IV.II - The Play
I headed towards detention, my fringe getting in my eyes, as I brushed my hair back. Gym-class was the last period, and I was exhausted.
"Oi, Fernandes? Where is ya heading off to?"
I was greeted by Laxus, a boy in my Gym class that seemed to have taken a special interest in me. Ok. Maybe he was also my Room-mate. I just like feeling special.
"Oh- Riiiigghhhht~!" He grinned, "You have detention... Hmm, why so eager?"
I swallowed the urge to punch him, If I did, It's would just be worse for me, "Shut up." I shot him a look of fury and regretted it immediately.
Great going, Jelly; that just convinced his dirty-ars mind.
"Oh-ho-hoooo~!" He sang, "Kitten got claws, eh?" Laxus seemed to be enjoying himself, "Well, don't have too much fun, hmm?"
Laxus walked off after slapping my shoulder, the skin turned bright red.
"I just hope no one else heard that..."
Hiding my face, and trying to conceal the scarlet tattoo on my face, I sprinted to the detention corridor. The stupid school had special corridors for this kind of stuff.
"Finally, Fernandes." Miss. Minerva's voice echoed in my ears, "thought you'd completely forgotten about this."
Hah, on your life.
"I'm sorry, Ma'am." I lowered my head, and bowed, "May I come in?"
She smirked in response, "Of course, of course."
I headed inside, and sat down in the first chair I saw; there was no paper on the desk. I stared around the room, realizing what was around.
"So where must Scarlet be?" Minerva slammed a hand down on my desk, leaning in towards my face. In response, I narrowed my eyes and shot her a glare, "Y'know, if the young lady doesn't turn up, it'd be better for me." She chuckled and licked her lips, "Now..."
Someone entered the classroom rashly, and panted, "I'm- I'm here!"
Thank Mavis.
"I'm sorry! I- I got held up," she was clutching her stomach, "'Had to run from the other end of the school."
Minerva rolled her eyes, "Whatever." She stepped away from me, and I released the breath that I didn't know I was holding.
"Hey... Jellal." She said, and sat next to me, "Um, where- where's the paper? Aren't we doing, um, lines?"
I shook my head, and glanced back to where Minerva was still eyeballing me, and swallowed nervously, "We'd better keep quiet and listen."
Erza just smiled at me and turned her body towards the front. Minerva had a very wicked smile on her face, as she gave the pair of us dirty looks.
"I have the perfect thing!" She jumped up and ran out of the class. Within a second to spare, she was back. Clutching two identical pieces of paper in her hands.
"Oh. Yes!" She smirked, "Romeo and Juliet! My favorite!"
Please, Mavis. This isn't what I think it is.
"You two, in this hour, will learn this." She gave us the paper, and Erza seemed to frown, "I expect you to perform it tomorrow, second period."
Erza opened and closed her mouth, thinking better not to argue. Minerva was one of those teachers that would make school hell for you.
"I'll be locking the room, and I'll be back as soon as the detention is over." Minerva hissed, sweeping a straying braid from her hair back over her shoulder, "use this time wisely!"
I grumbled, "Yes, Ma'am." And Erza simply nodded.
Minerva shot out of the room, and with the 'click' of the lock, she was gone.
This is awkward.
I turned and faced Erza, only to find her in a man's clothes. She had leather boots on and simple cotton clothing.
"What the-" I raised my eyebrows.
Erza ignored me, "What is this... 'Your hand is like a holy place that my hand is unworthy to visit'."
I felt my face flush at the words, and self consciously clutched my hands, "Uh. I'm guessing I'm going to be Juliet?"
She nodded.
"We need to set an example for the class!" I swear dropped as Erza had a determined look on her face, "Besides, I love plays!"
'Didn't know that.
"Come here." She ordered, and I had no choice but to listen to her, "And turn around."
What in the world?
I jumped away as she snuck her cold hands under the hem of my shirt, "Erza!"
"What?" She had a face of annoyance like I was a child that wasn't listening, "You have to change your clothes!"
My eyes widened, "Well, let me do it myself!" I gasped, as she rolled her eyes.
"No peeking!" I made sure she was turned around and stripped myself of my clothes. A rush of color stained my cheeks as I quickly put on the dress Erza had placed on the floor, "Ok. I'm done."
"I know."
Her words made me jump, and clutch my south side. Hiding behind a desk, even though I was fully clothed, I glared back at her.
"Were you looking the whole time?!"
"Yup." She calmly stared back at me, "And you have a nice butt."
Erza rolled her eyes, "C'mon, self-conscious blueberry, we gotta learn this." She glanced at her watch, "We have half-an-hour."
I yelped and clutched my paper, deadpanning a second later. A certain line of Erza's caught my attention, especially. "'Then... don't... move... as I a-act out my prayer'?!"
Erza quickly scanned the line I was reading, and blushed deeply; I was surprised to see that her cheeks were now rivaling her hair in color, "W-We have to... kiss?!"
"Seems so."
"O-Oh, don't act so smug, you look like a brutally deformed raspberry," Erza blandly said and regained her composure, "I'll just kiss your hand, Ok?"
"That makes no sense," I crossed my arms and sat down on the table.
"Would you rather me kiss you?" She coyly said, and smugly crossed her arms.
"You win..."
"Ok, let's do this! Up!" She dragged me into position and made me say the words. Throughout the rehearsal, I couldn't breathe, and my heart seemed to want to kill me.
Erza seemed the same, as she quickly ducked and kissed my hand; shots of electricity shooting up my nervous system, and downwards.
"There we go!"
It was the hundredth time we had done it, with a minute till the end of detention.
"Only, it's 'Then, do my lips have the sin, they took from yours', not 'Then, do my toenails have the sin, they took from yours'."
I grimaced, "Sorry, Sorry, I-I'm just nervous- for tomorrow!" I corrected my mistake and blushed for the millionth time this day.
"Sure, sure, Pretty boy," she laughed, and I found myself smiling at the rare thing, "Change, and let's go!"
"No peeking, this time!"
"We'll see."
I pouted, before not caring and stripping the dress off. Erza seemed taken aback, and shot back from me, making me smirk in satisfaction.
"Like what you seeee~?" I gestured towards my abdominal area, and clicked my tongue, "Bad, Erza."
"S-Shut up and stop being a p-perv," she turned her back to me, and I snorted, "You don't want Minerva to 'drool over you'," She cheekily remarked, making me pull my clothes on immediately, making sure I was decent.
"Ah." The door clicked open, "You two can go, and-"
Erza and I headed out, as she called across the corridor.
"I look forward to the performance!"
The damn performance... That I can't stop thinking about.
Birds were chirping as a golden glaze swept over the horizon. The morning sun- very rudely woke me up from my beauty sleep.
"God, what time is itttt~?" I swept a hand through my blue hair and looked around.
"It is time for you to get a clock, my Child."
The sudden voice made me jump and fall, face-planting, on the wooden floor. I groaned in pain, clutching my face.
"T-That- Oh my Mavis- T-That was gold!" The voice started to laugh, "Fernandes! The way you fell, oh my!"
I glared at Laxus, my cheeks pink. I groaned again, and rolled my eyes, "Shut up. I thought the floor was lonely, so I was hugging it.
Laxus chuckled and grinned, "Whatever floats your boat, Sweetie. Now hurry up, you take way too long to Shower."
I got up and asked for the time: Six forty-five.
"Why didn't you wake earlier!" I raced towards the bathroom and proceeded to go through my beauty schedule. I worked hard on this body, ok? I don't want to lose it so fast.
Finally, I finished, dried myself, dressed and got out.
"Think fast!" The ridiculous blond tossed me an apple, that smacked me right in the face. As if it fell, I caught it and bit into it, but the damage was already done.
"I hate you."
"I know." Laxus shot me a smirk, "All your love is for Erzyyyyyyy~,"
I swear I resembled a tomato, at this point, and muttered something along the lines of, "Whatever."
It took us ten minutes to walk to school, in which we didn't talk. Laxus had his signature headphones plugged in, as he 'jammed' to Music. Me, on the other hand, I was left to stare at the scenery around us.
Ah, the wonders of lamp-posts and how extremely stalkerish they are.
"This girl is on fireeeeee~!" Laxus started singing, on I knew that today was going to be the worst day ever. Running away from the Baka, I entered the compound and raced away towards the Lockers.
The Jelly-man ain't going to be late, today!
"Hey, Fernandes!" a feminine voice yelled, echoing across the still-silent corridors. "Wait up, will you?"
I turned and saw a pink-haired girl sprinting towards me, with Ultear on her heels. I was mildly surprised that they were also in this school, as I had just transferred.
"Meredy! Ultear!" I grinned in response, as they caught up to me, "You guys moved, too?"
Meredy rolled her green eyes, "Would we be here if we didn't? Sometimes you need to use your brain, Jelly-kun."
I, exasperatedly, chuckled, and faced Ultear, "Well? You sounded like you wanted something."
"Yes..." Ultear's expression suddenly resembled that of a serial killer's. "We've been hearing that your new," she raised her eyebrows at this, "Love interest is the one and only: Erza Scarlet."
I spluttered in embarrassment, "Wha- Where did you get that?!"
"We have our ways." Ultear muttered obnoxiously, "Well? You sure like people, fast. Your first day was, what... Yesterday?"
I nodded, while color filled my cheeks, "I- um, i-I mean. I-It's not. I don't, Ok?!"
They smugly grinned at me, "Sure, sure. Now, we'll see you in second period! You were so busy checking Scarlet out, yesterday, that you didn't even notice that we were in your class!" Meredy chuckled.
"Ba-byeeee~!" they both disappeared while I was left like a fish, opening and closing my mouth.
"So much for not being late..." I muttered and walked into my first Period lesson: Math.
❁❀✿Don't Be a Silent Reader!✿❀❁
→❤⚘This Chapter was written by Phoenix ⚘❤←
Word Count: 1862
A/N: God, what the heck did I write when I was younger?!
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