Chapter 4, Me Too
Cuphead's Perspective
I looked at the small demon sitting in front of me and rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry..." I whispered again and held him closer. Bendy purred quietly and I looked at Jackpot who was comforting Bendy by nuzzling him. I smiled softly and petted both of them. "See, even Jackpot is comforting you." I told him and he looked at the small cat cuddling up to him. Bendy held Jackpot close and I watched him snuggle with the cat. "Alright, well, I'm gonna sit back in my seat." I said and stood up. I walked back to my seat and sat down. I watched him and he continued snuggling with Jackpot for many minutes. I ate the rest of my muffin and noticed Bendy seemed happy once he had stopped crying. I rested my head on my hands and smiled. "Feeling okay now?" I asked and he nodded with Jackpot in his lap. He awkwardly looked away and gave me Jackpot back. The kitty sat on the table and I stroked his fluffy fur.
"So... Well.. Who are your parents?" I asked and Jackpot begged me for another treat loudly. "Shush." I said and Bendy cleared his throat. I fed the cat another treat and he purred contently. "Well, I had adopted parents... If you uh.. Know about ink demon biology, after they have children, both of them die..." Bendy told me and whimpered. "Oh- that's really unfortunate." I said and rubbed the back of my neck. He shrugged and yawned. "Well, Boris's family took me in, they're really kind." The ink demon told me with a half smile. "Still, I'm sure you would've liked a demon family better?" I said and he nodded. "I hope one day I'll get to adopt a little ink demon baby though..." He said and I smiled. "That's a good goal, maybe if you survive this illness you will." I said and he looked at me with those ruby red eyes that had deep hopeless pits. "But... You gotta kill me I thought?" He said and looked at the table.
I immediately shifted and sighed a long, stretched out sigh. "... I... I don't know.." I admitted and he looked at me curiously. "You mean you're considering not killing me?" He asked and I shrugged. "I change my mind a lot, don't get your hopes up okay?" I said sassily and he rolled his eyes smirking. "Yeah, whatever big guy." He said and I chuckled. "You little-." I said and he laughed as I chased him out of the café. I laughed as well and tackled the little demon on the concrete. He yelped and I hugged him tightly. He scratched at the air for freedom and I chuckled. "No escape." I said and he whined. He wheezed for air and I let go of the shrimpy guy. He huffed and tried to tackle me. I willingly laid over and he sat on my chest looking prideful. I rolled my eyes and pretended to be dead. He giggled and pretended to shoot me with a finger gun. I made gagging noises which made him go in to a laughing fit. Silly little thing.
I sat up and attack-hugged him when he was laughing. He choked and I squeezed him. "LET ME GOOOOOO!" he screeched and I let go of him. He threw a cat-like hissy-fit and I smirked. "Well okay-." I said and he pouted. I got up and looked for Jackpot who was reading with Felix. I scoffed and quickly went to retrieve him from Felix. I yanked him away and Jackpot in response meowed angrily. I set him down on my head and he got settled in there. "Stupid Felix..." I muttered and went outside. Bendy was still throwing a fit and I picked him up. "Shush kitty, stop being annoying." I said and he stuck his tiny tongue out. I set him down and yelled to Felix that I was gonna go shopping. He barely noticed and I rolled my eyes. I hate him-. I looked down at Bendy who seemed a bit dizzy and tired. "A'ight, come on now." I said and picked him up. He kneaded my jacket and got comfortable. "I can't go anywheeeere..." He groaned out tiredly and I sighed. "Fine, I'll bring you to the hotel Mugs and Boris are already at." I said and he whimpered.
By the time I arrived, Bendy was already asleep nestled in my arms. I opened the hotel door and saw Boris and Mugs watching TV together. I set Bendy on his bed and tucked him in. Boris turned to look at Bendy and smiled. "Thanks for caring for him." He said and I nodded. I pulled out my cigarettes and went to the balcony to smoke. I leaned over the rail and lit a cigarette before holding it to my lips and exhaling deeply in to the addictive roll of tobacco. I breathed the calming yet exciting substance and watched as the puffs floated away in to the blue sky ocean. After minutes of killing my life away with the cigarette, I put it out and threw it away. I put the package in my pocket and took my jacket off, putting it on the coat rack. I laid on my bed and closed my eyes easily. I feel so tired and kinda hurt... I wheezed as I laid down and cringed. "O-Ow.." I said and Mugs laid next to me.
"Why are you in pain?" He asked and I huffed. "It's the stupid cigarettes..." I said and he took them away from my jacket. "No more for you." He said and I groaned. "Here." He said and hugged me. I hugged back and rested my head on his shoulder. "Mmm... Sleepy..." I said and he kissed my cheek. I smiled softly and kissed his cheek as well. "Sleep then Cuppy, I'll be your cuddle buddy." He said and I held his hand. "Mhm..." I hummed out quietly and started to drift off, not having anything bother me as I drifted. "Brother please..." I said and he rubbed my back. "Yes?" He asked and I shifted. "I-I uh... Mmm..." I said and didn't finish as sleep surrounded my tired mind.
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