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*** Rex's POV***
"Sit." I lower Karis into the booth in the corner of the diner. I know where I have taken her. I have a method to my madness.
"What can I get for you?" The red headed waitress smiles softly at the two of us. I softly whisper for coffee before accepting the menus. I place one in front of Karis before looking over my own.
"Coffee first. Then the tea." I wink at my friend. Karis nods graciously. I understand that she is really going through something. I'm not here to judge. I just really have to know how she lets that man get so deep into her bones. The sooner I know, the sooner we can stop it.
Jennifer, the server, places two steaming cups in front of us. We quietly mix the creamer and sugar while rattling off a request for our breakfast.
Karis lifts the cup to her lips, closing her eyes as the warm liquid makes it's way through her parted lips. I watch her observantly as I take my own sip. When my phone buzzes, I answer my husband. Finn wants to make sure we made it to the diner. He is checking on the state of our friend. I send a simple message that we are here but, the latter has yet to be determined.
"Ready." Karis sets her coffee down on the table before she picks up her napkin, folding it slowly with both of her shaking hands.
"I'm not really sure where the correct place to start is. I guess just tell me what set that tornado off in your house. That should bring us full circle." Satisfied that I have given her a platform for conversation, I lean back against my seat to try to be patient. Patience isn't necessarily my strong suit. Sometimes, you just gotta improvise.
"Christopher." The one word answer doesn't enlighten me at all. I guessed so much. I want to know why, after all this time, he is able to pull that type of reaction out of her. This is so much about her well being. However, I have to protect my best friend too. Vance deserves a fighting chance if he is going to try to win this woman over.
"I'm devastated, Rex." Karis shakes her head, holding her hand over her mouth to stifle the hiccup that plays between words.
"About?" I try to encourage her to talk. That is why we're here. I'm Dr. Phil-ing this shit up. I need the dirt.
"I just. I'm fucking angry. I'm down right livid. After all this time, he has the audacity to track me down and plead for a place in my life. I tried Rex. I swear to the heavens, I tried so damn hard." Karis looks at me with pleading eyes. Reaching over, I grasp her delicate hand with my own.
"I have no doubt. Let's talk about that for a minute. Tell me where it went wrong. Explain to me, how we got to this point." The waitress comes by to check on us. I wave her off with a mouthed thank you.
"For the better part of a decade, I gave that man everything I had. When I say everything, Rex, I mean everything. I gave my time, my heart, my life and even my finances. It just wasn't enough. I was never enough." I want to interject here. I can absolutely envision the anger that Vance would feel in this moment. The memories of Finn's eyes, every single time that I said I am not enough, flash in front of me. Caught somewhere between disappointment and disgust. I just zip my lips. We will have to get back to that.
"What happened?" My minimal additions are only here to guide as stepping stones. We have bridges to build and some that need to be burned. I'm just the flint to the match.
"I got tired. You know when you are just fed up. Sick and tired of being sick and tired, he was exhausting. We were draining me. Being us, was killing me." Karis pulls a long sip from her cup. I hurry to do the same. We are sisters in arms. I'm here to support her, even if I just mimic her movements. I am trying to show her solidarity.
"Okay. That is acceptable. Where did that get you?" Of course, I know the answer. The question is sort of a secret door to explore how she is in the present.
"Divorced. But, not before I was lonely, heartbroken and completely destroyed. I fought so fucking hard. I swear I believed Christopher was my forever. Stupid fairy tales set us all up for failure." Karis rolls here eyes, blowing a breath up towards her hairline. The wispy bangs that frame her gorgeous face fly up into the air, some landing a bit more chaotic than they sat before.
I want to say that's a fucking lie. It is. I have a fairytale. The problem here is two things: it's not time for that yet and sometimes we have to kiss a few frogs before we kiss a prince.
"But, now?" I question. I'm not real good with this psychiatrist bullshit. I had like this strong game plan that started with tough love, followed up with some heartwarming advice and ended with us giggling while gushing over our daddies. At this point, I'm starting to wonder if I was even the right person for the job.
"I don't know. It's like he gets in my head. I try to soothe him. I just don't want him to feel like I feel. At the same time, I'm so fucking angry that I want to bash his head in with a large rock and dance in his blood. It brings out parts of me that I don't care for. Yet, I can't find the strength not to answer his calls. It's like eating the poisoned apple even after the warning." Karis cringes on that statement.
That, my dears, is called insanity. Also, she is a bit fucking scary. We went from soft and sweet to sharpening knives over a human sacrifice real quick. She is in good company. Adam and Eve will tell you that much.
"You care too much." I almost suck the words back in before they slip from my lips. Instead, I let the shit fly. Fuck filters. I don't have one and have never been in a situation that required one, well not enough to care anyways.
"Blame it on the empath in me." Karis has no humor in her statement. She looks repulsed by the characteristic.
It's not having empathy that is an issue. The problem is, narcissists leach off of empaths. That's where things go dirty.
"The wrong person will always make your strongest characteristics look like flaws. That's why it so very important to make good choices within your circle." I kinda feel proud of that one. It's cheesy but, true.
"Well, case in point. Christopher did that. He was great at that." Karis pushes her empty cup to the side. She accepts a refill once our plates are set down in front of us.
"How do we get to a point where you cut off communication with him? Karis, sweetheart, he is acid to your soul. We need to weed the garden here." I pick at my food while diving head first into the therapy.
"I want to. That's why I moved. It worked for a while. I guess I should have moved farther than to a town so close. I just wanted a couple miles to like create separation. I didn't want a complete change. Something just had to give. Yet, nothing is much different. I don't know Rex. I don't fucking know." Her breathing picks up alerting me that we are teetering on that thin line between reality and a panic attack. The little flags in my head are screaming to retreat. I know we need to go here though. We can't get passed it if we can't go through it.
Thinking on the fly, I make a decision.
"Let's pack this up and take it to the park. Here is not a good place for such heavy conversation. I think you will be more comfortable outside of watchful eyes." Karis nods her head in agreement. I wave the server over, paying quickly before thanking her. We rush from the diner to walk the few blocks to the park.
Karis's breathing evens out as we take a seat at the bench that is far more secluded than the bustling diner. I really wanted to be in a place that reminded Karis of her option. However, like I said, improvise.
"You got panicked earlier. I want to address that. So, you are second guessing your choices. Karis, I believe you are taking on blame that is not your own. That's gotta stop. Christopher tracked you down. He infiltrated your space. You can't run forever. You are allowing that man to control you. He has too much power over you." I know it is harsh. Frankly, it needs to be.
"I don't know how to take it back. I'm not particularly powerful." Ohhh, heaven stop me. My feet bounce above the dew dampened grass. I feel like someone just pumped me full of Red Bull and semen. Shaking the burst of fire from my limbs I stand up. I grab Karis hand, moving her plate to the side.
"Honey, this is tough love. Hope you're ready." That's all the warning I got for the blonde bombshell.
"You are not powerful? Okay. So, you don't own a successful company? You don't own a second home after leaving that shit stain with the one you primarily financed? You didn't walk away from all of your friends, your life and your comfort zone to start over? Girl, power rolls off of you in demanding waves. Reality check, you are more than fucking enough. You're down right frightening. Whatever this man took from you, take it back. Right now. You are so fucking battered that you don't see all that makes you Karis. That's a damn shame." I take a deep breath. Half way point, let's bring it home.
"Karis, you are not anything that the vile excuse for a man beat into you with words meant to tear you down. Don't let him win. He doesn't deserve it. You are ambitious, gorgeous and absolutely sexy. Own it. Stand up. Fight for yourself. We can fight beside you but, the battle is yours. We can't fight for you if you don't fight for yourself. Now, say it with me." I take a large breath because I got some Oprah up in these genes.
"I am worthy." I nod my head in encouragement.
"I'm worthy." The whisper lacks confidence. Sickening.
"Nah, babe. It's more like the roar of a lioness. I Am Worthy! Say it." I feel the power of the Queen inside of me. We are doing this shit.
"I Am Worthy." She sounds like a lion cub, but beggars can't be choosers. I'll take it.
"I am enough." My body trembles with the power of the words my own husband has ingrained in me.
"I am enough." We're getting there. She has a bit of attitude with that. I feel proud.
"I am more than the product of my past." Karis smiles softly as she straightens up. I can feel her hand tighten around mine. When she repeats my words, I feel conviction. Here we go now.
"I am a fucking Queen." I may have shouted. I got passion, sue me.
"I am a fucking Queen." Her giggle is a blessing upon my ears. We're rolling. Can't stop now.
"I am who I say I am. You have no power over me." Lord, this is church up in here. Hallelujah. I'm about to break into a dance. Holy Spirit, come on now.
"I am who I say I am. Christopher, you don't own me. You have no power over me." Tears fill her eyes. I just got tingles from my toes to head. Don't make me praise baby Jesus in this park.
"I am proud of myself. I am an achiever. I am perfectly made. This is my life and I am going live it." I wait patiently for her to digest my mantra. It's a good one.
"I am proud of who I have become. I am strong. I am a warrior, a survivor. I will live this life while loving who I am." Okay, now we are there. Yes, Queen.
I notice a few people looking at us. Let them look. It's okay. Maybe someone else needs this too. We got you boo.
"Come on babe. Tell me. Tell me every dream. Shout it out. Live out loud. This is it. This is your moment. Tell me why you are an over comer." Motivation flows through me. Karis has gone and pulled out my inner Queen. Nothing is going to stop us now.
"I am pretty. I am kind. I am a good person. I give my all even when nothing is returned. My heart is big, always ready to provide where needed. I go after my dreams and fulfill them. Love is my gift that I share without expectation. I am a good friend, a wonderful listener and a quality sounding board. I forgive. I build others up. I see good in everything, everywhere. I am capable of making others happy, including myself. I am successful. I am an encourager." Her announcement is a breath of clean air. She is so much more. Fuck, she needs to know that she is so much more.
Grabbing her precious face between my hands, I move in closer. As her eyes meet mine, I get ready to fill her cup that has run so very empty. A real queen builds their friends up. We are Queens.
"You are so much, Karis. You are beauty. You are grace. You are a catch. Any man would be blessed to stand beside you. You were not meant to merely blend into the shadows. You are more than that. You bring joy anywhere you go. You command the room. You are a strong, independent woman. You don't have to be though. It's okay to lean on someone else. Not every man you meet is looking to break you. Let yourself fall, baby girl. Fall so deep into the ocean of love that the water drowns away the memories that made you scared to fall in the first place. The right man will bring you to the surface, renewed. Let him fill you until you are bursting with excess." I pad my thumbs beneath her lashes as her blue eyes spill with emotions. She needs to cry. Crying is very cleansing. Lord, this beautiful girl needs to cry.
"Thank you." Her tiny voice is just a lick across my spirit.
"You are welcome. Now, we know I'm pushy. So, I'm gonna do me, right now." I smile wholeheartedly at my friend. She giggles again giving me the green light to be myself.
"There is a man who is positively smitten with you. I know you are worried that he has no idea what he is signing up for. You don't need to be. Vance is perceptive. He sees all the pieces of you that you are trying to contain. Let them spill out. He isn't going anywhere that doesn't lead him to you. I can say that because I know him. Give him a try. I promise, you aren't going to regret it. But, also, I need you to cut that ex loose. He isn't any good for you. You tried. He didn't. He doesn't get another chance because chances are only acceptable if the reward is worth the risk. Karis, there isn't any winning in that one. The damage is too deep. He had perfection. He broke it. Now, let him go. Let him navigate a new path in his own life. That's not your responsibility. You're only job is to follow a path that leads you to your best life. It's time to start that journey, love. It's been time. You don't have any time requirements to meet. You aren't on a five year plan or a five day plan. You just gotta start somewhere. Let love take you home. I will be here to listen to you when Vance gets on your last fucking nerve. He will. It's inevitable. I will hold your hand when you feel like love with make you fly away. I am here. No place I would rather be. Let's just dry up those sweet tears. It's time to live your best extra life. Besides, Vance comes with this super fucking cute friend who just wants to shower you in so much love that you puddle." I wink at my friend. I mean it when I say this girl has my heart. I just want to gobble her up. She's fucking precious.
"I needed that. Thank you, again. You're right. You knew that though." Karis walks away from me as she heads towards the trash. I know she didn't really eat. I wasn't expecting much. Vance told me about her aversion to food. We can work on that in the future.
All that matters is that little sparkle in her eye as she turns to head back to me. I enjoy the tiny sway of her hips as a true swagger settles into her bones. She should be confident. All those curves makes a man wanna explore every avenue. Not this man, but I know one that wants to memorize every line of her form.
I slide my hand into hers as I lead us back to the diner. I don't really know if she feels like she made progress. She did. She will. I'm not a fly by night type of friend. I have a very few friends. That's because, loving someone fully is a commitment. I like to pick my charges carefully. I like to do a thorough job. You can't do that by spreading yourself too thin. It's not fair to half ass a friendship. I'm kinda the all or nothing type. Okay, I'm fucking extra. I love being extra.
As we take the few blocks back to my truck, I give her hand a few extra squeezes. Bringing her in for a couple shoulder bumps, I return her smile. I always wanted a go-to-straight. I think I finally found her. Just two queens living in a world full of possibilities. We are two queens that will straighten each others crowns and kick one another's asses when it becomes a necessity.
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