Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Three
Grace Cullen-Swan
"Stop here." I told Charlie, sensing that we were nearing the treaty line and not wanting to risk being somewhere my family couldn't reach us.
He pulled over and three shapeshifters immediately came out of the woods and up to his drivers side window. The fourth was hiding in the trees just a few yards behind the car, thinking he was invisible, and I had a bad feeling settle into the pit of my stomach.
"What trouble have you boys been up to tonight?" Charlie asked them, as politely as he could while speaking to the man who almost murdered his wife. "I was trying to enjoy my daughters birthday dinner."
"Still human I see." Sam nodded approvingly and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Even if you reek of the blood suckers." He shot at me.
"Let's not resort to name calling." I frowned at him. "I can assure you, we try to maintain a peaceful respect. Even after you tried to kill my brother and myself." I grimaced.
"We were just going for you, in all honesty." Sam explained. "I'm sorry, but we have to resort to keeping the treaty in tact at all cost. You changing Charlie violates those terms." He accused me.
"Oh? Then how does it stay intact with Billy having told Charlie we are vampires in the first place?" I shot back at him, and the quiet anger on his face made me smile. "Not to mention young Jacob telling Bella as well." I added, just for fun. "If we want to point fingers here, it all starts on your side of the treaty. I have no plans of changing Charlie anytime soon, let alone in the town of Forks, and so you have no reason to worry."
"Let's meet on neutral ground here." Charlie stated. "You stop attacking the Cullens for something they're not guilty of, and the Cullens won't prosecute your breaking of the treaty." He offered.
"Deal." Sam nodded, shaking his hand. "You got lucky, Cullen." He huffed before stalking back into the woods with his pack.
"Oh please, he acts like he's the one that thought of it." I sighed in relief as Charlie turned the cruiser backs towards town.
"Let's just hope we can keep the peace for a little while longer. At least until Bella, Edward, and Alice can graduate." He sighed.
"I think the peace has been breached already, Chief Swan." I chuckled.
Later that night, or, really the early hours of the next day, Charlie was still hard at work on his report over the incidents in La Push. I was trying to help him think of good cover stories for our talk with the gang when someone knocked at his office door.
"Here, look like you're asleep." He told me, handing me his jacket as he got up and went to his door. I threw it over me like a blanket and shut my eyes as I snuggled down in the chair I was sitting in.
"Shh, the wife is sleeping." Charlie told whoever was at the door quietly.
"Oh, sorry." Deputy Mark apologized in a whisper. "I was just wondering if you wanted any help on the report."
"No, I just now finished it." Charlie told him. "We got pulled away from Bella's birthday party. I was just trying to finish it as fast as possible so I can get her home."
"She looks exhausted." Deputy Mark agreed. "Well, let me know if I can do anything. I'm about to head back out on patrol."
"Coast is clear." Charlie told me, heading back to his desk to save the report. "What do you say we get home?" He offered, yawning for effect.
However, my cellphone ringing prevented me from responding as I answered it quickly.
"Grace, Edward has requested a family meeting." Carlisle sighed deeply. "Are you and Charlie available?"
"I'll come, but he needs to get home and rest." I told my brother, hating the worried sound in his tone. "I'll be there in five minuets." I promised him before we said our goodbyes.
"What's wrong now?" Charlie frowned at me.
"Edward's called a family meeting. You need to go home and sleep. I'll fill you in." I promised him as we stood and left the station. "I'll be back to the house as soon as possible." I promised him, kissing his cheek before racing off through the dark trees towards the Cullen house.
My stomach was in knots as I tried my hardest to concentrate on something other than the pain in my leg. Luckily, it was a short run and I managed to make it inside and into a dinning room chair quickly.
"You shouldn't have ran with your leg still injured." Carlisle frowned at me across the table.
"I didn't hurt too bad." I shrugged. "Besides, Charlie had a long night and needed to sleep some before work tomorrow." I added. "Go ahead and just say what you're wanting to say. You're making me nervous." I told him.
"Well, since Edward has called us all here, I'll let him speak." Carlisle deflected, and Edward stood from where he was leaning against the wall.
"I can't allow Bella to keep getting injured because of me." He sighed. "I think, for her protection, we need to move."
"Move?!" I cried out, and Carlisle quickly took my hand in his.
"A clean break, no goodbyes, and numbers disconnected. No contact and eventually she'll forget all about us. She'll be able to move on, go to college, get married, and have a life away from the constant fear of getting hurt or killed." He explained.
"That sounds ridiculous!" I yelled. "Forget about us? Charlie and I are married! You don't just forget someone like that!"
"I see his point." Carlisle sighed deeply.
"What?!" I turned on him. "How could you possibly-
"She has been injured quite frequently due to her involvement with our family." Esme nodded sadly.
"A break would allow her to live a relatively normal life. Plus, she's still human so she most likely won't feel the mating pull as strong. She might even treat it as a normal breakup." Carlisle mused.
"This is not some experiment we're talking about here." I snapped at him. "This is my daughter and her life."
"But she's not really your daughter." Alice negated. "She's your step-daughter."
I knew she only said it because she doesn't understand 'human things', but it still stung deep into my core.
"Bella is apart of Charlie. Literally, half of him. That makes me love that girl as if she were my own and no one is going to sit here and tell me differently." I stated soundly. "I can't even fathom leaving Bella, let alone Charlie." I nearly cried.
"Let's take a vote." Edward offered sternly. "Everyone who agrees with me, raise your hand."
Before I could contest any further, plead, or beg for them to see things my way...everyone had raised their hands in support of leaving.
"Mom?" Edward asked. "What's your choice?"
"Do not make me choose." I begged, a guttural cry.
"I'm sorry mother." Edward sighed deeply.
I simply stood from the table and limped to the doorway, unable to look any of them in the eyes for what they were doing to Bella, to Charlie, and to me of all people. Carlisle and I vowed to do everything side by side when we were reunited, and I couldn't believe he was deserting that promise now when I needed him the most.
"Where are you going, sister?" Carlisle asked me, standing from the table, and actually having the nerve to sound upset.
"Home to my family." I growled at him before stalking out to the garage and getting into my car.
I drove to the Swan house, home, in a daze. Unable to process properly as I drove the dark winding roads to the house. My heart genuinely hurt for the first time in a very long time. The last time I remembered my heart hurting so badly had been before Carlisle and I were reunited, on a night where I had been missing him immensely. I parked behind Bella's truck, knowing I would be taking her to school in the morning, and carefully made my way into the house.
I paused in the entryway, lost at what to do next with my existence. I could go deep into the woods and scream and cry and curse my circumstances for taking my brother and family from me again, or I could climb the stairs and get into bed with my husband. I could cry, or I could be comforted by his steady breathing and calming presence.
I know Bella is going to need comfort when she realizes Edward is leaving with the rest of the Cullens. She is going to be heartbroken and angry, I'm sure. She'll need assurance that I'm not leaving as well, and so I need to be strong for her right now. There will be time for me to grieve later. I have to be strong right now.
So, making up my mind, I quietly climbed the stairs and went into Charlie's room. I shrugged out of my jacket and gently took off my shoes before wrapping a blanket around myself and climbing into bed beside my husband.
"Hey." Charlie mumbled, my weight against him having woken him up. "Are you okay? You seem sad." He worried over me as I buried myself into his side.
"I'm fine, Charlie." I sighed. "Just go back to sleep. I'll tell you about it in the morning." I promised him.
"Well, that's not happening." He chuckled, sitting up in bed and turning on the beside table lamp before pulling me up into his embrace.
I began to cry quietly then as I latched onto him. My heart hurt so badly that I didn't know what to do about it. Ignoring it was already threatening to send me into a spiral.
"Honey, what's wrong?" He cooed, hugging me tightly. "What happened?" He worried.
"Edward decided that it's too dangerous for Bella to be around the Cullens any longer." I cried. "He somehow convinced them all that they should leave."
"Leave?" He panicked. "All of them? Even Carlisle?"
"Yes." I sobbed, clutching him to me.
"Grace." He sighed deeply, somehow pulling me against him tighter. "I'm so sorry."
"They expected me to leave with them." I huffed. "As if I could ever leave you and Bella. That's ridiculous!" I cried. "Bella is going to be devastated, and so I need to be strong for her and show her I'm not going anywhere." I explained.
"But you're hurting too." He retorted. "I can't imagine how hurt you must be." He shook his head. "You don't have to be strong all of the time, especially not with me, and so for tonight you are going to lay here and let me soothe your crying. You can be strong in the morning."
"I love you so much." I kissed him deeply, overwhelmed by my love for this amazing man Fate so graciously gifted me.
"I love you too." He swore to me, kissing me back before tucking my head under his chin sweetly.
In the morning, I finally convinced Charlie that I was okay enough for him to get up and go shower before getting ready for work. I got dressed as he showered and went downstairs to start breakfast while he got into his uniform.
"That smells good." Bella praised, startling me as I absentmindedly made the eggs.
"Oh, thank you." I smiled at her, plating some for her and Charlie. "Who brought you home last night?" I asked her, setting her plate in front of her before starting coffee for Charlie.
"Edward." She answered. "Esme calmed him down and he came back after Carlisle got the house smelling like bleach. Carlisle and I actually had a really good talk while he was stitching me up."
"Oh really?" I asked excitedly, trying to act like my normal self. "What about?"
"You finding Edward and his mom." She replied easily. "I didn't know it was such a good story." She smiled at me.
"It's a very good story." I nodded, suddenly sad to think of Elizabeth's gentle spirit and haunting green eyes. She would hate to see what her son is doing to his new family. "I have a lot to thank Elizabeth Masen for." I nodded, meaning it entirely.
"Good morning girls." Charlie greeted us, messing up Bella's hair on his way to kiss my cheek. "Did you take those cooking lessons with Esme?" He asked me, smelling the eggs and coffee as I put them on the table for him.
"Can I not just be good at something myself without help from the Cullens?" I snapped, and he and Bella looked at me with their shared wide brown eyes. "I'm sorry." I apologized quickly.
"Are the seniors exams getting to you, Grace?" Bella asked me. "I could tell you were a little overwhelmed the other day grading papers."
"Yes." I agreed. "That must be it." I nodded, sending Charlie a look to play along.
I didn't know when she would realize the Cullens were leaving, I didn't know when they would leave, and so I decided not to tell her until she had to know.
The school day passed by uneventfully, besides none of the Cullens being in attendance. I was surprised that they had left immediately, and I wondered how I was going to tell Bella. I decided I would cook a nice dinner and Charlie and I could explain what happened to her together in a safe space. That would be much better than casually telling her in the living room or calling her up to her room as if she were in trouble.
Bella had insisted on taking her truck this morning, and so I was free to go to the grocery store while she headed home to start on some homework that had snuck up on her. I picked up a good weeks worth of groceries and healthy things for both Bella and Charlie. Dreading the upcoming conversation, I pulled into the driveway behind Bella's truck and loaded the groceries into the house.
"Bella?" I called upstairs, suddenly realizing I couldn't hear her heartbeat in the house. "Bella?!" I panicked, forgetting my hurt leg as I rushed up the stairs and opened her door.
There wasn't a trace of her being in her room recently. No warmth or new scent, only that of her being here this morning, and so I rushed back downstairs in a desperate attempt to find her. I searched the entire house and didn't find her anywhere. As a last attempt, I pulled out my phone and called Charlie.
"I can't find Bella." I gasped as he answered.
"What?!" He cried out. "What do you mean you can't find her?" He worried.
"I went to the grocery store after school ended. She said she was coming home to work on some homework. Her truck is in the drive, but there's no trace of her ever going up to her room or even coming inside for that matter."
"Okay, calm down, I'm coming with a search party." He tried to soothe me. "I'll be there in five minuets." He promised me.
At ten o'clock, we were still searching for Bella. Half the forks police department was out searching the woods for any sign of her. Charlie and I had gone out to search, but I got in the way with my leg and he got frustrated with the lack of progress. So, we had looped back around to the house and set up a command center on the hood of Charlie's cruiser with a map and walkie talkies.
"Charlie, we're here to help." Harry Clearwater announced, climbing out of his truck along with the four shapeshifters from the reservation.
I genuinely liked Harry. He, his family, and Billy Black had been the only ones from the reservation to attend the wedding. Billy had been dragged along by Harry, but it still meant a lot to Charlie nonetheless.
"Thank you Harry." Charlie thanked him, obviously touched by his friend coming to help in a dark moment. "Thank you all." He nodded, uncomfortable but still grateful for the help of the shapeshifters. "The search party has gotten pretty deep into the woods, but I think it will better if you lot start from the waters edge and work your way back."
"We're on it, Chief." Sam nodded, motioning the other shapeshifters to follow him off into the woods.
It wasn't until around one in the morning that Sam called out that he had found her. Which meant Bella had been out in the damp cold forest for over ten hours. He had her in his arms securely as he rushed up to us, and I cried out in relief as Charlie got her into his arms.
"Oh Bella!" I cooed, checking her for injuries. "What happened?!" I cried.
"He's gone." She mumbled, eyes distant and glassy.
"What?" Charlie asked her, her speaking too low for human ears.
"She's going into hypothermic shock." I told Charlie, diagnosing her immediately. "We need to get her to the hospital. Here, put her in my car." I told him, rushing to open the door to the backseat and helping him lay her out.
"I'll stay here and wrap the search party up." He told me, kissing me quickly before going back to the command center.
I got into the drivers seat and took off towards the hospital, my tires squealing as they hit the parking lot and slid into a parking spot.
"It's okay, Bella." I promised her. "You're going to be okay." I cooed, getting out as I called the hospital.
"Yes, I'm right outside of the ER bay. I've got Bella Swan in a hypothermic shock and need help getting her inside. I need a gurney, now." I dictated as soon as the receptionist picked up.
Within minutes, Bella was resting comfortably in a hospital room hooked up to fluids and being slowly warmed back up to avoid going into shock. I stepped out into the hall to call Charlie and let him know where we were, but I caught sight of a familiar head of blond hair pass by the end of the hallway.
Knowing Bella was safe and being well looked after, I couldn't help myself as I marched down the hallway and turned the corner headed towards Carlisle's office. I climbed the stairs and barged into his office angrily.
"Grace?" He questioned me, surprise crossing our nearly identical features. "What are you doing here at this hour?"
"Your damned golden nephew left Bella to rot in the woods, that's what I'm doing here." I growled at him.
"What?" He gasped. "He said he went over there to tell her goodbye. We're leaving in the morning."
"Yeah, well, he lured her out so deep into the woods that even I lost her scent. It took us ten hours to find her, Carlisle." I ranted.
"Ten hours? In yesterday's conditions she has to be suffering from-"
"Hypothermic shock and wet lungs." I snapped at him. "Let's hope it doesn't develop into pneumonia."
"Grace, I'm sorry I-"
"I don't want your apologies." I cut him off. "I just wanted you to know what you're helping Edward do to this family. I want you to know how angry I am with you. I want you to know that I am never going to forgive you if you leave." I assured him, holding hope that this final plea would reach his heart.
"Well then, I suppose I want you to know that I'm always going to be on your side." He sighed.
I slapped him hard across his face.
"Don't you say that!" I growled at him. "Don't you dare promise me that now. Not when you're leaving at such a crucial time. You're leaving me to deal with this town and the angry shapeshifters. You're leaving me on my own!" I yelled at him, pure anger running in my veins.
He went to open his mouth again, but I had had enough.
"Don't. Don't waste the breath. I'm going back to my daughter now. Goodbye brother." I cried, leaving the room and marching back around the corner to Bella's room.
I sat in the chair by her bed, and reached over to take one of her hands in mine so I could comfort myself in knowing she's alive. To think we could've lost her due to Edward's carelessness made me feel sick and useless.
"Grace?" Charlie spoke my name from the doorway. "You're crying. You're actually crying." He came over to me, touching my cheek and showing me my tears.
"My gift is forcing my emotions to show." I told him, trying to control myself. "I'm just so glad she's okay."
"Me too." He sighed, collapsing into the chair beside me and leaning over to wrap his arms around me. "I know it may not seem like it, but we're going to be okay. You'll see." He tried to cheer me up, but I found it hard to believe him in this case.
Bella didn't develop pneumonia, but she did get a nasty cold. She was released two days after being admitted as the hospital wanted to make sure she didn't get dehydrated from her sickness and go downhill after being so unstable. She stayed in a constant numb state of depression. I was having to force her to eat to keep the hospital staff from asking questions. I was more than happy when we got to go home, although I became even more discouraged about Bella's state of mind.
"I'm getting worried about her." I confessed to Charlie early one morning. "It's been a week since we left the hospital and she's still nearly catatonic." I sighed, taking his breakfast plate from the table and putting it in the sink.
"I'm worried more about the nightmares she's been having." He shook his head, rubbing at his face. "They're terrifying."
"I want to pull her through this, but I need your support to do it." I told him. "It's not going to be pretty, and it may take some time, but I need you to consent to me doing whatever I have to to get her better again."
"Anything." He agreed. "Do it. I trust you." He nodded.
"Great." I smiled at him, kissing his cheek quickly. "No matter how much screaming you hear, don't come upstairs." I told him.
"Wait, you're not going to hurt her, right?" He panicked a little bit.
"No, I'm going to force her into the shower." I laughed at him before climbing the stairs. "Bella? Sweetheart?" I knocked at her door before letting myself in, knowing she wasn't going to respond.
She sat in her rocking chair, rocking and looking out over the trees, acting as if she were watching for something...or someone.
"Bella, why don't we get you into the shower and ready for school, hmm?" I cooed, going and getting clothes from her drawers for her to change into.
"Alright, if you want this the hard way then we'll do it the hard way." I told her, crouching down in front of her.
She briefly held my eye contact before cringing away and looking back outside.
"Okay, here we go." I told her, taking her in my arms and going into the bathroom.
She screamed and beat against the walls and called out for help. She did everything she could think of to get away from me. When I finally had her bathed, changed, and her hair brushed I let her go back into her room. I decided that we would tackle school on Monday morning. It was better to take things one step at a time.
"She's okay, right?" Charlie asked me as I limped downstairs. "That was a lot of screaming."
"She's clean." I shrugged. "I think seeing my eyes bother her." I sighed. "Too much of a reminder. I'll start wearing them blue for awhile until she adjusts more." I explained.
"You're really good with her." Charlie praised me. "I know it may not seem like it, but you are. Remember that, okay? I love you."
"Okay, I love you too." I nodded, kissing him deeply before letting him out of the door for work.
"Bella! I'm leaving! There's lunch in the fridge. If it's not eaten by the time I get back you're in big trouble!" I called up the stairs to her.
I sighed as I shut the door and got in my car. I couldn't shake the feeling that something big was lurking in the shadows, just waiting to strike and send our world into yet another spiral.
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