2. she ignored
2. she ignored
Rae was absolutely furious.
And even though it had been three days past that fateful incident, she was still fuming.
She never was the hold grudges till you die kinda person. Although of course she was someone who seemed like an angry, crazy and spiteful person online, and to a lot extent it was true. Not the spiteful thing but the anger crazy thing. Her anger issues often came too often too soon but they faded quickly too.
Yet, somehow the words of the man she didn't even know kept bugging her.
'Why not!' She replied to Imane, her best friend-cum-roommate who shook her head.
'Rae, let it go. We probably misheard.' Janet offered, clearly knowing what they heard was actually true and to that Imane shut her eyes almost immediately while Rae glared at Janet who sat across on the bean bag.
The glare which could kill anyone or rather the death glare made Janet sigh too and she sipped her coffee.
Rae let go of her intense staring and there was an unbearable silence in the room. Currently, it was early morning and Rae was invited to Jack's lobby to play and both Imane and Janet were going to join Tina's lobby.
And whenever they had an early morning slot, the three roommates always sat around in Imane's room and sipped coffee. Often the topic of discussion was mere silence because they just loved sitting around each other and calmly rejuvenate for the entire day's plan.
That was until three days back a guy named J, said some hurtful and ignorant things about gamers like them and while everyone else, especially Toast, scoffed at the immaturity and ignorance of the guy, Rae couldn't help but be appalled at his audacity.
Why she felt it was a personal attack was beyond Imane's and Janet's comprehension. They even tried telling her to let it go, but Rae being Rae demanded explanation from Sykkuno. The poor guy was so uncomfortable by the topic that it took them, Corpse and half a Toast to stop Rae from attacking Sykkuno.
Sykkuno had already enough on his plate.
The supposedly comment had made his chat bully him all the more and he defended it saying it was a mere joke and that J was just kidding around him like always. Everyone eventually joked about it too because Sykkuno's chat would get toxic more often than not and they wouldn't want any personal issues be confronted and misinterpreted by millions of people. Already half of them were calling him T on the chats to tease him.
However, Corpse literally simped for Sykkuno in one round for a game and the entire attention of the chats diverted around it.
To that Sykkuno was so thankful to him.
But Rae was pretty upset that she wasn't given a proper answer. Sure, Sykkuno and she weren't bestest friends, but she considered him very close. And it hurt that she didn't even get an explanation from him.
Afterall they were playing with each other everyday since a year now.
'Rae, let it be.' Imane spoke, she took the empty mug from Rae's hand, 'What's more important, Sykkuno's friendship or this feud with a stranger?'
Janet raised her brow, awaiting Rae's answer and Rae sighed.
She didn't answer yet they knew and both the girls beamed at the hothead.
They retreated back to their respective rooms while Rae set her camera for her stream. She was playing with JackSepeticye and he had also invited Toast, Corpse and Sykkuno among many others.
Rae took a deep breath. Imane and Janet were right. She shouldn't care and probably respect Sykkuno's privacy too.
'Okay, Rachel.' Rae said to herself, adjusting her headsets and mic, 'Let it go.'
She started her stream and sleepily nodded and waved at the camera, acknowledging the loyal viewers who were with her from around the world.
The chats appreciated her early morning dedication, enquired about her breakfast and then spoke about her messy hairdo. Rae laughed and kept avoiding questions which involved Sykkuno or the J guy.
Soon she entered the lobby and readied her icon, while everyone else greeted and joined.
She knew she was supposed to act friendly with Sykkuno but the moment she saw the green thing enter the lobby she felt angry all the more.
But Rae knew better than to create a scene in front of everyone. So she wished everyone a good morning and avoided conversing with Sykkuno.
She knew she'd lash at him and truthfully Sykkuno didn't deserve that.
It wasn't his fault.
So she did her best to avoid interacting with Sykkuno a lot so as to keep her anger at bay.
There Sykkuno was wondering what was wrong with the overly loud and enthusiastic Rae who just greeted him with a feeble good morning and nothing else.
He even circled around her, chirpy and smiling, as he wished her but Rae avoided him.
At first, he thought she was just messing around but after five rounds of the game, he realized that she was still pretty upset.
Not just him, their chats also knew something was wrong.
'Hmmm.' He said as his ghost roamed around, reading the chats. 'You guys think Rae is upset with me?' He said, nodding. 'Well I think so too.' He replied and completed the tasks while the game continued.
Rae was the impostor that round but she didn't kill Sykkuno at the first round. Even when she had a clear chance of doing it.
'Seems like Valkyrae is upset with us.' Sykkuno muffled, smiling.
The chats kept adding and agreeing, and some even commented on Rae's chat about the same. She chose to not notice it and continue her game.
But then someone commented that Sykkuno was going to do something to change that and make her talk to him.
To that Rae smiled softly and quickly hid her smile.
'I'd like to see him try.'
Rae said shrugging, and killed Ludwig, and the game was won.
Everyone was chattering and speaking loudly in the lobby while Sykkuno straight up walked to Rae.
'Wassup M'lady.'
And Rae simply stared at the screen.
And Sykkuno too stared at the screen.
Both of them silent for three whole seconds.
Sykkuno covered his mouth, hiding his smile and Rae held back her smile.
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