Part 8: Saving Them
Yo... how's it goingggg... I think u know where dis 'bout to go
I was a little not fucking ready for this boss. I was kinda still dead from what had happened yesterday. The thought of me snuggling Cuphead had gotten to me so hard, I thought my heart would stop out of humiliation.
Sure, I could live with looking at him, but sleeping?! What kind of maniac sleeps with HIM- nevermind...
As I tried to get this whole shenanigan off my mind, I started to think about what Felix told me. Apparently, the next piece was a pipe. A mother fucking pipe. You would think it'd be the ink dispenser, or an ink capsule or something...
But no, a pipe. Totally not epic, but totally lame. While I ranted, we had made it to our destination. It looked like a normal cave. Not this again... I thought painfully.
"Let's just get this over with..." I groaned.
"Careful Y/n, we don't know what could be in there." Boris said from behind.
"Yeah! W-What he said!" Mugs called after.
I smiled at the thought of them. It was cute. "Don't worry!! Careful of my middle naAAAAAAAME!!!!!!"
I had slipped down into a small kind of trench. There were bones at least every couple of meters away, pebbles and sharp jagged rockes mixed in and made weird structures in the ground and on the ceiling of the cavern. Well, they would never let me live that down...
Though I thought the most nerve racking part of it, were the red and blue strings and slime that was hanging from the spikes, twists, and turns. It was like something had put them there... like streamers...
I looked straight into the darkness after my look around... I heard Bendy call something down to me. "Y/n!!! ARE YOU OK?!"
"Yeah!" I yelled back. "I-I could use someone with me though..."
"Oi! I'm right here, ya bitch!"
"Oh, yeah... sorry I don't count myself as a somebody..."
I felt the mental eye roll.
That's when I heard a sinister laugh... it sounded like a clown at a 2 year old's birthday party... that was trying to get the kid for a picture.
"HAHAJAJAJ... Hello little girl and other..."
Even though DS and I talked, how did it know that she existed? I thought that was something only I could understand... and hear for that matter... she was in my head after all...
"I hope you were invited, or this won't be a very fun party for the both of you"
That's when I saw two yellow eyes pierce the darkness. I felt myself grow. She was getting summoned. Was something horrible about to happen? She had gotten activated last time by Mugs getting eaten... so what could be so bad she already knew what was up?
Beppi? I thought. What kind of a name is that?!
He stepped out... I saw the disgusting figure in the dim light, I wished I didn't have to though... he was red on one side and blue on the other with a disgusting smile and eyes that shot through your soul... he had that frilled collar thing clowns have too, but it was also alternating blue and red. Lastly He had surprisingly white gloves.
I heard four people slide behind me, Bendy, Cuphead, Mugman, and Felix. Boris and Cala has to stay up there and hold the rope, if it was even necessary for me...
Beppi crossed his arms and made an insane face. "PARTY POOPEEEEERRRRRS"
He jumped into something, and it made a clank when he did. I wondered what it was...
This is why you keep your fucking mouth shut Y/N I thought. He drove out with a bumper car, and was laughing insanely. He was driving straight for me, and I slid out of the way, making Beppi fly into the wall. I tried hard not to laugh at the sight of him just driving straight through the solid rock. I coughed and toughened up.
He came back out and started leaping with the car, trying to tackle and splatter my friends. That's when I noticed Mugs trying to get Bendy unstuck from the red and blue goo, but Beppi was about to ram them. I immediately jumped in the way of the car.
It felt horrible. You would think you wouldn't get too badly hurt by a bumper car. Think again, it hurt like hell. My ribs were on fire and I slowly went back to myself, groaning.
I heard Beppi laugh as I started to heavily drip ink. "Oooooo looks like SOMEONE has a BOOBOO."
"NO FUCKING DUH." I shrieked.
I got up and bared my claws. They were short but sharp thankfully. I leaped to Beppi and was standing on the bumper car. I started to slice at him and claw. He jumped into the air, and into the dark. He emerged back with a golden carousel horse. I wondered what horrible thing this did. UGH AGAIN WITH THE ASKING?!
It started to shoot golden horse shoes out of its mouth. Hm, weird. We all had to dodge them, they were flying out of control, every which way and very fast.
That's when I saw Cuphead and Felix get dragged into the dark where the streamers of red and blue were going.
I looked around for Mugs and Bendy. I huffed out of anger. "WHERE ARE THEY!!"
I started to sprint across the cave, dodging the horse shoes as I did. It was difficult, I had gotten his by a few in the ribs and arms too, it was getting harder to breath.
I finally made it to the spot, and sprinted inside. It was indeed a fun house, but very ominous and creepy. There were no lamps or torches lighting the pace up, and yet there was a dim glow reflecting off of the fun house walls.
The maze seemed to be made of rubber. So I started to make my way through by bouncing and leaping. I wondered where my friends were, where Felix was. I couldn't live with myself if he died.
I listened to the cave, and started to hear yelling. I followed them around the corner, and saw everyone hanging from the ceiling right above an open area of funhouse, along with the pipe. They were screaming loud, I strangely couldn't hear them, but Felix was shaking his head a lot and Cuphead was shrieking his head off, also shaking his head. Bendy and Mugs were yelling too, shaking their heads as well.
I wondered what they were so worried about. I stepped onto the rubbery ground and started to sink slightly. My eyes went wide as I tried making my way to a lever on the far side of the room. It was about fourteen feet away, but at the rate I was sinking, I wouldn't get there in time...
I kept breathing hard, every step I sunk deeper into the rubber. I started to cry slightly. I looked up at them, still hanging from the ceiling Felix was crying loads, and Cuphead's eyes were wide in obvious worry. Mugs was still screaming for me and Bendy had lost his voice by the looks of it.
I kept marching, and when I had gotten to the lever, my head was almost under. I reached for the lever, and before I pulled it... I said something...
"L-Love you guys... hopefully Ill see you later..."
They started screaming, Cuphead was thrashing around and screaming even louder than before. They were swinging and bouncing around. Their eyes were wide and they were shaking their heads.
I pulled it, and sunk into the rubber...
Cuphead POV
I was trying so hard to not go blind due to tears. She had just pulled the lever and the ropes broke. When we fell on the rubber, we weren't sinking, though.
"NO NO NO!!!!" I yelled and screamed. I went to the spot she sunk into, and started to claw and punch it. I even attempted to shoot at it... nothing... it was still, and quiet. Not a peep from the rubber.
I screamed and sobbed. "Y/N!!!!! YOU BITCH!!! WHY-!!" I put my head in my hands and sobbed into them.
Felix, Mugs and Bendy came over. Felix was crying harder and Mugs and Bends were sobbing quietly...
Why her...
I was in a dark room, the pipe was in my hands and I was glaring at Beppi. "What now..."
He smiled that gross smile of his. "There hasn't been one soul in my cave." He spoke, looking at his gloves. "That has had the inkness AND has been worthy of my pipe."
"Worthy? What do you mean?"
"You just ATTEMPTED to give your LIFE FOR YOUR FRIENDS- I mean LISTEN TO THEM SCREAM!!! They HATE themselves without you!! Especially the Cat and the Cup."
"I-... wow..."
"I bet your ribs are hurting, so I'll give you a freebie- IF you promise to visit when you fix that machine."
I smiled. "Uh ok."
He waved his hand, and a door opened to the outside world. I used the pipe as a cane to help me walk. I was really struggling. As I walked out, I heard screams and sobs follow after me. To my left I could see the four that were in the cave, emerge with eyes full of tears.
"Hey!!" I yelled.
They looked over, and started to run towards me. I was scared as fuck but I didn't move a muscle. I closed my eyes and said "WATCH THE RIBS OK?"
I got embraced by all four of them. They were crying with smiles as bright as day and were saying things like "YOUR ALIVE, THANK THE LORD!!" And "DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN." Or "ARE YOU OK??!"
I got out of their grasp. "Guys, I'm ok... my ribs just hurt... but I also got the pipe..."
Cuphead put his hands on my shoulders. "Fuck the pipe!! Your alive!!"
I smiled and blushed as Cuphead hugged me, still slightly crying...
I then decided to do something I never thought I would. I have him a tiny peck on the cheek, and whispered. "Thank you for caring..."
I hope that was good, I wrote this at 7am, sorry if it's bad y'all.
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