Chapter 23: Close
school is trash let's leave it at that
btw hope you're doing alright
stay safe ❤️🤍❤️🤍
It had been about two weeks since we left that utopia with the amazing food and beds that cured my back pain. Whatever it was they made those beds out of, I needed to buy one for myself.
I looked ahead at the snowy terrain. We were waking over an empty landscape, minus the few trees and boulders here and there that had snow smothered all on their tops. The sky was a shade of dark grey, and snowflakes poured down from above. As we kept walking it got colder and colder, but nonetheless we didn't stop.
I turned to my left and saw Cups and Bendy both shirtless while snow fell on their backs. They were shivering obnoxiously and I rolled my eyes. These two imbeciles wouldn't last much longer with the height of idiocy they were giving off.
I walked over and threw Cuphead's coat at him, then I gave Bendy his. "You two are the most dumb ass people I've ever met in my entire LIFE." I sneered. I wasn't trying to be too hard to Cups about it.
"W-We're da-aring eac-ch other!" Bendy yelled.
"Daring? Dude, this isn't daring. This is just being flat out stupid." I facepalmed mentally and kept walking.
I felt Cuphead lean against me. "Yo Bends, Y/n is pretty warm." He said a little quietly.
I was trying hard to not insult Cuphead right about now. I couldn't believe how idiotic he was. Sure he was always stupid, but now it was too far. I felt Bendy stand right beside me and he hid under my coat. "You two are the most immature-."
"Shh, we're trying to get warm." Cups put a finger up to my lips and he leaned on me a little more.
"Get off me. Go warm yourselves up by Asteria she has that flaming sword of hers!"
"No." Cups shot back.
I shoved off and turned around at them. I pointed my finger over to Asteria. "Go right now or I'm gonna get mad." I scowled.
"I don't care if you get mad." Cups stood up straight and wrapped his coat around himself. He was still shivering. "I want you, not the sword."
Bendy was already walking over to Asteria, possibly not for the warmth of the fire. "Wow how moving. No. I'm not as efficient for you as a fire is." I wasn't going to lie, I wouldn't mind being snuggled by Cups. Though this wasn't the time.
Cups walked back over and slumped over me. I pushed him off once more and glared him in the eyes. "Dude for real... fuck off." I wasn't trying to be too rude, but I knew this wasn't healthy for his current state.
He didn't make any faces he just looked at me with a blank kind of look. I wasn't too sure what was going on with him, but I felt a little unnerved. I slowly began to walk away so I could figure out what was happening. I walked a little faster and went to Mugs.
"Muggy..." I said quietly. "Why is Cups acting like this? He acts stupid yes, but he looks so... empty?" The snow fell a little harder, and I could see little speckles of snow fall onto my eyelashes.
Mugs adjusted his scarf. "Well, Y/n... He's kind of clingy right now... I don't really know why, but it started two days ago and he would keep hugging and walking with me."
"He didn't act like that a moment ago with Bendy..." I looked down at the ground.
"I don't know if he's sick or if he doesn't do well in the cold, one of the two?"
If he's sick then we would have to stop... it would delay our quest... But who cares about that shit, I'd rather have him better than myself. I thought.
I slowed down and went back to Cuphead and I used the back on my hand to feed his forehead, while my other hand held his, or at least was slightly touching his. He felt a little warmer. It was probably because of the winter gear he was wearing, but he felt warmer than he should've.
"Cups are you ok?" I was worried he wasn't feeling well, like Mugs said. I didn't want him to go on without getting better.
He nodded slowly and sighed. His head slumped a little and I saw what I thought was the problem. His head had lots of snow in it. I was a little confused.
"Everyone stop for a sec, Mugman come here."
Mugs raced over as everyone paused in their tracks. "What is it-... Oh my gosh."
"Yeah he's got snow in his head! Is that bad?"
"If we don't get it out he can get very sick... ASTERIA!!!" His yelling caught me off guard. Asteria sprinted over.
"What?" She said in an annoyed tone.
"I need you to fly up with Cups and shake all of the snow out of his head."
It took Asteria a little long to reply "Hm... Fine."
She immediately snatched Cups from behind and flew up with him with no trouble. She turned him upside down and grabbed his ankles and began to shake him up and down. Cuphead was struggling to feel safe as his facial expression read horrified clear as day.
Snow slowly fell out of his head and I smiled. "A little harder, Asteria!"
Cups yelled and Asteria obnoxiously shook him harder until a huge pile of snow fell out of Cup's head.
I laughed. "Ew!!!"
sigh Shortest and worst chapter ever..
i'm gonna go eat some hot Cheetos now...
next chapter will be more interesting i promise
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