Comprehending the Destruction
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*** Vance's POV***
"It is like everything does not even matter." I throw my hands in the air, feeling frustrated that I am so lost for coherent thoughts during the largest crisis of my existence.
"You do not believe that." Rex rounds the bar top before setting his rag down directly in front of him. I reach for the drink that Rex had prepared for me moments ago. I close my eyes just as Rex takes a seat beside me. His rough hand rubs soothingly down my bicep.
"I have no choice but to believe the words that spewed out of my doll's lips. She co-signed those very words with actions, Rex. Look around you. Do you notice that one gorgeous blonde is not in our presence?" I dramatically look around the room as if by some miracle my love will materialize.
"So she knows how to make an exit. It is not that far fetched considering that woman sure as fuck knows how to make an entrance." Rex halfway chuckles while shaking his head. While I agree with him on Karis, I am in no mood for humor.
"Not helping," I grit the words through my teeth while my fingers pinch the bridge of my nose.
"Finn will be here shortly. I am really at a disadvantage. My husband has never run away from me." I do not take Rex's words as an insult relating to Karis running. Instead, I watch as Rex's eyes transform to small globes of sympathy. Rex is definitely the runner in that relationship.
"I am here." Finn immediately throws his keys and phone on the bar. Finn grabs a beer before standing before me as if his presence is enough. It is in a way, however I need cold hard plans to get Karis back before too much damage is created.
"Rex filled me in via text. I am sure there are a lot of details that I am missing." Finn holds up his hand to halt my input. Luckily, I was not planning on expanding on any details that Rex may or may not have informed Finn of. I am confident that Finn has just enough to effectively help.
"So, our precious Karis finally flew the coop. I wish I could say that I am surprised. I kind of had a feeling that she was a fight or flight girl. Apparently, flight is her method of withdrawal." I roll my eyes dramatically.
"Thanks, Einstein." I interject. This knowledge is about as useful as a football bat.
"I have a point." Finn glares at me. I shrug. I am sure that he does. That does not excuse the bullshit epiphany that he just conjured up.
"I can see that you are in no mood for finer details." Finn claps his hand down on my shoulder. I nod my head in complete agreement. Time is not on my side as long as my love is out there letting her thoughts muddy our relationship waters.
"Finn, I think Boss needs the short and sweet version." Rex carefully directs his husband down a different path of lesser resistance.
"Got it." Finn confirms his understanding with a head nod. Good, now maybe we can get somewhere.
"She needs to do this, Vance. I know that you do not want to hear it. She is in so many vulnerable pieces. You have tried, unsuccessfully, to hold Karis together. It was not and is not your job. You can not love someone until they love themselves. She has to come into this whole. If not, you will both have to deal with the destruction." Finn's words are not comforting. Hearing that I failed makes me want to punch a god damned wall.
"No one expects you to comprehend the destruction that Karis has been through." Rex makes me sneer in his direction. What the fuck does that even mean? Am I incapable of being loving enough to someone who is so in need of love?
"That came out wrong." Rex quickly retracts his last statement.
"I agree." I groan out. I need to figure this shit out fast before Karis falls back towards Christopher. I don't think she will but, that doesn't stop me from thinking it.
"I mean, Karis is sifting through the debris left from every storm that has recently plowed through her life. Karis wants to be strong enough to be good enough for you. It is the pressure that she has put on herself to heal that has lead her to leaving. Karis does not feel like she is worthy of your devotion." Rex makes my heart hurt with his keen perception of Karis. I know this much already. I believe it is so absolutely absurd that I cannot wrap my head around the notion that Karis would not be enough for me.
"How can I prove to her that she is enough just as she is?" I am getting frustrated about not having the answers that I am seeking. I need direction on how to get my girl back into my arms.
"You have laid the ground work. It is what it is. You just have to let Karis have the time she needs to work through what she sees as an impossible situation." Finn chimes in with a line of thinking that is an adamant no from me. I do not want to give Karis time to move on from me. I want to love her through this.
"That is an affirmative no." I quickly decline that plan.
"Anything you do at this point is just going to make things worse." Finn argues my reasoning.
"How so?" I am on the defensive.
"Karis already feels like a burden. If you try to be her knight in shining armor, you are going to make her feel as if she is a liability. That is if she does not already feel that way. Put yourself in her shoes. She thinks that she is unworthy. You come in to save her. That will amplify her previous perception." Rex makes me angry when he speaks so fucking logically.
"Great. So, I am just supposed to sit here and hope for the best." I throw my hands up in the air in exasperation.
"Pretty much. You have to let her come back on her own terms." Finn smiles slightly towards me. I am not accepting of pleasantries when I feel so broken. I throw my middle finger towards my best friend.
"I don't want Karis to forget me." I am shocked by my own admission. I had not quite thought that far, yet here the insecurity comes to out me.
"Karis is not forgetting about you. She is in love with you. She has forgotten about herself for so long that when she began to see her feelings for you, she felt selfish." Rex makes the wheels in my head start spinning frantically. This is all par for the course. Karis is so unselfish that she feels greedy for feeling love.
"I just miss her so much already. Worrying about her is what I do. It is not as if I do not know that she is capable of taking care of herself. I don't see why she should have to. Karis is worthy of someone carrying the weight that she has had to struggle with for far too long." My own reasoning seems logical enough. I don't want Karis to walk alone. I want to be beside her through everything that she has to deal with. It is my pleasure to lessen the weight that she feels dutiful in carrying.
"What is good for you and good for her are two completely different entities. Karis needs to feel competent to do for herself. She is an alpha female. She may submit to you. However, that is not her natural station. Karis submits to you because she trusts you. She does not have the same faith in the other circumstances in her life. Karis will need to find a balance. You have to let her do that. I promise, in the end, you will both be better for this." Rex looks at me solemnly. I understand what he is saying. I do not like it. That does not change the fact that he makes sense. I will need to be patient so that Karis and I can build a life together, eventually.
"I think we have run the track multiple times on this situation. The best thing to do is run interference with your thoughts. We have a few things on the agenda today for this club. Maybe getting things off of your mind will give you some breathing room." Finn hands me a clipboard with multiple tasks listed for completion. Scanning over the to-do-list, I see that these things have been neglected thanks to my preoccupation with my doll face.
Deciding that a deterrent will be exactly what I need, I follow Finn through the club. I work on each task with enthusiasm. The fact that I have been so easily distracted does not bode well with me. I love Karis. That much is apparent. I just wonder if my suffocating form of dominance has stifled her ability to grow into the position that I want for her. Does Karis even want to be a part of my world? I know she has enjoyed the introduction into my particular sexual fantasies. However, does that mean that she wants a permanent place in my world.
The self-doubt is new to me. I can not recall a recent time when I have felt so off-balance. I think it may be a good thing. How often can you find somebody that changes you so concretely in such amazing ways? I would gladly surrender to Karis. I wouldn't mind my china doll guiding me in other areas of our lives. I just want to be the Master in the bedroom.
I am a controlling man. Everyone is aware of this. However, when you find yourself in love with another dominant, there is bound to be a curve that must be navigated carefully. For Karis, I will try to do this right. It has never been and is not my intention to impede on Karis' ability to take care of herself. I want to let her know that I can be here if she needs me. I do not want Karis to feel as though I expect her to depend on me. There is nothing beneficial to breaking a strong woman.
With my thoughts dancing in my head, I decide to let fate work her magic. I do not need to over-analyze or even correct this situation. When my love is ready to come back, I will be waiting. That thought makes me smile. It is a genuine smile, not one of those fake ones where you hope others are fooled. I am genuinely happy that Karis feels like taking this time for herself is valuable. Surely she must have a small inclination that I will still be here waiting when she finally returns.
"I guess that is about it." Rex throws his clip board on the desk in Finn's office. I look down at my own list noticing that we cleared all of tasks far quicker than I had intended. Rex takes a seat in Finn's lap. I smile. They are my best friends. They also happen to be one of the most magical love stories I have witnessed.
My phone rings, making my eyes squint. Seeing the name on the Caller ID makes me angry. I send the shit straight to voicemail. I can feel my hand tighten around my phone, making my knuckles turn shades of cream that quickly transform into white.
"Who is that?" Rex stands up from Finn's lap causing Finn to jump up behind him. Finn's eyes zero in on my phone. Finn immediately moves his eyes to mine probably reading the anger that has instantly filled my vision.
"Fucking, Sasha." The clear irritation in my voice is enough to make both of my friends quiet.
I excuse myself without any further clarification. This is a conversation that would best be done outside of listening ears. If Sasha wants to have a family meeting, I got a come to Jesus meeting that they are all invited to.
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