13. he ignored
13. he ignored
It was weird.
That text was weird.
But what was more weird was that Rae couldn't understand the text at all. Neither could she call or text James and ask what that meant nor could she let it go.
Her mind was constantly stuck on the words James texted her with.
What did he mean by a mistake cost him his twin?
What mistake?
And were the twins not in good terms?
Rae couldn't get head or tail out of it. And she hated that she couldn't even get out of those words.
Why did she have to be someone who just kept overthinking about things that weren't even important to her? Surely, that text was either not supposed to be for her and if it did, it probably meant nothing.
Because why would James send her something important to his life. She didn't mean anything to him and she didn't want to anyway.
However, her curiosity took the best of her and she replied to his last evening's text with a question mark. But, he hadn't replied to it.
'It was an amazing round.' Leslie said, as the game concluded. 'I think the last I laughed so hard was a long time ago.'
'Yes.' Jack Septiceye vouched. 'True true. Especially Sykkuno's trolling Rae till she screamed was epic.'
'I think the Toast marinating Corpse is the highlight too.' Hafu said, sweetly. 'This lobby just happens to be memes and just suddenly turns a big brain game.'
Everyone laughed at that, Rae chuckled because everyone knew Hafu's lobby was the one with rules and proper tactis to used while playing but Toast's or the Amigops lobbies were just random fun.
The ultimatum was to have fun and their fun was by trolling and memeing.
'Great fun guys.' Ludwig said, 'I think we all got some fun youtube videos.'
'Yes.' Tina said, narrowing her eyes at the cam. 'Especially Sykkuno. He and his trolling.'
'Alright guys. I have a little more streaming to do before breaking for lunch.' Poki said, and they all started their set of goodbyes. 'Rae, let me know if you wanna join for lunch later, okay?'
'Okay. Byeee.'
'Bye guys.'
Slowly everyone went off discord but Rae stayed behind on the line and with her all the Amigops stayed behind too. They weren't talking online because that would invade their privacy so she understood that they wanted a private chat. She opened the discord text and saw Toast's message.
We need to talk. Off.
Rae smiled at the chat, 'Okay guys. I'm going to head out too. Streaming a little less today cause I'm planning for a different vlog. Let me know what you guys want.' She waved at the chat and read few of the messages as the other Amigops too got ready to exit their streams. 'Byeeee.'
She sighed as she put off the stream and immediately picking the group voice call from The Amigops and she wondered what they wanted to talk about.
'Hey guys.'
'Don't hey guys us.' Toast was quick, as Corpse chuckled.
'What?' Rae was confused. 'I.. what?'
'Spill the tea, Rae.' Sykkuno said, and when no one replied he cleared his throat. 'Um, isn't that's what it's called. Never...never mind.'
'I understood Sykkuno.' Corpse said, cheerfully.
'Oh. Thanks Corpse.'
'You can't do that Rae.' Toast said, as his determined voice was now breaking Rae, just like it did once in a game where he caught her with the same line.
'I...I.. I really don't understand what you guys are saying!' Rae said, kinda acting oblivious.
'We're talking about you, Rachel.' Corpse said, cutting the chase. 'You didn't seem too good today. I mean, you were too off Rae. Am I saying it right?'
Sykkuno chuckled, 'I understood Corpse.'
Rae sighed, 'No. It's nothing. I just didn't sleep well last night.' She said, which was true because Xavier's text triggered a lot of emotions last night and after that, it was impossible to lie down in peace. But she didn't wanna trouble any of them with her problems.
'We know that.' Toast said, as a matter of fact, 'That's not new at all.'
'Yea, Rae.' Sykkuno said, little hesitant as always. 'You didn't even replied to my owa owa.'
'Yea?' Rae asked, wondering. 'I am sorry, I must have not heard.'
'Yea that's because he didn't say.' Toast said, chuckling as Corpse laughed.
'Sorry, I thought you'd know that Owa Owa is for Valorant and not Among Us.' He said, softly. 'This means you're just too lost.'
'He has a point, Rachel.' Corpse said, his deep voice often silencing the call. 'And we're here for you. Let us know if there's any trouble.'
Rae felt tears pricking her eyes, as she blinked them away. 'Oh God, you guys are just too sweet.' She cooed, sitting back on chair. 'What do I do to keep you'll forever with me!'
'How about another outing?' Corpse asked, and Sykkuno and Toast immediately jumped on it.
'If you guys have forgotten, Imane has her engagement party this coming month and we're all going. So...'
They all agreed, remembering and asked Rae again if everything was okay. When she denied, they understood her personal space and bade their goodbyes while Rae smiled, for someone who had a difficult family and a hard time finding friends, both of these were coming in the form of these three.
She checked her mobile for a text from James, but he hadn't replied. And probably never will. He was ignoring her and she thought it best to let go.
Now that they were all going for the engagement party, it would be a great time off from streaming, Xavier, James and a break from this routine too. She needed this break.
Rae joined Imane for lunch, considering that Janet was still streaming, it was just the two of them. For a change, Imane had tried her hand in cooking and it had turned out better than she expected. However, Rae refrained from commenting on the burnt noodles.
'So, are you like super excited for the party?' Rae asked.
Imane had been proposed to just a month back by her childhood best friend and boyfriend of 3 years. It was a private affair with just them both. But she wanted it to be celebrated with her family and friends, hence she had booked a hotel getaway plan for the weekend in Barbados.
'Yes. But there's still so much to do.' Imane said, pouting as Rae sympathized. While Rae dived into the somewhat okay tasting noodles, Imane took a deep breath as she readied herself to break the news to Rae.
'Um, so Rae?'
'What?' Rae immediately questioned, knowing something was wrong.
'Why you jumping on me so fast!' Imane said, furrowing her brows. 'Geez.'
'Because I know that tone, that um Rae we have a bad news for you tone.' Rae said, pointing her fork at Imane.
'It's not bad bad.' Imane said, hesitantly, 'But not good either.'
'What is it, Imane. Just get it done with. This day's killing me already.' Rae said, shaking her head as Imane sighed.
'I told you to block his number right?' Imane said, dead serious and Rae almost thought that Imane could read minds. 'That asshat keeps messaging you and keeps bringing you down, Rae. When will you block that slime.'
'Imane, how did you... how?' Rae asked, surprised, even though she should have seen this coming.
Imane was her best friend and roomie from 3 years now.
'I can read your face, Rae.' She replied, still angry.
'But I can't read yours!' Rae chuckled, hoping that Imane wouldn't talk about it more. 'So tell me what's the news.'
'Promise not to be mad?'
'James is a good friend of Alex and he's coming to the engagement party too.'
Thanks for all the votes. And let me know if this story is lacking somewhere!
I really would appreciate some comments too.
Vote. Comment. Share.
Video attached: BFF4L
P.s. I've updated the characters part, go check it out. Also, let me know if you'll can help cast a James for this story. I've no idea about any Chinese Vietnamese actors...
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