Chapter 1
"I'm telling you something is up!" Yuri angrily yelled as Yuuri took a small sip of his iced coffee. Yuuri was quiet for a while, glancing around them as patrons looked in their direction due to Yuri's commotion.
"Okay first of all stop yelling, we are in public. Second of all, Don't you think you are being too suspicious?" Yuuri questioned him.
"No! I'm not!" Yuri yelled again.
"What did I just say? Quiet down. We. Are. In. Public."
"Sorry..." Yuri grumbled and took a long, slow drink of his smoothie.
"Right. So what caused all this concern in the first place?" Yuuri asked his ill-tempered acquaintance before he turned his attention back to his cold drink.
"Like I said, It was our anniversary, I planned a nice candle light dinner and what did he do? He didn't show up for any of it! I gave up after waiting for so long. Apparently he was "practicing". But I know better." The blonde male explained, clearly put off by the whole thing.
"And what's wrong with practicing late? Sometimes a little more practice is good for a skater. Even so, the rink is quiet and cleared during the evening hours. It's a good time to go." Yuuri replied.
Yuri rolled his eyes before leaning back in his chair in defeat. His black hood draped on his head from his favorite tiger-print jacket.
Yuuri was right on his logic but he was missing one thing.
"But Otabek knew it was our anniversary! He couldn't have been practicing and he wouldn't have forgotten. He had to have been somewhere else." Yuri exclaimed.
"Then where do you think Otabek was if he wasn't skating?"
"That's the thing!" Yuri half shouts, smacking his hand angrily on the table top, causing the ice in Yuuri's drink to rattle and his smoothie to almost fall over. "I don't know so something has to be going on that I don't know about."
The dark haired friend lightly shook his head.
"Sounds like you should be asking Otabek instead of telling me about it."
Yuri turned and looked at Yuuri after he spoke. He narrowed his blue eyes, looking sharply into the other male's brown ones.
"I didn't just tell you out of the blue, Yuuri. I need your help."
Yuuri raised his eyebrow skeptically. "You need my help."
"Yeah" Yuri stated and aggressively took a gulp of smoothie.
"What exactly are you planning?" Yuuri asked. Yuri grinned and pulled his phone out, holding the screen out to Yuuri to show a red dot flashing on what seemed to be a map of the area. "Yuri... what th-"
"Okay hear me out before you say anything." Yuri put his phone down and dug through his bag pulling out a pen and notebook. "I've started taking notes on him for the past week and I have been able to successfully get into his phone with this." Yuri passed the open notebook to Yuuri, which to his horror, had passwords and codes written down.
"What is this for?" Yuuri asked, he felt a cold sweat on his forehead as he looked back and forth from Yuri's phone to his notebook. I'm pretty sure this is illegal.
"Obviously it's so we can watch Beka. We'll be able to follow him with this GPS and with these notes we can get into his phone and see his texts, his calls, his emails, hell! We can see anything!." Yuri exclaimed and Yuuri could only watch the insanity unfold before him.
"Okay this is going overboard."
"It is not! This is all logical!" Yuri said defensively. Yuri put his notebook and pen back in his bag and grabbed his phone. Yuuri watched as Yuri glanced at the map on his phone with a worrisome expression before turning it off. Yuuri's eyes widened as a realization hit him.
"You must really love him to go this far." Yuuri said with a small smile which spread when Yuri's face turned bright red.
"Wh-what?! I-I don- well I mean I do- But I-I... I mean I..." Yuri continued to trip over his words as Yuuri held back his laughter. Yuri wasn't doing all this to be possessive, he just wasn't sure how to handle the situation presented or how to express it; Yuuri now realized that.
"Alright, I'll help you." Yuuri said causing the small blonde to stop stuttering.
"R-really?" Yuri asked, his face becoming hopeful much to Yuuri's amusement.
"Yes, I will." Yuri smiled widely before forcing a frown on his face.
"A-alright good." Yuri said embarrassed. Yuuri nodded and smiled to himself. I've got to call Viktor.
Hello Yuuri! How are you?
"I'm doing fine. I just needed to tell you something. Do you have a minute?"
Yes of course! Chris and I are baking right now, but he seems to be doing fine on his own. Ah by the way! Are you still with Yuri?
"No actually. We just left our separate ways after we finished up at the café."
And how was he? Ah! Cris! Stop!
"What's going on?"
Cris was about to add baking soda instead of baking powder! Okay Yuuri what were you going to say?
"Oh right! At the café, Yuri was just telling me about Otabek and how he thinks he is doing something behind his back. He was telling me how Otabek missed their anniversary dinner because he was practicing, only to make Yuri to think otherwise. Now he has organized this whole plan to spy on Otabek to see what he is really up to."
Oooohhhh huh... he really loves him~ Are you gonna help him?
"Yeah. I said I would. He seems to be really determined to find out what Otabek is doing without him knowing."
Ah! Speak of the devil! Guess who just showed up!
"Who? Yuri? We just parted not too long ago."
No, no! Otabek~
"Oh really? What's he up to?"
He says he stopped by for advice! isn't he sweet~
"About Yuri? What are you going to tell him?"
Yuuri! Yuuri! Hurry home! You have to hear this!
"Ok! On my way! See you soon Vitya."
Writing this story so far with my good friend Suezy has been really fun! I've never written a story with another person before so I was pretty nervous when I first asked her, but she immediately agreed! It's been easier than I thought to jump back and forth while writing and giving feedback and criticism. Honestly the hardest part so far is writing this author's note haha. She's always so nervous when writing, but she always comes through in the end with an amazing addition to our story; she truly is a wonderful writing partner and friend. I've been able to test out writing styles as well, while at the same time showing them to her! I think writing with her so far has been a learning experience for the both of us. Thank you for reading and please look forward to the next chapter! ~V
End of chapter 2! Sweet! Writing this was truly an adventure in it of itself. I too have never written along side someone; creating one masterpiece with two minds, but so far it's been great! When Viktor asked if I would like to write a story with him, I was overjoyed! I can't deny that I was nervous, but now writing at the end of the chapter and looking back at what we have written so far just proves with a little bit a creativity and well... help from autocorrect, a story can be made from the mind of two writers with an idea.
Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful day/night/evening!
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