Trans Male Cuphead x Bendy
Trans as in female to male. I tend to forget how to tell the difference-.
Cuphead's Perspective
I looked down at the little demon who had agreed to go on a date with me and sighed nervously. He was laying back in his chair, drinking sips of sweet wine and watching me. "So do you like sports?" I asked after thinking of a question. "Yes, I enjoy soccer. It's one of the few sports that you don't need height for..." He said and I smiled. "I can see why that might be a problem for you." I joked and he rolled his eyes. He looked at the ground and kept drinking his wine quietly, as if he wanted to be anywhere else right now. "Don't like being in public huh?" I asked and he nodded. "I like being in places where I'm not watched or judged." He admitted and leaned over on the table. I cleared my throat and watched as his tail swished. "Do you maybe wanna be at my house instead?" I asked and he looked up at me. "Yeah, I'd like that." He said plainly and I got up. I reached out and he took my hand, following me to my car. "Do you need to take your car or...?" I said and he blinked. "I walked here, for the exercise." He said and I unlocked my car.
I helped him in and closed the door for him. I sat down in the familiar seat of mine and put the keys in before driving off to my house. I noticed he kept sniffing the air and sneezing. "Allergies?" I asked curiously and he shook his head. "No, no, I smell a female." He said and sneezed again. I nervously shifted in my seat and kept my eyes on the road. "It's probably nothing." I said and he nodded. When we arrived, I helped him out and led him to my house. "Beautiful garden." He said and looked around in the moonlight. "Y-Yeah?" I said and he nodded. He walked up to my door and looked up at me. "Go on and open it." He said impatiently and I opened the door. I locked my car and went inside with the small demon. "This is much nicer." He said and looked around. He purred quietly and took off his bow tie. He laid down on my couch and curled up in a ball of clothing and floof. I smiled and bent down to gently kiss his cheek. He blushed and purred, crawling in to my lap.
I relaxed and petted his horns, not nervous at all anymore. He curled up in my lap and nuzzled me gently. "You're so cute!" I said and giggled when he nuzzled me more. I covered my mouth when I realized I was giggling and he looked at me. "Are you a woman..?" He asked and I shook my head "N-No I really prefer not to be." I said and he buried his face in my chest. "Okay." He said simply and kneaded my vest. I smiled softly and rubbed his horns. "I'm not really allowed to be in demon culture because I was raised by mortals... But I know a lot about them... In the demon world, changing genders is a small task... It takes a minute or two and then you look like the other gender you wanted to be..." He said and looked up at me with beautiful red eyes. "I wish I could do that so easily..." I said and he sat up. He put his clawed hands on my chest and kissed my cheek. "I can help ya do that if you want baby doll." He said and I smiled. "I do want that." I said and he licked all over my face. I giggled and kissed him gently to calm him down.
After a while he crawled out of my lap and scratched at the ground. He scratched himself and made a bloody pentagram that was very small. "Stand over it." He instructed and I did, though I was concerned. He purred and circled me. Soon he trailed his tail along the circle and waited silently. I resisted the urge to jump when Bendy's tail lit up red and the pentagram lit up as well. i shook as the light encircled my body and Bendy watched. He sat down and I shook more as my senses went numb. I felt nothing as my body apparently changed, and when the light was gone I looked down. I did have a different frame... My shoulders were wider and my torso wasn't so femininely shaped. I slowly stepped out of the pentagram and sat on my couch, trying to relax from my fear. Bendy curled up on my lap and I winced. "Dude that hurts-." I said and he chuckled. "Like your new parts?" He asked and got off my lap. I blushed and looked at him with a red face. "I-I guess- thanks.." I said and he purred.
"Go on and look." He said and curled up next to me. I blushed more and covered my face. "Maybe later-." I said and he chuckled. "Alright." He said and snuggled up to me. "Well my hint to you is: remember the longer you have dirty thoughts the harder you get." He said and I playfully swatted at him. He laughed and purred loudly.
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