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*** Vance's POV***
"I am not surprised that the non-subtle hint of being ignored went over your fucking head." I answer the phone with venom laced anti-pleasantries.
"The fact that you answered is the only surprising part of this conversation. You're not exactly known for forgiveness are you, Vance?" Sasha makes her eyeroll apparent through the phone. Believe me, I know my family better than anyone. Answering is only a prelude to a poisonous kiss. She would fare better if she left the hiss off of the back of my name when speaking to me.
"Forgiveness is an overused notion. Apologies without a change in behavior is manipulation, Sasha. I suggest you choose your next words carefully. I am already over this charade." I pace the sidewalk outside of the club. I momentarily scan the parking lot, looking for a certain SUV. The disappointment in not finding Karis' is absurd considering the conversation I am entertaining. After all, it is one family dinner that has thrown this ball into motion.
"We didn't mean any harm, brother. I do believe our particular brand of humor is best served hot. If Clara can't handle it, maybe she isn't suited for our family." The words that spew from my sister's mouth make me see crimson.
"HER NAME IS KARIS, you fucking cunt! Don't you dare attempt to excuse your vile behavior with some fucked up ideal of saving me from future heartache. Not one of you does anything aside from thinking of yourselves. As a matter of fact, that is the only time you think at all. You are all nothing short of self-indulgent, higher-than-thou, hypocrites. Karis is an amazing woman. You may have seen that if you didn't smell fresh meat the moment my China Doll walked into that restaurant. I don't know what the hell I was thinking bringing someone so delicate into shark infested waters." I almost lose wind by the end of my rant. I do not feel any better for it. Instead, I am ten times hotter than I had been just moments ago.
"You don't usually bring your pets to family functions. I am glad that you are taking the blame here, Vance. How were we to know that she was anything more than your next conquest? Jesus fucking hell, you act as if you were really about to turn that thing into a Teagan. For fuck's sake, you should be sending us edible arrangements to say thank you for saving you from making the biggest mistake of your life. I mean, I can stomach your flavor of the month just as long as the next guy, but this particular one was something rancid. Did you see the way she cowered beneath our words? For a moment I actually entertained the idea that she would put up a fight. I was sadly disappointed, brother." Sasha digs that hole so much deeper than even I gave her credit for.
"I made my intentions crystal clear. Sasha, I did not jump in to stop you from marrying Steven. I did not warn Sergio of the cesspool he was marrying. No, I stood beside you; behind you. When Gant decided he needed start-up money, again, it was my wallet that stood wide open. College funds, a divorce, down payments, investment money; that was fucking me. Mother and Father had abandoned the notion of financially supporting you two long ago. I, however, found decency in the bottom of my heart to help make all of you two's dreams a reality. I ask for one thing: one fucking thing. Why is that too much to expect? Why did I not see that Sasha and Gant couldn't take their heads out of their asses long enough to do what is humane? Karis has enough fucking scars without me dragging her to a god damned public flogging under the ruse of a family dinner. I swear to Mother Mary, Sasha. I want so bad to beat you within an inch of your useless life. I brought someone to meet you in the hopes that the experience would make my love feel better. Instead, you chewed her up and spit her to the filthy floor." At this point the toes of my boots are beyond scuffed. I have kicked the side of the building enough to cause my foot to throb.
"Did you just say love?" Sasha's voice comes out as a sharp shriek. My head fills with confusion at whatever Sasha is questioning. I don't understand the conundrum.
"What does that have to do with anything? Karis. My love. It is all the same." I continue to wonder where the hell the conversation just fractured at.
"Vance? I am. I think I have a misunderstanding. Do you love this woman?" The intonation of Sasha's voice is obvious.
"Yes! What the fuck does that have to do with the cost of apples in China?" Jesus Christ. What is wrong with my family?
"You guys fucked up." Sasha is surrounded by voices. I am now acutely aware that I have not been having a solo conversation with my sister. The sounds of Gant, Sergio, Diane and one other voice mix together. I finally pick up on just who said they fucked up. The sound of my Mother's voice is clearer than ever.
"Mom?" I question anxiously. I was not ready to introduce Karis to my parents. While I have brought my toys to dinners with my siblings before; my parents have been unaware of my taste to my knowledge.
"Vance. I will apologize for your sibling's imprudent behavior. I do pray they have not ruined an opportunity for your father and I to meet the woman who has finally touched my boy's heart." My mother makes a small wave of warmth flow through my veins.
"I do hope so too, Mother." I can feel anxiety wrap around me tightly. I do not think that Karis is the type to hold me accountable for my family. However, getting her to another family dinner would most certainly be a feat.
"I did not raise my children to act so tactless. Vance, dear, I am positive that I have not been given a full story. I would not mind hearing the truth from you." Mother taps her nails on a nearby hard surface while gently prodding me for my side of this fucked up situation.
I fill my mother in on the very disgusting details of the other night. Every sentence that I ramble reminds me why I keep my distance more often than not. The tsks and huffs of my mother's disapproval make me smile slightly. I know that my siblings don't take pleasure in pissing off our matriarch. Mother has a habit of proving that unsatisfactory behavior has consequences. These two idiots should have known better to begin with.
"Darling, I once again send my apologies on behalf of Gant and Sasha. Heavens knows we have suffered the decades of their bad decisions. I do hope that we can find a way to mend these burning bridges. Karis seems delightful. I would love to spend an evening getting to know her." Mother makes my smile brighten. I would not have thought it would be so easy to get a welcoming invitation. As one could imagine, my parents have been less than enthusiastic in the past with my siblings choices of partners.
Sergio happens to be the calm that evens out my sister Sasha. Even still, Mother and Father gave him a solid year of proving himself capable of handling my sister before they invited him to our family home for a dinner party.
Diane came after a long line of bubble gum princesses. Gant was a known player with no intentions of settling down. If it were not for my insistence, Diane would never have accepted an invitation to the movies from Gant, let alone a meal in front of two prestigious parents who have a knack for pushing people away from their children.
"I will keep you updated. For the moment, my Karis is taking some time to prioritize herself. I do hope that her time away is shorter than I expect. I cannot say when I will be able to extend the invitation." I can almost hear the disappointment in my tone even as I have tried so hard to mask it with my false bravado.
"In the mean time, darling, please keep yourself busy and healthy. I know you have so much to do with that business of yours. Do tell Finn and Rex that Mother Rose misses them exponentially. I have been in desperate need of Rex's input with some decorating. Finn can help with the heavy lifting. I know that Rex loves to watch his husband sweat." Mother let's out a knowing chuckle. I will say that I have always had a soft spot for the way my parents accepted my homosexual best friends. Mother and Father were raised as devote Catholics. In their worlds, homosexuality should be a sin. Mother and Father have never treated Rex and Finn any sort of way outside of love. For that, I will always be grateful.
"I love you Mother. Tell Father I will see you both soon. Have fun attempting to socialize those two swine you call children. I am excited to see a real change." My chuckle at the end of my sentence causes Gant to throw out a string of choice names for me. If Gant thinks that I am worried about being called a golden child, he can think again. I know that Mother and Father have me on a well-earned pedestal.
Once the conversation is over, I take a moment to breathe. The intense nature of that interaction was both necessary and stressful. I am lucky that my parents see me in such a beautiful light. The benefits of being the good son are endless.
My pacing slows to a small set of steps in one direction before an epiphany comes over me. Mother cried so much when I was a child. Those memories are seared deeply into my soul. Thinking back, I can recall the tense relationship between my mom and my grandparents on my father's side. I am strongly inclined to believe that mother's empathy towards Karis has something to do with the strained family ties.
The new thoughts bounce between my feelings and my worries. Karis is not weak by any means. However, Sasha did make a good point. If Karis is unable to handle the crass personalities of Sasha and Gant, she would be in for a long life full of stress. Sasha can be overbearing but, I have to believe that deep down she would fall in love with Karis. If Sasha gives my doll face a chance, I can see the two of them getting along well.
The memory of the look on Karis' face that evening is still freshly seared into my mind. I could read the fear, disappointment and self-loathing as the emotions flittered in and over my love. Why are people so fucking mean? How is it so difficult to make an attempt at accepting a person before dismissing them without waiver?
My phone lights up with a text, bringing me out of my thoughts. I send a short message back to Rex to let him know I am heading back in. I know the man is worried sick over this whole ordeal. Honestly, I think he may be more pissed that Sasha and Gant hurt Karis than he is that I am upset by the who ordeal. I can not even be mad at him because I too am pissed on behalf of my Karis.
"Did that go well?" It is Finn who looks at me with concern as he vocalizes his probing question.
"Mama Rose says hi!" I let out a rough chuckle before accepting the drink that Rex hands over to me. Smiling around the rim of the glass, I smirk. Mother can be a vicious enemy or a tactful ally. Thank the heavens above that I sit in her good graces.
"It has been ages since I saw Rosie." Rex excitedly comes closer.
"She wanted me to pass along the message that she is in desperate need of your assistance with decorating." I playfully roll my eyes knowing that Rex is eating this shit up with a silver spoon.
"That's another conversation. Mama Rose was the one who called?" Finn looks to me for clarification. I settle in to give them the run down. This is going to call for a few refills.
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