Part 3: The Beast Within
Here we go again >.>
N/n = nick name
H/c = hair color. Y/n had a tiny yet fluffy tuff of hair on her her between her ears. Probably should've put that first oof.
I had gone to the hospital an hour ago with Bendy and Boris to take this maniac to somewhere he wouldn't kill him self.
I wasn't surprised he attempted this, honestly. He low key looked like the kind of guy who would do that, not to mention his tired eyes and depression written all on his face.
Bendy and Boris had gone to their apartment to pack up, so I was stuck at the hospital with Mr. Grumpy.
I sat quietly in a chair in the corner of the kind of dark, white room. It was your standard hospital room. A bed, carpet (a little), shelves, a desk, and a flower pot right beside the bed.
After a minute, one of my nurse friends came in, Nurse Fanny. She didn't look happy. I stood up.
"Yeah same, he's a shit bag."
Fanny chuckled. "I have to bring him to his sloppy brother because he just ditched him here."
Fanny marched over to grumpy and grabbed his arm violently. He immediately woke up and she started pulling him out of the room.
As she went on I heard Grump keep saying something's like "What the Fuck, lady?!" And "hands off!!"
That's when I noticed his actual voice... wow...
I ran down the hall and saw Fanny throw him into a room, saying something like "pick up your trash." Or something like that.
I got to the door and saw another figure that looked a lot like grumpy. No hair though, but very kind looking. I assumed they were brothers. They were hugging and crying and I turned away.
I gently relaxed my ears and moved my H/c hair out of my eyes. That's when I heard something come from the brothers in the corner.
The younger one got out of the bed and made an attempt to run at me and give me a hug. I saw his injury wrapped up all over his back and sides. I guess that was what grump was talking about.
He hugged me tight and then started to cry again. "Thank you!! Thank you thank you thank you!!"
I was confused. "For what? All I did was bring some asshat to the hospital."
Fanny tried to secretly high five and I returned it.
He wiped his eyes and smiled. "That's my brother, and I though he just left me here and was never coming back."
That's when I noticed grump was standing behind the kid. I glared hard at his red crimson eyes.
The kid smiled brighter. "I'm Mugman, you can call me mugs, and this is my brother Cuphead. I don't know if he would let you call him Cups- but whatever."
I exhaled. "I'm Y/n, and there's not really another thing you can call me-"
Cuphead smiled, rather devilishly actually. I couldn't help but try and focus on Mugs instead. "Nah bro, her brother called her N/n!"
Mugs giggled and I shoved away. "Only Felix can call me that!!! Shut your mouth you shit bag!"
Cuphead grinned, he still looked pissed though- did he have rbf for something?
"I like your attitude, N/n." He sneered.
I rolled my eyes hard and grabbed Mugs. "Let's just go to get my friends."
Mugs ran to my side. "You and I are friends, right?"
He's too cute to say no to... "Yeah... sure."
His eyes went wide and were sparkling like stars in the country side. "YES!"
_it was about 15 minutes to the apartment when something bad happened..._
I was walking side by side with Cups and Mugs. They seemed happier, I could never tell with Cups though- he kind of hid everything.
That's when I started hearing yelling and coughing.
"Oh no..."
I started to sprint to the yelling, I could recognize any voice that had ever gotten put into my head- this one had Boris written all over.
I was so mad, I didn't know what was happening to me. It was like I didn't have control over my body anymore. I moved effortlessly into in ally, and ran right up to the robber and started to beat him up bad.
My vision got worse and worse as the robber started bleeding. I heard voices all around saying- "Stop it!"
I started to cough and soon there was a black out...
I felt awful when I woke up. Like my heart, brain, and stomach had gotten all switched around. I looked at where I was, and I was in the arms of my brother.
I looked up at him in pain and coughed into my hand. I noticed the thick black ink now on my hand, mixed with blood and mucus. It was disgusting.
I whipped it off and rested my head on Felix's chest. I tried so hard to not cry... I wouldn't cry. I refused.
I looked at the group around me, they all looked horrified and afraid. I darted my eyes at each of them.
"What happened." I said quietly. I couldn't really talk... my throat still was a little clogged.
Boris looked the most horrified of all.
"You almost killed that robber... but you weren't exactly you."
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