V.V ~ Neko~sama
A/N: Sorry for the sudden change in perspective - I just finished editing Part 3 of R/M, and can properly not write in the third person thing [>,<]
"J-Jellal?!" my head almost collided with the door, like my back, but the thing that had pressed me against the door in the first place, slid a hand behind my head quickly.
"E-Erza, kiss- kiss me,"
I choked but was spared deciding, as a someone pulled Jellal back. With the distance, I could finally see Fernandes. Jellal had always been attractive to look at - for me, and many girls, in Fiore - but now he looked even more adorable.
Delta-shaped ears were protruding from his head, now flattened against his head, as a figure gripped his firmly away from me. And a wink of a feathery, aquamarine tail swished dangerously. At least now I could tell exactly how he was feeling.
"Get off me, Mira."
"And let you make-out with Erza with an audience?" the silver-haired women paused, looking at me. The moment's skepticism made me flush, while Jellal growled. Nevertheless, she decided to not let Jellal do what he wished to and pulled him back into the room.
Crowded around a bed in the infirmary were my friends; Natsu, Lucy, Levy, Juvia, Meredy, and Gray. All looking very confused and worried.
"What's up with him?" Meredy questioned, looking perplexed. Mira was still gripping Jellal's coat-collar, as the Neko-man eyed me hungrily. I involuntarily shook but edged closer to Natsu and Gray, who beckoned me to sit on the edge of the bed.
"Ultear's tampered with three-potions," Porlyusica suddenly entered the room, a tense expression on her face. Her eyes were firmly placed on Jellal, "Even if I could do something about it - I wouldn't."
"What- but-!"
"No 'but's," The women glared at Lucy, who shrunk back but returned the gaze intently, "A Gender-swap, Neko-transformation, and Heat potion's individual effects are hard enough, getting off. If I try to remove all three, from this young... man," she raised her eyebrows at Jellal, "I don't know what would happen."
"Now if you'll excuse me," she swiveled, heading out the door, "I have work to do."
"Bye, Porlyusica-san!" A chirpy voice answered the frowning-healer at the door, before entering the room, "Oh- I- I thought she fixed him."
"I don't need fixing, Wendy," Jellal hissed, struggling against Mira, who threatened to smack him in her Satan-Soul, "But you know what I want."
"You touch her, Fernandes," Gray retorted, protectively, "And I swear I'll freeze in ice, and make you a display for our Guild-Hall."
Jellal sighed, shooting me one last-longing look that shattered my heart and relaxed in Mira's grip. He gingerly sat next to Lucy, as the golden-haired girl winced lightly.
Juvia's eyes suddenly changed into love-hearts, as she jumped up and down on the spot, "That's Juvia's Gray-sama! Protecting and caring for his team-mates forever!"
Gray sweat-dropped, but everyone was used to it by now - even though the ice-make wizard wouldn't admit it, he was starting to thaw. It wouldn't be long before those two would go on a date.
"What's a 'heat-potion'?" Wendy decided to change the subject quickly, before Gray got even more awkward, "I think I heard her saying that."
Two exceeds flew into the room, chattering between them. Happy and Carla. Half of the Guild was here now, and I prayed that Jellal wouldn't do something weird.
Are you sure?
"Someone said Jellal was here," Happy spoke up, nibbling the fish in his hands, "We came to wish Erza congratulations on her engagement- Oh."
The blue-cat stared at the Neko-man, exchanging a panicked glance with Carla. The milky-white exceed flew over to Wendy, before hovering next to the young dragon-slayer.
Wendy coughed, repeating her question, "What's heat potion?"
"What?!" Carla cried, hands on her hips, "You've been talking about inappropriate things, with this child here?!"
"I'm not a child anymore, Carla-"
"Yes, you are!" Carla said firmly, "That time-skip might've aged your mind - but you're still twelve, and besides, we weren't stuck there for the seven years everyone felt!"
"But I want to know!"
"Fine then, I'm going," She flew out of the room, huffing, before shutting the door loudly behind her. There was a dead-silence in the infirmary before Happy coughed.
"What's this about a potion?"
"Ultear-san left a potion behind, for these two," It was Meredy who answered, "And its effects are still ongoing," she ushered towards Jellal, who had gotten up and was slowly edging closer to me, amidst the commotion Carla had put up.
"The heat potion is a potion that emphasizes a person's desire for someone. It usually grabs the most prominent 'someone' a person wishes for, in their mind, and makes them long for it." Levy piped up, glasses hanging precariously from her nose, "then... It's usually very, um,"
"Hentai-related?" Natsu suggested unhelpfully, earning a smack from me. My cheeks were on fire, as I realized the whole situation.
"It's better than the fertility potion, though," Lucy attempted to lighten up the atmosphere. Jellal's eyes focused on the Celestial-mage as she picked on the subject, "That would've been worse."
"Well," I stood up, shuffling on the tiles, "I'll- I'll be going. I- um- it's very late now. Everyone should go to bed."
"Yes!" Jellal jumped, sprinting towards me, and caressing my arm, "You can't go alone - it's really dangerous outside! And-"
I raised an eyebrow at him, as Jellal sheepishly grinned. Holding back a grin, as my eyes focused on his adorable face, I said, "I'll be fine, jeez, Jellal."
"Besides," Mira said, "After that little episode, I don't think he can be trusted." She stepped up to Fernandes, who whined and unraveled his arm from mine, "You should stay in Lucy's apartment, for now, Erza."
"Great," Lucy muttered under her breathe.
"Alright," I smiled, ignoring my heart and listening to my head as I left the sweet blueberry behind. In my head, his words repeated,
"K-Kiss me,"
"I put a sleeping-bag for you, in the living room, Erza," Lucy proclaimed.
We had been in her apartment, unable to sleep, once Natsu, Gray, and Happy had broken in. Since then, we had been playing Fairy-Tail chess. I had lost for the fourth time against Lucy.
"As for you two," she gestured towards Natsu, Gray, and Happy, "Out!"
"No can do," Natsu said, baring his sharp-canines in a grin, as he innocently edged towards Lucy's bedroom, "What if Jellal broke into here?!"
"Nevermind that," Lucy huffed, glaring at him, "Mira and Meredy are with him. I doubt he'll be able to get past them"
"He was a wizard-saint, Lucy," I mumbled, and Gray snorted, "And that was his thought-projection."
"Is Erza Scarlet admitting that Jellal Fernandes is stronger than her?" Gray exclaimed, his shirt suddenly gone, as he flexed his bare-abdomen.
"Well, duh," Natsu answered, "E-Erza's a badass and all," he added, as I glowered at him, shooting daggers, "But he has complete submission over her."
"THAT IS SO NOT TRUE!" I shouted, throwing a chess-piece at Natsu, who dodged it. Lucy and Happy were chuckling softly, as Gray was completely cracking up, rolling on the floor.
"He'd just kiss her in a fight, and boom - he's won-" Happy laughed, biting his cheek before I lunged towards the three of them and threw them out of the window.
Lucy still had a smile on her face, long after our team-mates were gone, but she didn't say anything.
Smart of her.
"If you can't sleep, Erza," she said politely, handing her a towel, "Go take a shower and relax. I've locked the windows and doors, no one's coming in."
I nodded and thanked her, and headed towards the bathroom, as Lucy yawned and headed towards her room, closing the door softly behind her.
"Erza please, shut up!" A bang came from the door, as I immersed myself deeper into the tub. The water was warm and foamy, smelling distinctly like lemons.
"Sorry, Lucy!" I replied, "But I'm relaxing!"
"C-Can't you sing quietly?" Her exasperated voice came from the door, as a faint bump signaled that Lucy had face-palmed right into the door.
"Nope! You should try it!" I gasped, "Really helps with nerves!"
"Well, have fun, I gue-"
"Damn right, about that,"
A call reverberated around the tiled room, a rectangular cuboid of runes encircling the entire perimeter of Lucy's bathroom. At once, I requiped into my armor and skirt, glancing around.
"Mira really can't do anything, once I want something."
The voice was coming from the window in Lucy's bathroom - the only sheet of glass she had forgotten to bolt up. A cloaked-man was stood on the sill, completely unbothered by the fact that he was up two stories, and could tumble any second.
"Hey, Erza," The figure lifted its hood, revealing a scarlet-tattoo on a shapely face, and a large expanse of azure hair.
"What are you doing here?" My mouth opened, but a hand closed it, moving fast like lightning and shoving me against the wall. I found myself staring into the depths of Jellal's eyes; green and swirling, like a spring breeze in a dark forest.
"Because," Jellal's free hand traced my jaw delicately, softly flitting over my veins, "I want you, Scarlet. I love you so damn much, I'm such an idiot."
I gulped, my heart rising like a bird in my chest. The heat-potion he was under was influencing his words, for sure. The normal Jellal would be too put-under by the pressure of his 'sins' to ever admit this.
His hand was stopping me from speaking, placed over my lips, "jSheLllLaL,"
"Oh, sorry," Jellal chuckled, the wind from his mouth hitting my face squarely. He lifted his hand, before placing it next to my cheek and leaning on it, "Well?"
My eyes roamed his face, before I gingerly placed a hand on his ears, stroking them. In turn, he twitched his ears but didn't draw my hands away.
"I did tell you to kiss me, Scarlet," his voice was dark again, growling, as he brushed his lips against mine, "Will I have to tease you for that?"
"Erza - you okay in there? You stopped singing, and I was wondering if-"
"No, no!" I met Jellal's eyes, panicking. Weirdly, he seemed calm - mysteriously mischievous as a smirk curled itself upon his lips, "I- I'm fine, I'm just moisturizing!"
"Okay, then,"
"Moisturizing, huh?" Jellal piped up, his tail curling around my shins, tickling the skin there, "Let me help you with it."
He placed his lips on my neck, confidently, kissing me and nipping me there, "Jellal!"
"Wait, what, Natsu, why are you here?"
"Lucy, is Erza in there? I just heard someone say Jellal's name!"
Jellal mockingly pulled away, not releasing me, and gripped my waist. He glanced down at the door, where there was a small gap between the tiles and the wooden rectangle, separating us from Natsu and Lucy. There were four feet-silhouettes visible.
"No!" I quickly covered up my gasp, "I- I was just remembering him. It's nothing!"
"It's okay, Erza. Sorry about that," Lucy sounded annoyed, "I'm just going to kick Natsu out, hang on."
The couple's squabbles led away from the bathroom, and I only relaxed once they were gone. That is until Jellal coughed.
"Oh, right." I said, slumping, "You're here, as well."
"Where were we?" He said, before leaning his forehead on mine, his eyes lit up with amusement, "If only you kiss me, Erza. It would be much easier for you."
Giving up, I took the moment of hesitation to my advantage and swiveled us around. Grinning at Jellal's chock, and evident discomfort, I cupped my hand on his cheek, "Fine then."
Taking a breath, I pressed my lips to his, in slight urgency. The Neko-man responded fast, kissing me back, and pulling my body against his until we were stuck together.
Ever since our ambiguous kiss at the beach, I had wondered how it would feel - to kiss him properly. Now, I knew.
God, Erza. You sound sixteen.
"Erza," The Neko-Jellal rustled, as we pulled away for a breath. His ears were quickly disappearing from his head, I realized, as his eyes began to look more like Jellal's.
"Shhhh," I whispered, "Neko~sama."
Jellal tensed, before his head inclined back to hit the tiled-wall with a groan. I smiled; I guess the spell was over.
My attention was diverted back to the bluenette, whose cheeks were stained as red as a rose. His eyes weren't meeting mine, as he stared at the window.
"I- I'm so, so, so sorry, Erza," Jellal muttered, face-palming. His voice was unusually guilty, and I couldn't help but feel a spark of fury arising in me.
"I'll leave Fiore - Never come back-"
"I could turn myself in - that's perfect-"
Rolling my eyes, I stepped closer to the panicked heavenly-body mage, and pressed my lips against his, drawing him into a kiss.
Jellal responded passionately, at first, but drew away, "Erza, I don't deserve you."
"Shut up, and stop thinking about yourself for once, Jellal," I hissed, sniffing, "I love you, and you love me. Period, full stop, done."
"It isn't as simple as that."
"Yes, it is!" I growled, smacking the door with a hand. There was an outburst outside, which was silenced by an outraged Lucy - I think we had overstayed her hospitality.
"Just say- Just swear, you'll come back. And- and-"
"I swear on you, Erza," Jellal softly said, his voice delicate and soothing, "I couldn't pull away now even if I wanted to, my Scarlet."
With a last, lingering kiss the azure-haired man leaped out of the window, with a last-longing look at me, just as Natsu burst into the bathroom.
The Salamander grinned, quivering slightly, before being dragged back into the living room by a livid Lucy, who apologized and shut the door.
Jellal was gone again, but Ultear's potion had done us good. This time.
This time, I was certain he was coming back: Jellal~sama was coming back.
❁❀✿Don't Be a Silent Reader!✿❀❁
→❤⚘This Chapter was written by Phoenix ⚘❤←
Word Count: 2502
A/N: This 'one~shot' seriously lasted 5 Chapters, jeez. I need to calm down. It was almost longer than Soul~Mates, ahahha. I hope you enjoyed Neko~sama! <3
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