Ashton Lobs Luke
Dedicated to Brookdallas-grier for the idea!
Ashton loves Luke, but doesn't know how to tell him.
But when the two families go on vacation and Ashton and Luke share a room, Ashton might finally be able to tell Luke how he feels.
"And this is yours and Luke's room." Ashton kicked his feet in the air as his mom lowered him to the floor of their hotel room.
He giggled and ran to Luke. "Hai Lu!"
Luke giggled too. "Ashy!" He gave him a hug and Ashton blushed into his hands.
Luke ran around the room, full of pent up energy from the long car ride.
"Are you sure you can handle it?" Mrs. Irwin was asking Mrs. Hemmings. "Ashton's never slept in a different place without me before."
"We'll all be fine." Mrs. Hemmings said. "He can share a bed with Luke. It'll be like a sleep over!"
Ashton shrieked suddenly, banging his hands on the window.
Luke gasped and slid off the bed. He ran over to Ashton and looked out the window with him.
Ashton looked over at him and smiled. Luke pounded on the window too. "Da da da!" He babbled.
Ashton shreiked with laughter. Luke laughed because Ashton was laughing.
"You see? They'll be fine." Mrs. Hemmings said. "Now let's go to the pool before they close."
Mrs. Irwin took Ashton back to her room to get him changed and they met up at the pool a few minutes later.
Mrs. Irwin set Ashton in his floatie and placed him in the shallow end of the pool.
Luke giggled and swam over in his floatie. "Ashy!"
Ashton smiled and spun around in circles, making waves.
Luke laughed loudly and clapped his hands.
Ashton splashed his hands in the water, making both of them screech with laughter.
"Hey! No more splashing!" One of the moms shouted and Ashton stopped in fear.
Luke giggled and started splashing instead. Ashton giggled too and joined him.
There was a sigh but they boys were allowed to continue splashing.
After a while, Luke was getting tired, he nearly fell asleep in his floatie. Ashton swam behind him and pushed him to the steps, where Mrs. Hemmings was waiting to take her son.
Ashton reached his arms up and Mrs. Irwin picked him up and carried him out of the pool.
They walked to the elevators and Luke sighed, resting his head on his moms shoulder. Ashton reached his hand out and Luke smiled, taking his hand. Ashton blushed and hid his face in his moms chest.
The elevator dinged and they were carried to their rooms.
Mrs. Irwin changed Ashton out of his swimsuit and into his pajamas. She laid the sleepy boy besides Luke and Luke smiled, pulling Ashton closer to him.
Ashton giggled and faced him. He waved his fist and Luke grinned, waving back.
"You see, they'll be fine! Now go, your husband is probably looking for you." Mrs. Hemmings said, shooing Mrs. Irwin out of the room.
She shut the door and tucked the boys in. "Night boys. Just remember to use protection, okay?" She kissed their heads and shut off the light, climbing into her own bed.
"Po-potek-pro..." Ashton frowned, trying to copy what Mrs. Hemmings.
"Shun!" Luke screeched and they laughed.
"Shush it!" Liz called and they hid under the covers, giggling into their hands.
Ashton looked Luke in the eyes, his heart pounding. He reached out and brushed a stray strand of Luke's hair behind his ear. "Lu...."
Luke smiled up at him. "Ashy." He grabbed his toes and giggled.
"Lu." Ashton breathed out, nearly in tears because he was so nervous. Luke frowned and crawled closer to Ashton. "Ashy?"
Ashton's breath caught and he looked at Luke with big eyes. "Lu..A-Ashy..."
"Yah?" Luke tilted his head to the side, putting his hands on Ashton's legs.
"U-uh, Ashy...Ashy lobs...l-lobs..." Ashton stuttered, leaning backwards as Luke leaned in.
"Um, Lu. A-Ashy lobs...Lu."
Luke gasped and fell, landing on top of Ashton. "Ashy lobs Lu?!"
Ashton nodded, staring up at the younger boy with fond eyes. "Yah...lots."
"Oh.." Luke closed his eyes and slowly leaned in. Ashton's eyes widened and he waited anxiously for Luke's lips to press against his own.
Suddenly the covers were yanked off and Liz screamed down at them. "MY BABY IS IN LOVE! OH MY GOOOOD!"
Luke screamed and rolled off Ashton. Ashton sat up and clutched his chest tightly with both hands. "Mama!" Luke wailed. "Noooo! Don't!"
Liz covered them back up and stepped back. "Sorry, sorry. I'll just go scream outside."
She left and Ashton looked over at Luke.
Suddenly they both burst out laughing.
Ashton laid down and Luke cuddled up beside him.
"Hay Ashy?" Luke whispered in the dark a few moments later.
"Lu lobs Ashy too." He blushed and buried his face in the pillow. Ashton blushed and smiled. "Kay, tanks."
He hugged Luke and Luke smiled, closing his eyes.
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