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*** Vance's POV***
I don't know at which point I decided I was all in. I just know that I am. Something about this woman has opened me up. Maybe it is the way she must be opened so delicately. Like an ancient book with a buckling spine, pages that are barely clinging to one another, my Karis needs to be handled with care.
I follow aimlessly behind her. She sweeps through the building with rushed steps that have a single focus. I quicken my pace to keep up with her large strides. Even when she is panicked she carries a beauty that is full of grace.
The elevator door chimes, we step inside of the full cubicle to reach our destination faster. Impatiently, Karis watches as the numbers climb. I wrap my hand around hers, pulling her closely to me.
"Calm down, please sweetheart." I whisper gentle reminders that being anxious will not get us there any quicker. Karis nods, leaning back against me. I softly kiss her temple to get her mind clear. The elevator dings to let us know we have arrived. Karis takes a deep breath before stepping off into the open room.
The sun shines through the high rise floor. Pristine white marble glistens with the morning rays. Sparse furniture made of large office chairs and sofas create a center to the otherwise open room.
Karis looks left to the windows before walking over to them silently. Her hands clasp her arms while she peers at the park below. I make a mental note to walk her around the natural wonder when we have some spare time. Karis walks slowly down the length of the glass wall. When she reaches the corner her attention is once again directed at the green treetops that cascade over the park's walkway.
"Are you nervous?" I stand a few inches behind her, giving her enough space so that she does not feel crowded while asserting to her, silently, that I am a pillar of strength for her. Karis nods without saying a word.
"Ms. Vardell." The receptionist calls for my Karis. Karis walks confidently forward, leaving ogling men with jaws less than closed. I smirk. They can look, but they will never touch.
Dressed to impress, Karis is a picture of power. Her long legs are more than show stopping as they peek from beneath her skirt. She wears a blazer as if it was tailored for only her. A white button down gives the black suit the perfect contrast. Karis seems as if she has the market on sheer confidence.
I already know this not be the case. She hides behind the suit so that other's won't be a privy to the fact that she is shaking internally. Confidence does not come natural to my sweet China doll. She has become an expert at pretending to be what she is not.
Fake it 'til you make it. I believe that is the term she used.
Either way, the board of men gobble up the facade leaving me to believe that we are definitely the inferior species. Karis shakes hands while I stand beside her acting as if my presence is pertinent to this meeting. It is not. Karis simply offered me to join so I accepted in order to spend more time with her.
"Karis, I see you are stunning as always. Let us get this meeting started so we may have time to catch up at the end." The way the CEO rakes his eyes over Karis does not appease me whatsoever. Actually, it makes me wish that I had my collar with me so I can mark my territory. I scoot closer to Karis letting my leg fall against her's beneath the table so our bodies can touch inconspicuously.
"Yes. The purpose of this meeting is to address the idea that would like to invest in my company. While I could use your money, I adamantly decline your offer to a fifty percent stake in an enterprise that I have built for the last decade alone. It would not be intelligent to give away such a large share this far into the game. I am an intelligent woman. Your offer is offensive. I am sure you can see how I feel that this is a slap to my face let alone the defamation of my pride." I hold back the chuckle with her speech. She surely did not sugar coat that.
"We did not intend to offend you. I believe you can see the value in being backed by four of the most powerful names in this city. Correct me if I am wrong, but was it not you who sought out us for this business venture." The man leans back in his seat while sweeping his eyes across the table at each of his business partners. I wait with bated breath on the answer. I am sure to be pleased.
"You are wrong, so let me correct you. I do recall a certain Adam Canton coming to me a few weeks ago, begging if I may dare, that I allow you four the opportunity to be a part of, and I quote, "one of the most promising catering businesses this town has been privileged to have". Karis doesn't offer more than that as she looks to me for reassurance. I send her a smile. She has them by the balls.
"Oh, yes. Now I recall. My apologies. So, in the interest of moving forward, I am prepared to offer you the same half million while only requesting thirty-three percent of the company." Ricky Wells sits back as if he has offered my beautiful flower the world on a silver platter. He must have missed the scoff that left Karis' lips immediately after he spit out that criminal contempt.
"Let's save ourselves the trouble of this little bargain. I do not wish to be backed by any of you. I simply came to amuse you. As this has been nothing but insulting, I will take my leave. For future reference, I am not willing to give any of my company over to the frivolous four. Your lot has burned more bridges in this town than the California wild fires have destroyed trees. It would mean a short trip to bankruptcy having my name associated with the four of you; please kindly forget this has taken place. Don't bother trying to call me again. I am just disappointed that we did not get to the part where you explain to me how four floundering businessman believed they were acquiring half a million dollars to begin with. Have a nice day gentleman. There will be no need to catch up after all." Karis stands bringing me to my feet immediately.
I was concerned with why Karis would attempt a meeting with this crowd at all. After watching her burn them alive, I have less concern. My state of mind is filled with more pride than anything. She came prepared. She's magnificent.
"That was a sight to witness. You did very well." I pull Karis down the halls so we may exit this ostentatious building. I assume that the group has rented that board room for the hour. I imagine, from Karis' conversation, that they would barely be able to afford the knock off Armani suits they were sporting.
"I'm sorry. That was theatrical. I'm just exhausted with men believing that I am incapable of running a successful company without a cock. It's absurd." Karis let's out a huff as we enter the elevator.
A full laugh comes boisterously from my lips. She has it right. Men often believe women are lacking in the corporate world. What a load of pure bullshit. Most of us men depend heavily on a woman, behind the scenes, to keep us completely on track. So, who is really running the corporate world?
"My lovely Karis, let us leave this behind as we move forward. I apologize on behalf of that slimy meeting. However, you did not bother to take any of their shit. You must feel proud for how you have handled yourself." I pull Karis to me so that my arms slide around her waist. Karis nods quietly while melting into my embrace.
We finally exit the elevator, making our way to Karis' SUV. I allow Karis a few moments to wind down from our meeting. Once she seems ready, I turn up the radio before relaxing completely in Karis' presence.
Once Karis makes it through the main city, I notice that we are not on the path back to her house. I contemplate asking Karis where it is that we are headed but, instead I allow her to show me. When we finally stop, I am not at all aware of my surroundings. I haven't been to this side of town that I can recall. To say I am in the dark is completely true.
"Come." Karis beckons for me to exit the vehicle with her. When I look around, I am no more knowledgeable about our location than I was before. Honestly, the empty field is nothing to look at. While it is filled with what appears to be old barns, I haven't the slightest clue as to why we are here at all.
I follow Karis to what seems to be the center of the property. She stands with arms crossed as she moves her upper body so that she can survey the land. I let my eyes be lead by hers as she continuously scouts the scenery as if it silently answers her unspoken questions.
"What do you think?" Karis questions me before turning to me expectantly. I don't believe that this is a trick question. The truth is that I am unsure what to think at all.
"Where are we? Why are we here, my love?" I think now is a good time for my own questions considering I am expected to form an opinion.
"I apologize. Yes. I am thinking of purchasing this land for a wedding venue. What do you think?" Karis smiles at me. That look tells me that whatever my thoughts would be, I do not care. If this brings that smile to her face, I will buy the land myself to keep her happy.
"I can't wait to watch you create your masterpiece from this empty canvas." My words are all she needs. Karis surges forward, pulling me along with her. It is not long before I see where her vision is leading her.
The barns obstruct the view to what lies behind them. Tucked behind the aging wood of large ancient barns, the most beautiful field of green hay grass sits. Long linear panels of white vinyl fencing borders the huge field, as far as the eye can see. Hills upon hills give the scenery depth.
With a quick flip of my imagination, I can easily picture Karis directing others to set up white chairs, unrolling a beautiful white aisle and filling the spaces with flowers. My mind develops an entire wedding that is filled with joyous cheers as a bride and groom intertwine their lives under my Karis' direction.
"Sold." Karis smiles before flinging herself into my arms. I eagerly wrap my arms around the beauty drawing her into my congratulatory embrace. I kiss her head, affirming that this amazing woman is capable of huge things. I pray she allows me to stand beside her to encourage her every single step of the way.
With nothing more to do other than contact the owner, Karis leads me through the property. It's expansive. From lush green grass to weeping willows and cascading bottle brush trees, I can honestly believe that this place will secure Karis' future as a self made wedding planner.
In every moment that I have spent with Karis today, one characteristic has consistently stood out. Karis is incredible. This beautiful shell of a woman has so much to offer the world. As I expose each layer of her vulnerable personality, I have come to a simple conclusion. I simply must keep Karis within my world so I can watch her bloom.
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