Chapter 25: Feel
I fell to the wet and soggy ground as my legs shook and trembled. I was at the foot of the mighty machine, and the pressure made my body seize.
I looked up at the parts that were now attached, and the machine creaked slowly. Tears dwelled in my eyes.
I'm about to be saved.
Bendy knelt beside me under the ink dispenser that was so high up, and he rested his hand on my back. His eyes glanced up to look at the first droplet of ink that fell to the ground. I looked at it as it reflected my face.
The brown and dull grass around the droplet turned green, it was the greenest grass anyone had ever seen. I was amazed.
"The ink of life." Asteria sighed. "For you twits anyway. It heals anything, and it makes what something is, better than it was before."
"It can heal anything...?" George asked quietly from behind. I could barely hear his faint voice over the machine.
"Yes. Even that horrific arm of yours."
Cuphead punched Asteria's arm. "Shut up. Don't say that." He sneered at her. Asteria simply rolled her eyes.
Then, larger quantities of ink began pouring out of the machine. I sat back and so did Bendy. We watched as a puddle of glowing ink began to swarm up over our knees and soon we were surrounded in ink, in a bubble of black and slimy goop.
I grasped Bendy's arm and held my breath. I was afraid. I wasn't sure what was happening, but I felt my body tingle.
"Uhm, I-... I feel weird..." He mumbled, looking at his arms peculiarly.
I nodded, my eyes transfixed on the walls of the bubble. Suddenly I heard tiny shrill shrieks and yells, maybe even growling. I scooted closer so Bendy, but before I knew it I saw a huge grey phantom emerge out of my chest, and I felt myself gain something.
The phantom came out of me all the way, and thrashed at the thin air. It got pushed against the wall of the bubble and then disappeared, I couldn't hear anymore shrieks, that was until it happened to Bendy as well.
This phantom was bigger, with more claws and teeth. It took a while to get sucked out of a Bendy, but after a long time, it finally disappeared.
My eyes blinked rapidly as I looked at Bendy.
"What do you feel like?" I asked quietly.
"I feel... Better... More strong." He stood up and the bubble popped.
I stood up, and took a breath. I could breathe fully. I could finally take a full breath. I smiled bright but began to cry as well. I was so happy that I got to live through this, and that Bendy was healed. I looked at Cups with big eyes and he smiled back at me.
I ran up to him and buried my face in his chest. I wrapped my arms around him and he wrapped his arms around me.
Felix sprinted up and hugged me from behind, crying happily. I turned around and hugged him back. Mugman hugged me too and squealed. Boris sprinted and hugged Mugman. I giggled.
I let go and looked at Bendy, he was staring at his hands. I walked up to him and bent down to lift his head up to face mine.
"Bendy...? Are you ok?"
Tears streamed down his cheeks and he nodded. "I really thought I was going to die... I felt so horrible for so long. My eyes were always fuzzy, I couldn't ever breathe as well, and I was never as strong and hopeful. But now-... I-... I can breathe, I can see perfectly, and I'm strong as ever..."
I hugged him. "I felt I was going to die too... Like I didn't have much longer to live. Which I didn't. You nor me did. We would probably have died actually." I tried to. it sound so down. But in reality, I was right. We wouldn't have made it much longer.
He sniffled. "Yeah... exactly."
I heard Asteria cough a little to inform us of something. I looked at her and George was holding his arm. I got up and went over.
"Are you gonna heal yourself...? Get your arm fixed?" I asked.
He shook his head. "No... I like my arm, it makes me look tough... But-... My parents... Can the ink machine bring them back...?"
Asteria's eyes darted to me and she had the most concerned face on. The face of regret and worry. I knew what she meant. She didn't want to tell him though.
I didn't want to either. But the little boy looked so hopeful and curious. His eyes were wide and his ears were perked.
I put my hand on his shoulder. I sighed after a long moment. I felt grim. "George... It can't bring people back..."
His jaw dropped and his eyes were even wider. His breath increased and tears welled down his face. I embraced him gently and tried to calm him down, but he merely shoved me away and pure hatred and anger spread across his face.
"So much for the Ink of Life!! You big fat liar! This is so unfair! You get to have something back but not me!"
Asteria grabbed George and threw him to the ground, I felt like yelling but I couldn't. "Shut up, kid! Do you know what would happen if this machine could bring the dead back to life?! Chaos!! Absolute chaos EVERYWHERE! Timelines ruined, families broken, and hatred everywhere! Riddle me this, dipshit, If someone's dead girlfriend came back to life just to go home and see her boyfriend with a wife and kids, what do you think would happen?!"
"The girlfriend would get mad??" George's voice was tiny and weak.
"YES. The dead are stronger than they were alive. They've already died once, so the cannot experience pain like we can. A bullet to the head for them would be like a mosquito bite!" Her wings boomed in his face and he backed up.
"Asteria, calm down. He just misses his family." I pushed Asteria away and stood firmly in front of George.
"Whatever. But if he goes around resurrecting the dead, who will stop them."
No one answered, I was about to but she shut me up. "No. I'm going to leave and go home. Here's a spell to take you home, and this one is if you ever need me again. You get three calls for this spell. Only. Three." She got in my face.
Before she left, Bendy grabbed her wing. She turned to face him and he looked sad and petrified. "Wait-... Please, come home with us."
She looked confused. "Why would I do that?"
"Because..." He paused. I was hoping he would spill. But no. "You're our friend. Friends don't leave each other."
"Bendy please reconsider your words and drop this whole convo-." Cups said before I punched him in the side and he shut up, hunching over and trying to not make any noise.
Asteria chuckled. "I guess... It would be bad of me to leave... But who will guard the machine?"
I then heard snorts and laughs come from behind me and they were gaining fast. These were special giggles, that belonged to the one and only Beppi.
I screamed as I got tackled by him. "OOOOH PICK ME! PICK MEEEEEEEE!!" He stood up and jumped in the air with the most insane look ever.
Asteria was hesitant, but she sighed. "Fine... Whatever." She said in a snarky tone.
He yelled happily and jumped onto the machine and was still. I laughed as I stood up and helped George up too.
"Let's go home guys, It's about time we showed up as somebody's."
It had been two years since their grand adventure, and they are still all amazing friends. Y/n and Cups were closer than ever, and Cuphead needed to figure out Y/n's ring size. Bendy and Asteria were pretty happy together. Bendy loves to snuggle with Asteria and she will threaten anyone who dares come near her little demon. Mugs and Cala are currently trying to figure out how to tell one another they like each other. Boris is happy being Mugman's best friend, and Boris is actually trying to find himself a nice girl. Felix is currently the father of 210 baby bunnies, him and Oswald are happy.
They're all one family, a huge group of friends, and they care and love for each other. One day, they will have to use that care and love, for it will be the only thing keeping them safe...
George? He is living in a mansion, and his parents are incredibly rich. But... It's not enough. He hates them, and he wants his real parents back... One day... He will figure out a way to bring them back...
The End...
Possibly TBC.
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