers." Ashton stood up, but Luke didn't.
"Lu? Come on!" Ashton said.
Luke shook his head and picked up his Barbie. "Nuh uh. Wan play with Barbie!"
"Am noot leaving Lu out here on him own!" Ashton shook his head. "Is just a little Lu, will get lost like in store."
"Wasn't lost doe!" Luke pouted. "Just saw shiny things. Lu will just sit here and play with beautiful Barbie and that's all."
"No." Ashton crossed his arms. "Ashy lost him daddy, will noot lose him little Lu berry."
(I am cri)
"Ashy can trust Lu." Luke smiled. "Crackers are fast, Lu will just sit here and play."
"Can't Lu bring Barbie with?" Ashton pleaded.
"Nah." Luke shook his head.
"Argh!" Ashton slapped both hands to his face. "Lu is so hard!" (*cackles*)
Luke giggled. "Please Ashy hun ♡?"
Ashton sighed. "Fine...Ashon be very berry right back, Lukey do noot go into street, or Ashy never ever cuddles him agains."
Luke nodded and saluted Ashton. "Get many crackers! Ten!"
"Oki." Ashton kissed Luke's forehead before hurrying into the kitchen to get the box of animal crackers.
He pulled up a chair to the counter and crawled up so he could reach the cupboard.
He opened it and pulled out the box.
He quickly climbed off the chair and ran back outside. "Here Lu, got- Lu? Lu?!"
He dropped the box and stared in shock at the empty place where Luke was a few minutes ago.
The Barbie was gone too.
"Needs back up." Ashton mumbled. He pulled out a fake plastic cell phone from his pocket.
He ran next door to Michael's house. "Ring ring!" He called, knocking on Michael's door.
The door opened and Michael stood there, holding his own plastic cell phone. "Hi."
"Needs help." Ashton spoke into the phone while looking at Michael.
"What with? Am busy tickling the Cally Pally." Michael said.
"Ashys Lukey is missing! Needs help finding him!" Ashton explained.
"Why?" Michael asked, as the Calum walked up and hid behind him.
"Cuz luvoo Lukey!" Ashton cried. "Needs Lukey to be happy!"
"Hmm." Michael patted the Calums hair. "Fine. Will help find dummy Lu."
"Thank." Ashton said, relieved.
"The Cally Pally? Wan help find Lu?" Ashton asked.
The Calum shrugged and sucked his thumb.
"Mikey will be there." Ashton persuaded.
Calum brightened and smiled. He nodded and grabbed Michaels hand.
"Oki lez go!" Ashton declared.
"Left him here, went get crackers, came back, Lu gone!" Ashton explained, pointing to the spot where he left Luke.
"Hmm." Michael bent down and picked up the box. "These animal crackers?"
Ashton nodded.
Michael ate some. "Hmm."
"Barbie is gone too." Ashton said. "Lu taked Barbie with- would never leave Barbie alone."
"Well," Michael handed some crackers to Calum. "This your fault."
"What?" Ashton screeched.
"You left Lu all by his lonesome." Michael shrugged. "Dummy."
"Oh Ashys fault!" Ashton cried.
"Yeah." Michael ate another cracker.
"M'wikey!" Calum shrieked.
Michael instantly was at the baby's side. "Yes boo?"
Calum pointed at the ground.
"Footsteps!" Ashton gasped. "Follow!" He ran after the footsteps and the others chased after him.
"Lead to shed!" Ashton reached for the handle but couldn't reach it. "Mikey, help!"
Michael groaned.
He laid on the ground in front of the shed and Ashton stood on his back. He managed to reach the handle, and he pulled it open.
"Lu walks a lonely road..." Luke was singing to his Barbie.
"Lukey!" Ashton yelled. He ran into the shed and tackled Luke into a hug.
"Ashy hun ♡!" Luke screeched. "Finded Lu!"
"What was you doing in shed?" Michael asked.
"Was chasing butterfly and chased it into shed, then wind blew door shut and Lukey wasn't big enough to reach handle!" Luke cried.
"Oh Lu." Ashton sighed and kisses Luke's cheek repeatedly. "Go homes now?"
"Homes now." Luke nodded.
Ashton picked up Luke and carried him back to the yard. Michael held the Calums hand and followed.
"Am very berry hungry now!" Luke announced.
"Ated all the crackers." Michael shrugged.
Luke gasped. "Evil dumb face!"
"Hey, if Lu wants to eat crackers, shouldn't lock himself in sheds!" Michael said.
Ashton patted Luke's head. "Mikey has point."
Luke sighed and cuddled into Ashton's side. "Nap time."
"I call the Cally Pally!" Michael said, grabbing the Calum into a hug, making the Calum burst into giggles.
Ashton wrapped his arms around Luke protectively. "Goo' night Lukey berry, luvoo."
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