Ashton: 4
Luke: 3
It's Christmas day but Luke forgot to get Ashton a present.
"Ashton get back here with my bra!"
Ashton squealed with giggles as he ran around the house, his hands raised above his head with his chubby little fingers clutching a black bra.
His eyes sparkled with happiness and his curly hair bounced everywhere, including in his eyes and he crashed into a wall.
His mom caught up to him and picked him up by his foot. She snatched it back and stuck her tongue in Ashton's face. "I win."
Ashton whimpered and tried to grab it back. "Uhn, ugh, Mo-Mo! Gimme! Give Ashy!"
"No! My bra! Mine!" She was just glad she had grabbed her robe before running after her son as the windows were open and their neighbors were giving her mean looks.
Probably cause all the blood had rushed to Ashton's head and he was swaying slightly, looking a little sick.
She waved to them, to show everything was alright. But a second later her hand was holding nothing and she heard a thump on the floor beside her.
Her neighbors eyes went wide.
She looked down and saw she had dropped Ashton. Again.
Ashton stared up at her with stunned eyes. "Mo-Mo....why?"
"Shush, you're okay." She picked him up. "Not a word of this to your father."
"Just want Luke." Ashton mumbled and sighed, leaning backwards, out of her arms.
Mrs. Irwin gasped and barely managed to catch him. "Calm down child! You'll see him later. Do you have his present?"
Ashton nodded. "Got him good present!"
"Can I do your hair today?" She asked as she set him in front of the mirror in the bathroom.
Ashton looked at her through the glass. "No bows!"
She glared. "Fine." She brushed his hair straight, but it just bounced back curly.
She sighed. "This is a sign. He's gay."
She suddenly brightened and screamed loudly, startling Ashton so bad he fell off the chair.
He burst out in tears. "Mo-Mo! Whyyy?"
"Shush, you're okay. Not a word of this to your father." She set him back in front of the mirror and brushed his hair.
It was noon by the time Mr. Irwin came home and they left for Luke's house to celebrate Christmas.
Ashton held Luke's present in his arms rather stiffly. It was as big as him, and he ended up placing it beside his car seat because he was too small to hold it any longer.
They pulled into Luke's driveway and Ashton kicked his feet in excitement. "See Lukey! Go see Ashton's Lukey!"
Mrs. Irwin carried him inside while his dad grabbed the present.
Liz met them at the door and let them in.
The house was decorated festively and you could smell what was baking in the oven.
Mr. Irwin put the present by the tree and Ashton toddled to the kitchen, where Luke was eating cookies in his high chair.
Ashton smiled and sat down, staring admiringly up at Luke.
Luke contentedly ate his cookie bits, unaware Ashton was there.
Ashton crawled closer and realized that Luke was talking to himself.
"One piece Lukey...two piece piece Lukey...three piece Ashy!"
He was sorting his cookie bits into piles. One was very much bigger than the other.
Ashton gasped softly and used Luke's high chair to pull himself to his feet. "Lukey!"
Luke screamed in surprise and the cookies went flying.
Ashton caught one and handed it to Luke. "One piece Lukey!"
Luke giggled and took it, shoving the whole thing in his mouth. (Dont u dare comment what ur thinking)
Ashton walked to the front of the chair and tugged on the tray part of the chair, managing to pull it off. "Lukey come play with Ashy now!"
Luke struggled to unclip his seatbelt but he couldn't get it and he started to cry.
Ashton frowned and crawled onto Luke's lap. "Nono tears Lukey, nono." He wiped them away with his soft hands and smiled. "Can Lukey smile for Ashy?"
Luke hiccuped and stared at Ashton.
Ashton poked Luke's cheek. "Please? Ashy lobs Lukey's smile."
Luke giggled. Ashton beamed and clapped his hands. "Yay! Smiley Lukey!"
Luke laughed harder. "Smiley Ashy is best Ashy!"
Ashton climbed off the chair, his face red with blush. "O-oh...Lukey think so?"
Luke smiled and nodded. "Very berry much."
"Oh Luke, are you done eating and, hey why is there cookies all over the floor?" Liz asked as she entered the kitchen.
"Ashy's fault." Ashton said.
"Why must you put my cookies on the floor Ashton?" She sighed and got Luke out of his high chair.
Luke giggled into his hands when she set him down and he ran to Ashton. "Know what today is?"
"Merry Christmas day!" Ashton cried out happily.
"Merry Christmas day Ashy." Luke smiled bashfully, taking Ashton's hand.
"Merry Christmas day too, Lu." Ashton giggled and squeezed their hands.
"Alright guys, time to open presents!" Mr. Hemmings called after they ate dinner.
"Presents!" Luke gasped. "Presents, presents, presents, pres-"
"Careful Lukey!" Ashton wailed and grabbed onto Luke's shirt, stopping him from tumbling down the stairs.
Luke gasped and sat down. "Almost died...."
"S'okay, Ashy protect his Lu." Ashton smiled and sat beside Luke, leaning against the younger boy.
"Tank you." Luke smiled back. "Lob being Ashy's Lu."
"Boys! Are you coming to open presents or not?" Someone called up.
"Coming for presents!" Ashton yelled down.
He took Luke's hand and they carefully slid down the stairs.
"Here Luke, why don't you open Ashton's present first?" Mrs. Hemmings asked.
"Otay!" Luke beamed and sat down in front of the giant box.
He began ripping at the paper, and five minutes later, managed to get it all off.
His mom cut the top of the box open and tipped the box on its side so Luke could see inside.
Luke's lower lip trembled and he burst into tears. "Empty!"
Ashton giggled. "Lu..., here." And he pulled out another, much smaller box. This one had holes punched in the top.
Luke sniffed and wiped his eyes, crawling over. "Dis one empty too?"
Ashton giggled. "No."
Luke sniffed again and took the lid off.
Luke gasped as a tiny kitten popped its head out. "Kitty!"
He watched in astonishment as the tiny kitten jumped out of the box and began sniffing its surroundings.
"Luke, say thank you to A-"
"Tank you Lu's Ashy!" Luke shouted. "Tank you, tank you, tank you!"
Ashton blushed and smiled. "Lukey welcome."
"Now Luke," Mr. Hemmings held the kitten, "go get Ashton's present."
Luke suddenly blanked. "Ashy's present?"
"Yes, the gift you bought for Ashton. Go get it." Mrs. Hemmings said.
"Uuuuuhhh....." Luke looked around the room. "Go get, now?"
"Yes." Mr. Hemmings said.
Luke bit his lip. "But..."
"Lu?" Ashton asked softly. "Does you not have a present?"
"No!" Luke huffed. "Lukey go get Ashy's present now."
He climbed up the stairs to his room. "Oh frick frack."
He looked around the room for something to give Ashton, but there was nothing.
He sighed and crawled back out. "Fricking frick frack."
And then something caught his eye.
Ashton petted the kitten while they waited for Luke to come down.
"Lu has Ashy's present!" Luke announced suddenly.
Everyone looked up to see Luke coming down the stairs, one hand behind his back.
Luke toddled up to Ashton. "Stand please Ashy."
Ashton set the kitten down and stood.
Luke raised the hand that was behind his back above their heads. "Merry Christmas day Ashy."
And he leaned in and kissed Ashton under the mistletoe he was holding.
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