~2 | Conflict & The Well~
AAAAH I feel like shit. I'm really sorry that I haven't posted in a while. My life is being VERY complicated rn. A special thank you to those who actually read this crap. Though this was intended to be for my own entertainment, but i dislike oc×character stories. Plus no one here on wattpad came up with the idea.
OKAY Enough of me rambling. I hope you enjoy the chapter and Vote/Follow for more^^
[ALSO, There will be a note from present me after a time skip somewhere]
Your P.O.V:
Me and Alex both walked in the office ignoring the person at the front counter. I stopped when I saw Alex's parents already here, 'Damn alot of people are doing hoodeeny today'. They looked disappointed at Alex then turning confused looking towards me. (this is your first time getting in trouble cuz u a good child)
"May I help you?" He asked "The teach wanted me to give this to ya." Alex says walking up to the principal handing him a note. "*sigh* why am I not surprised. And why is Miss/Mr (L/n) here?" He says looking over at me. "I...did the same thing." I say looking at the ground ashamed. He looks down at his watch "Well since we only have a minute of school left, I will leave your parents to deal with this." He says getting up to leave. 'Ummm...ok???' I turned around to Alex's parents to see her begging them to let her walk home.
"*sigh* fine but you better get there before we do, OR ELSE." Her mom says. Damn she's scary when she's mad. Alex nods then takes my hand sprinting out the office to the courtyard as a head start. I was now on the ground breathing heavily (cuz I hate exercise). "*inhales* AHH THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU??!!" "Sorry but I wanted to get a head start on our walk. Besides, it's not my fault that you're fat." WHAT! "FOR THE LAST TIME! I AM NOT FAT!" This was getting on my nerves when people call me fat. (Ur thick and short in this. Thick- not too big, not too skinny. Just thick.) "I'm THICK!" "Okay, okay. I'm sorry." It was silent for a lil while before, "Soo... You wanna go to the park?" "But didn't your mom say-" "Yeah yeah, I know but there's this well that I found and it looks really cool!" She started whining and saying PLEASE alot. "Ugh, fine, but if we get in trouble. I'm saying that it's your fault." "Hmmm..DEAL!" she shook my hand crazily like she was gonna wiggle it off. "Okay, now can you stop before you break my arm." She let's go of my arm and I give a relieved sigh...that is until she shoves her back into my chest lifting me off the ground and onto her back! I screamed holding on to her like my life depended on it..WHICH IT DID! She was running so fast that my eye sight was starting blurr up.
(2018 me: PFF yeah so I'm going to continue writing this since VERY FEW of you guys wanted me too, but it may be a bit different since my mind and writing matured. So eheh yeahh. . . I'mma start from where I left off)
After a few minutes full of screaming and laughter, we finally arrived at our destination. "We're here!" Alex announced. I groaned out of annoyance and dizziness "Good. Now put me down before I kick your a-" Before I had the chance to finish, she dropped me on my bottom with an 'oof'.
"What the heck!" I yelled. She turned to face me "What? You said for me to put you down." She says shrugging with a smug grin. "Bit-" "There's the well!" She pointed in a direction before running off. "H-hey! Wait up!" I shouted getting up and running after her. After running for a while, we stopped at an opening in the forest. There was a huge clearing in the middle. Daisies everywhere along with a dirt path that led to a cobblestone well.
"It's so beautiful" I gawked at the scenery. "Mhmm" Alex walked closer to the well. "Though this is cool and all but why are we here again?" I questioned looking around before resting my gaze on her. "I remember reading something from the internet about the well being a portal to a different world" She rested her palms on the well, looking down inside it.
I made a face "And you plan on going in it to prove it?" "And I'm going in it to prove it!" She beamed turning to face me, completely ignoring what I just said. I rolled my eyes and sighed unamused by the brunette's antics. Crossing my arms I questioned "And how are you going to do that?" Alex raised her index finger up about to say something but lowers it, mumbling "I. . . don't know."
I stared at her in unbelievment (actually it is believable that Alex wouldn't know how XD) and she stared back embarrassed for not planning this far. Soon the silence and tension left as we both started laughing. "Oh my lord you're so stupid!" "Haha! Shut up!" (Pff see what I did there? No? Ok.) I wipe a tear from my eye. "Hey, do you wanna play hide n' seek tag?" Alex asks. (It's regular hide and seek but once the person is found, they run around and tag each other) I put a hand under my chin and put on my 'thinking face'. "HELLZ YEAH! But you have to be it" I said before running off giggling.
/ / /Time skip brought to you by Hide n' Seek tag/ / /
3rd POV:
You stifled a laugh behind a tree watching your friend search for you but ends up failing. That soon came to an end when someone grabs your hair, yanking you from behind the tree and thrown to the ground. Alex gasps and runs over to you "(y/n)!" You attempted to get back up but was kicked back down. "Stay down you fuck" A familiar voice cursed. Great. It's these shitheads again. If your clueless, the people who I'm talking about are Brittany(leader), Shelby, and Rebecca (sorry if one of these are your name. You can change them if you want). The snotty nosed Thots who are part if the 'popular' group.
Brittany walked over to you and pulled you up by your hair, making you wince. She snickered "Look at you. Defenseless and stuff. I honestly don't know why you're alive." She sneered at you. In the corner if your eye, you can see Alex being held down by Shelby and Rebecca "Let me go or else I'll rip your tits off!" Alex threaten. They did nothing but giggled.
"At least I don't spread my legs faster than wild fires." You spat back. Her eyes widened before she furrowed her eyebrows and slapped you. "Looks like there's trash that needs to be taken out" She glared at you. "You mean yourself?" Alex said with a smirk. She growled before smiling evilly. "Bring them to the well" She said darkly. You and Alex's eyes widened before struggling against their grasp. She leant your body over the opening of the well. "L-let go of me!" You struggled to get out of her grasp. "My pleasure~" She smiled wickedly before shoving you into the well. Over your screams, you could faintly hear Alex shouting your name as you fell down the dark well "(Y/N)!!!"
Alex's POV:
I couldn't believe this. She just pushed (y/n) down into the well! "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I shouted trying to get to her but was held back. She turned to me making her blonde hair flip "What? No one's gonna miss her. And besides, you'll be with her in a minute" She said walking towards me. I managed to yank my arm from one of her minions and ran up to her, punching her and knocking her down. "You bitch!" I yelled. I watched her spit out some blood before standing back up, facing me. "You shouldn't have done that" She growled. Rebecca grabs my free arm, turning me towards her, and slaps me. Shelby and Brittany then comes up from behind and holds me back. "Come in. (Y/n)'s waiting!" Brittany snickered and pushes me down the well.
Woof. That was intense. Sorry if the fighting scenes sucked, I have no idea what I'm writing. This chapter came out longer than expected but at least it's done. 1422 words in all.
I wonder where the two will end up? Well stay tuned for more and once again, thank you all so much for 144 reads!!! And thanks for those who decided to vote on some chapters 😊😊😊
I'll be be back soon with new chapters. BYE BYE!
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