vampire bendy x Katie
( I forget to mention that I can also do my OCS x babvc oh well!!)
Katie's pov
"I'm going out for a walk ok?!" I shouted to vixi
"Oki Doki just be careful!!!" Vixi yelled back we live in the woods close to an old house it looked fancy and clean from the inside though.... The people said that it used to be a home for vampires from long ago we didn't want to stay there because vixi thought it would be disrespectful to take it just like that and throw all of the old expensive things that were in there
I decided to check it out because vixi said she kept hearing talking from there in the middle of the night of course I'm kinda of a deep sleeper so I literally can not hear anything
When I was close I heard talking
'wait how is this possible?! no one is allowed in there and no one owns this place!!??' I thought as I peeked in through the window
Then I saw a cup,mug, wolf, and I think that's it ....NO WAIT!!
There's also a short demon kinda me and vixi's hight but shorter how is that even possible?!?!
(Vixi: do you believe in magic~🎼🎼 Katie: kinda vixi: then I believe that's your answer)
I can hear them saying something......
"So did you hear?.." the cup asked
"Hear what?" The wolf asked
"Someone took the house next to us" the cup answered
"Oh! You mean the blue fox and the fox angel and the wolf?!" The wolf asked
"Yeah them" the cup said
"What about them?" The demon asked but I kinda felt my cheeks heat up I don't know why though...
"The blue fox girl noticed that something is going on with our house" the cup answered
"So she and her friends are on too us is that what you want to say?" The mug asked
"Yeah I'm kinda worried they will find out that we live here"
The cup said
"Listen cuphead if they did find out then we know what to do" the demon said
I backed away afraid that they will notice me then I heard a *crack* 'oh no I'm so dead!!' I thought
Bendy's pov
I heard a crack from outside was someone spying on us?!
'Whoever it was I will suck every single blood from them until there is no drop!!!' i thought to myself
"you guys stay here I'll see who it is" I whispered to them they nodded there head ok
I opened the door and walked outside it was pretty quiet and empty though.... WAIT I SEE SOMETHING!!!
I turned into my bat form and headed towards the person
(Kinda like this)
'wait a minute it's that fox angel from next door........huh she looks a lot more cuter from up close..... WAIT WHAT !!??FOCUS BENDY SHE WAS SPYING ON US!!!!! she looks kinda scared... it was............... adorable!'
"Oh my gosh I'm so dead this is the end of my life!!! I will miss vixi and her pancakes I really wanted to eat one last pancake before I die but scratch that!!!" She whispered to herself
I couldn't help but giggle I mean who wouldn't that was kinda funny!!
Katie's pov
I heard a small giggle in front of me I looked up so see a small bat with yellow eyes kinda the same color of my halo
"W what a a are you laughing a at?!" I asked/said shy like
"Oh sorry it's just the way you were panicking about someone named vixi and ....pancakes?..." The bat sai- whoa wait a minute it can talk???!!!!
"W Wha h how c c can y you t t talk!!!!???!!" I started to panic even more than before
"Oh I forget I'm still in my bat form.. hold on a second!" He said then he transformed into a demon kinda like the one I saw inside.......
WAIT WHAT???!!!!
Oh no I'm dead I'm soooo dead!!! He's gonna kill meeee!!!!
I panicked so hard I didn't even notice that our faces were a few inches away from each other
Then I felt a pair of cold lips touch mine
I snapped back to reality and saw that the one who was kissing me ..........
It was the demon!!!
Bendy's pov
I kissed her soft warm lips
(😅😅😅😅what am I doing with my life?!?!😅😅😅)
Right now She is blushing as red as a fresh rose
(Again.... WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE?!?!😂😂😂)
I broke the kiss and smirked at her 'she is so adorable when she's embarrassed ~" I decided to flirt with her
"My name is bendy what's your name sweetheart~" I said as I held her hand
She blushed even more and said
"I it's k Katie!" "Katie huh? What a lovely name for a lovely fox angel like you~" I said and kissed her hand making her blush so hard it puts cuphead's nose to shame
(That was a sentence from one of Fiona's story's not mine ok?)
"Now may I ask you something?~" she nodded yes
"Why were you spying on us don't you know it's not nice to spy on people?~" Katie's eyes widened when she heard me and began to panic like it was the end of the world
"I I I d didn't m m mean t t to spy on y you!!!I h heard y you t t talking a and I got c curious!!!"
"You should know my dear curiosity killed the cat but don't worry I would never hurt someone like you~" pulled her closer to my chest (*inhales* boi!) And held her by her cheek and kissed her again
"Then what are you going to do?" She asked calmly when I broke the kiss
"I want you to visit me every night and then I'll think about it~" she nodded her head yes
"KATIE!!!" I heard someone yelling from the distance
"I should go now.." she said I let go of her when she left
I whispered "I love you~"
Katie's pov
I heard bendy whisper "I love you~" I just smiled with a hint of pink on my cheeks and whispered "love you too"
For some reason I think this is better than my x readers...
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