Chapter 19: Come Back
Asteria had brought us to a very Greek like and golden hotel. It had huge pillars at the entrance with golden roses hanging from the roof. The doors were also made of gold. The stairs that trailed up were golden with touches of black marble.
"Asteria, how the hell is there so much gold?" Bendy said in a curious and annoyed tone.
She fluffed her wings as other people with wings walked passed and bowed to her. "You ever wonder where all the gold in your realm is?"
Bendy glared but shrugged it off as we went inside. I walked through the golden doors as I saw the check in counter that was made completely out of gold. The loft had red couches and a bar right across from that, with fancy glass cabinets and golden and marble counters. There was a huge chandelier in the center that was made of rubies that spiraled down on either side.
I was amazed of how fancy it was for such an old themed place. Asteria walked to the counter as the lady at the check in bowed.
"Princess Asteria... it's a pleasure to have you here. How may we assist you today?" She said as she stood up straight.
Assist? So does she get to use whatever she wants to help her instead of designated items? Wow. I thought as I was staring at the wings of the check in lady. They were a white ombré into a black, and the black part had silver specks on the very tips of her feathers.
The lady bowed once again as Asteria came back with a golden key. "This is the key to the penthouse. We'll all stay there, because it's more than big enough for all of us." She walked over to a slab of marble that was sticking out of the floor. It was about six meters long and it had more golden spirals embedded into it. There was a sigh written in a different language that Felix was also desperately trying to make out. I guessed he didn't know the language.
She stepped onto it. "Come along, Y/n and others."
Felix stepped on and crossed his arm. "Others? We should probably work on names..."
Cups groaned as everyone else stepped on. "Not the shit introductions AGAIN." He mumbled to himself as I took his hand in mine.
"It's ok Cups, at least it woke be as awkward as it was before." I shrugged with a smile.
Asteria was glaring at Cups. "Asteria what's your deal with glaring at Cuphead?" I asked.
"Like I said, he's done something to you that you don't know about yet. It's unforgivable!" She spat at me.
Cuphead looked petrified as he snatched his hand away and turned around to face the lobby. I felt a snap of sadness when I saw him curl in his hand to his chest. I was curious as to what he did, and how Asteria knew what it was.
Asteria stomped her foot and the platform went shooting up. Cuphead nearly fell off to how fast it was going. Immediately we made it to the very top of the building. We all stepped off of the marble when it stopped as I blinked.
"That was... odd..." I mumbled as I held my head.
I looked up to see the biggest and fanciest room I've ever seen in my life. It had a huge lounge with red couches and a Golden Fleece carpet. There was also a large coffee table in the center of the couches.
Behind that was a huge pool that stretched out to where it went outside leading to a beautiful view of the city.
To the right of the pool there was a huge kitchen area with a bar, there were more drinks in there than there was at the casino the had recently been to. There were golden shields and swords as decor and most of the walls were made of glass so they wouldn't need to use tons of fire to light the huge room during the day.
The floor was black marble as it faded to white the more forward it went. There was also two of the same golden chandeliers in the room both hanging on opposite sides, one over the kitchen and one over the lounge. Behind me I saw a hallway with at least four doors. I figured there was a room for each of us to share. Minus Asteria that is.
Room one, Asteria. Room two, Felix and I. Room three, Bendy and Boris. Room four, Cuphead and Mugs.
Cala was staying in a special room downstairs that was designed for guests like her. I was told her room was basically a huge pool with an underwater everything. That would be fun if I was trying to kill myself by sleeping in the water.
Felix and I went into our room. There were two king sized beds facing the door with red sheets, white walls with more golden shield decor, and a black incredibly fluffy carpet. The wall that the beds' back were on was glass. The view was amazing from up here.
Felix was laid down on the incredibly comfortable bed as I heard a gentle knock on the door. Felix's head perked up as I waved my hand to signal that I got it. I still didn't really want to talk to him...
I went to the door and opened it up. I saw Cuphead as he looked sad and scared.
"Cuppy, what is it?" I asked as my hand dropped off the knob.
He sighed. "I need to tell you something..." his eyes began to well up with tears. I stepped out of the room and closed the door. I hugged him as I spoke.
"Cuphead whats bothering you...?"
He began to cry. "I-... I did something h-horrible!!" He began to sob into my shoulder. I was on my tippy toes so that I could still hug him comfortably and so he had my shoulder to cry into.
I thought about saying something to make him feel better. "Cuppy, babe look at me..." I said as I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him forward.
"You can tell me anything I won't get mad." I said passionately to him, grasping his hands in mine and swaying them gently.
He kept on crying. "Y-You know wh-when I tried to-to kill you...?"
I nodded, trying to forget it immediately. "Yeah?"
"I was forced to... b-by the Devil..."
My jaw dropped as I looked him in the eyes. I was so confused and horrified. "The devil...? But-... why? How?"
"I-I made a stu-stupid bet! I don't wanna h-hurt you!" He crumbled a little and his voice cracked.
I didn't have many words. "But... what does that mean..?"
"It means Mugs and I are going to have to kill him to save you all!" He cried out, tears flowing down his face even harder.
I felt tears come into my eyes. "How... that's impossible..."
He sighed as he whipped his face off. Mugman and Asteria emerged out of the room across from Cups and I. More tears kept coming down his face even after he kept wiping them off.
Cups looked at me with aching eyes. "Y/n if I don't come back I-..."
"SHUT UP YOU WILL COME BACK!!" I yelled at him as tears went down my face.
"If I don't come back I wanted to say that-."
"I LOVE YOU Y/N AND I ALWAYS HAVE AND WILL!!" He yelled over me as I shouted louder.
I walked into my room and slammed the door. I crumpled down against it as I sobbed into my knees.
"You will come back..."
Sorry it's taking so long y'all, I've had Volleyball all week and I have tryouts next week it's hard to write an interesting chapter in a short time span ,_,
Also it's bad so liek...
I'm sorryyyyy qnq
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