V.II - Neko~sama
Erza requiped into her usual outfit; a simple skirt, and blouse. For once, she was thinking ahead of herself instead of simply throwing herself out into battle.
The salty scents of the dock stung her nostrils, but she relaxed slightly. From her knowledge, she believed that the Dungeon was a mile off Hargeon Dock. The people of Hargeon were incredibly simple, therefore the location of the Dungeon wasn't as secretive and far-off.
Nevertheless, it was under high-security.
A cloaked man approached her on the dock. He was tall, but Erza couldn't make out any more features due to the constricting fabric. He roughly bumped into her on the dock and didn't even bother to apologize.
"You could at least say sorry!" Erza called out, a vein throbbing in her forehead, her cool facade fading away into the sea-breeze.
A cool, deep voice responded, "Yeah well, you should look where you're going."
"How dare you- Keep. Calm. Erza." Erza whispered to herself, shaking her head and continuing to walk along the dock. The sun was high up in the sky, and this would be the best time to go, as no one would expect an attack during this time of the day.
She requiped on a pair of sunglasses and headed towards the sand, where several people were splayed out in the sand, soaking in the sun. A couple of people turned their heads, their eyes fixed on the famous mage, Erza smiling back politely.
She trudged to a spot near the shoreline where there weren't many people and went up to the soft waves bashing the golden-colored sand. If she were here just for a visit, she'd probably have spent a couple of hours tanning, but something more important was on the line.
Focus, Erza. Jellal's going to get k-killed!
Not to attract too much attention, Erza decided to change into her swimwear the normal way. If she flew into the Sea Dungeon with her armor, it would be too obvious, but no one would suspect a swimmer.
Today, she had chosen to wear a raven-colored two-piece, which had served her for long and well. Leaving her clothes in a pile a safe distance from the sea, she hopped in, heading to the place she approximately knew the prison was located.
Saltwater bashed against her nose and mouth, her teeth grinding as the waves got fiercer as the Erza lost sight of the coast; most people that visited Hargeon didn't go as far as this because they could be swept under riptides.
"C' mon, Erza," she muttered to herself, puffing as it became harder to swim, "You can do this- You've faced so much harder- Kya!"
A blast was diminished under her, as a sphere of runes appeared around her. Erza could've easily blasted out of the dome, but she knew that it was cast by Fiore's officials, and a fight against them wouldn't be good.
A message appeared on the side of the sphere, Erza's chocolate-brown eyes scanning the single sentence. A new plan was forming in the mage's mind as she processed the meaning.
Erza Scarlet has been captured for trespassing onto high-security property of Fiore.
"I will ask you one more time, Ma'am," a masked figure growled, thrusting his face near Erza's. She didn't flinch, simply just breathing in and out of her nose, replying what she had been saying for the past half hour.
"I told you, I was chasing a criminal here!" she cooly lied, rolling her eyes. The security of the Dungeon sure was 'high', they had only tied her to a chair using rope, and no other defenses were up.
Then again, they probably didn't expect her to lash out; weird.
The masked man scoffed, and sat down on his chair, cross-legged. He ushered two guards into the room, asking them to untie Erza. Afterward, he locked gazes with Erza, raising an eyebrow.
"You know, Miss. Scarlet," his voice was guarded, telling her that he was thinking about something, "You're the second one to trespass today, which is weird."
She was perplexed at his words and cocked her head, signaling him to go on.
The man's voice, this time, was threaded with something sinister, "I told the magic council that Fairy Tail shouldn't be trusted, but looks like they didn't listen to me."
The door of the interrogation room swung open, but Erza didn't move her eyes. The masked man's voice was incredibly familiar, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.
"Didn't I tell you to look where you're going- E-Erza?! Oh, you're here, and it was you-!"
Another man had entered the block and was staring open-mouthed at the woman who was barely clothed. Erza swung her head around, her eyes fixing on the man she loved. She, however, didn't freeze, instead, she asked, "It was you?"
Jellal didn't reply, a small smile on his pale lips as he talked to himself, "Of course. How many women in Fiore have scarlet hair and that voice, I was being an idiot-"
"Ahem, are you two done?" the masked man replied, his voice suddenly annoyed, "Jellal, you weren't supposed to come in yet!"
By now, Erza's mind was close to breaking with annoyance and confusion, and she was ready to start punching Jellal and the masked dude for answers. As the masked dude removed his mask, she began to piece things together.
"Oh Erik, do you think he'd be able to stop himself," a sweet, youthful voice sounded through the 'interrogation room'.
"Sorry but, you don't have to constantly listen to what Jellal thinks, Meredy," Erik scoffed, and snuffled his nose up like he was breathing in toxic fumes, "If Ultear was still here, she'd try to wash his mind out-"
"E-Erik," Jellal broke in, now an attractive shade of coral-pink, "I think that's enough. Your acting was very good, now shush."
Erza, on the other hand, got up and tried to step out of the room. She faintly brushed past Jellal and was about to exit, but was stopped by Meredy. A cheeky smile was on the young woman's lips, as she pushed Erza back.
"Right, sorry," Erik coughed, his face suddenly placid, "There kinda wasn't any other way to call you, Erza-" his lips formed a smirk, "-But even you've got to say, my acting was on point."
Erza rolled her eyes again, "Pigeon?"
"Well, I mean, yeah," Meredy answered, "But anyone could easily intercept it," her voice was starting to rise, hinting her excitement. "How d'you like our new quarters?"
"You just happened to take down Hargeon Sea Dun-"
"No, no," Jellal chuckled nervously. His body was close to combusting, being so near to Erza, so he took a step backward, "That place doesn't exist."
Erza took a breath in, trying to guess what they meant. She turned to face the tall, heavenly-body mage, "So you're saying that the Magic Council just covered up the fact that a mysterious building was underwater, and they couldn't reach it, so they said it was theirs?"
"Very good," Erik commented, nodding, "Now I see why Jellal likes you, but you're still too good for him-"
"Shut up, Erik!" Jellal sighed, "Back to the point why we called you."
"I knew you'd come if we mentioned Jellal. Just proves your love," Meredy grinned, "Ul- Ultear left a bottle behind. With a note-"
She handed a porcelain flask to Erza, which had a piece of parchment roped around the neck. Erza lifted it, so she could the note. Ultear's handwriting struck her hard, and she finally accepted the feelings that she was trying to push away; she missed Ultear. A lot.
"Uh... A Bottle for a new life- Actually no, just give this to Jellal's f-fiancée, it'll do them good. Also, tell Jellal that I will personally hunt him and drag him to the afterlife with me if he says no."
"She knew she was going to die?" Erza asked softly, looking up at Meredy. Meredy's salmon eyes were watery.
"No, I don't think- I think she just expected it to happen one day and was sick of hanging around with a lovesick puppy." she motioned towards Jellal, who groaned, evidently blushing.
"I think we should test it first, you never know-" he spoke up, eyeing the bottle in Erza's hands distrustfully.
"Bottoms up," Erza replied, popping the lid open and chugging down the liquid inside. Jellal slumped, sweat-dropping.
"-Or, of course, you could do that-" he broke off with a gasp, lunging towards Erza as she fell, grasping her. Her eyes went into her head as she murmured into incoherently into his ear.
Jellal, a second later, groaned again softly, clutching his stomach as he lay Erza's head on his lap. His face was beginning to mirror Erza's now, pale and sweaty.
"I don't feel so good, either..."
❁❀✿Don't Be a Silent Reader!✿❀❁
→❤⚘This Chapter was written by Phoenix ⚘❤←
Word Count: 1520
A/N: Lmao, Grammarly's at least telling me that my writing is right for my age - "yOUR tExt iS LiKELy tO bE unDersToOD bY a ReaDeR WhO hAs aT LEaST 9TH GrADe eDucAtiOn (AGe 14),".
'Still don't know why I'm using this when it literally only helps with my crappy spelling. I swear the suggestions are so sdhsjd, rip. "'AppAreNtLy' shOuLD Be rEmoVED siNCe iT'S unNeCEssAry," Nah, Erza said that so, I think not. Don't sue me.
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