Part 5: Strange Things
'Tis beautiful ............. and also a freaking cute af BOI
I had wrapped my arms around the someone, about a solid 15 minutes ago. I still didn't know who it was, so I decided to look. I looked up at the MOST unexpected face. It was Cups. I immediately shoved off and crossed my arms and legs. "What the FUCK man!!!!" I yelled. All those thoughts of me saying sorry to Feel right now- were gone. CUPS RUINED THE MOMENT!!
I stood up and groaned, walking further and further away while the gang was packing up. Cups tried to run after me, so I started to sprint. Something he didn't know, was that I had ran track and cross country when I was little, and to this day I still run at least four miles every day. Just imagine... me at thirteen being super fast, and now I'm 17 and can still run just as fast. I smiled.
I sprinted, taking longer paces and steady breaths. It wasn't till I got to a big downstream river that I stopped in my tracks. I knelt down and looked carefully at the water... it was clear as freak, sure. But there was something in there that I couldn't quite grasp...
That's also when I heard the gang and that fucking asshat run up to me. I finally saw it. Something inscribed into the ground inside the river.
Boris took out the map, and it flew right over the spot. It started to glow, more like pulse actually.
I looked at Felix and stepped back. While he was talking about the thing in the river being an ocean rune or some shit like that I heard Cuphead and Bendy arguing.
"Is it turning itself into an ice cream cone...?"
"That" Bendy said, not impressed. "Or it could be pointing to something."
"You idiots it's pointing to-"
Before I could say something more, that weird ass map had sucked me into it!! I started to yell and scream, whatever I was sliding down, it was steep and it was horrifying.
I heard all my friends, my brother, scream and yell for help. I didn't say anything. This was all my fault, I had found that rune!! That map is fucking messed up!!
I slid down and landed in a small spot of water. It was about up to my ankles, so I was getting myself soaked. "Great, thanks a lot." I mumbled to nothingness.
That's when I heard screaming down the same slide as me. Cuphead and Bendy. Bendy had gone down first, and for me, that was pretty funny.
Bendy threw his arms up. "I'm Okay!-"
And Cups came sliding after, knocking him down and making me laugh- that is until Cuphead ran into me too.
It was super convenient, he landed on top of me and our faces were too. Close. For. Comfort. I pushed him off and stood up, brushing my cloths off.
Cuphead smirked at me. "You wanted to kiss me so badly, just admit it."
My cheeks turned a very light shade of pink, and I put on a pissed face. "In your dreams, you ass."
"Sorry to Interrupt this lovely argument." Bendy crossed his arms. "But we should start looking for our friends and siblings."
"Whatever can distract me from this embarrassment of a conversation, I'm in." I said in a mean voice.
We started to search for our friends, I was concerned on finding Felix. I was worried about him. That's when Bendy started to walk beside me. "I know that look anywhere, your worried."
"Yeah so?"
"Not about anyone, you idiot! FELIX! Duh! He's your bro, I understand exactly what you feel... I'm worried about Boris... I've never really been without him... not like this... I'm mean, sure I've gone places without him but-"
"Yeah yeah I get it. I've gone tons of places without Feel, he's always so busy and caught up in his own shit I've either never had time to see him or Vice versa."
Cuphead marched up. "Sucks to be you guys, Mugs is the toughest bro out of all of your siblings and we're like always together."
I glared. "YOU'RE worried too, you just don't admit it, you slimeball. OH AND ALSO, you were without him when he was in the hospital." I snapped back.
He rolled his eyes, and we kept going.
_it was about an hour when everyone found each other. Bendy was sobbing right with Boris. He had gotten cut badly in the side by a boulder spider. Mugs had saved him. Everyone was relieved they were ok. Y/n was jelous when Felix showed up, looking like a true hero..._
I glared at the exit to the cave, it was barricaded in boulders, Bendy tried to lift them out of the way, and Cuphead was head over heals with how strong he was.
I heard Cuphead talking to Mugs. "So all this time if we didn't have our powers, he could've beat our asses?"
I laughed under my breath. Thats when Mugs fucking power blasted that exit and we got to go into this cool lake, inside a cave, with a water fall.
We all started to get a little scared though, there were dead spiders everywhere... Felix was sure there was something eating them. The thought of that was just... horrible...
That's when we saw it. The huge mermaid, siren thing. It had a huge octopus for hair or something, purple skin, a green mermaid's tail, and pitch black eyes. The scariest part, was the blood dripping from her mouth and dagger like teeth. The crunches and snaps of the spiders in 'her' mouth made me shiver...
I glared. "It's ass whooping time..."
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