War Hero
When the navy came back from the war was celebrations held for their victory but sadness was also in the air as the fallen ones were mourned. Inconceivable was still hospitalized along with many other for a couple days until one day someone very special showed up to his hospital room. It was none other than Queen Elizabeth and several of her generals such as Hood and Prince Of Wales.
Queen Elizabeth personally promoted Inconceivable to one of the highest positions in the navy almost directly under Elizabeth herself. A Navy Admiral. This was an incredible ammount of power and she did it as reward for saving her life during the war and for all the work he had done. He was credited with the most siren warships sunk during the war by a longshot. It was counting in the hundreds.
Inconceivable who was still shacken from all the fighting had a hard time comprehending and remembering what happened but when he looks at his remaining right hand and its burn marks he remembers.
Siren ships were exploding everywhere, Queen Elizabeth was trying too zig-zag between all the rubble until suddenly a large and thick steel plate fell from a burning siren wreck. The plate landed right on Queen Elizabeth covering her torso and legs. The plate had become increadibly hot from the fire from the wreck it earlier was apart of and it left burn marks on her. The pain was excruciating but there was no one that could save her.
Until suddenly Inconceivable runs through the smoke and noticing that Elizabeth is stuck under the rubble rushes over to her. He places his two hands under the plate and lifts its even though his bare skin almost fries againts the steel. One of his squadmates from his task force also runs through the smoke shortly after and seeing whats happening drags Elizabeth away from the wreck. Inconceivable then lets go of the plate which falls down into the water with a hissing sound. Inconceivable immediately shoves his hands in the water to cool them off while ordering his companion to take Elizabeth back to the base while he stays back to keep fighting the sirens. Queen Elizabeth who is barely concious takes one last look at her saviour before blacking out.
End of flashback.
- We will also help you get a new prosthetic hand since life would be difficult without one don't you agree? proposes Queen Elizabeth to Inconveivable.
Inconceivable just nods in approval but his attention changes when the door suddenly bursts open. In barges Nelson with Rodney close behind and both have worried expressions. Inconceivable is just at a loss of words. This is the first time him seeing his sisters but their first impression of him is just a broken down shipboy in a hospital bed. Inconceivable panics a little at the situation but suddenly hugs Nelson him. It hurts alot and Nelson notices this and lets go while backing off a little. Rodney watches on with a concerned face and her hands shacking a little. They were so afraid because they had never been able to meet their younger brother yet and he had already almost died.
Then suddenly the door opens again and a small shipgirl walks through. Everyone recognises her as one of the destroyer recruits as she walks up to the hospital bed. She looks up on Inconceivable who looks back at her with currious eyes.
- T-t-thank you for saving me mister... I-I was really worried about you when you got hurt so badly protecting me! Im-im sorry I couldn't handle myself! says the little girl almost bursting into tears.
Inconceivable looks at the girl with an understanding expression and straightens his back.
- It's okay, im fine now. The only thing that matters is that you're okay. says Inconceivable with a small smile to cheer up the little girl. Even though hes covered from head to toe in bandages.
The little girl is still a sad but she's now stable and they all leave the room so that Inconceivable can rest. Outside Prince of Wales asks the destroyer who turns out to be HMS Cygnet what Inconceivable had done to protect her and she tells them all what happend.
Cygnet tries to dodge incoming lasers and munitions from the several siren warships firing upon her. She got seperated from her task force and is now trying to get to safety. But out of nowhere some of the siren warships start to explode! She looks back to see two kansen sailing towards her while firing upon the enemy sirens. She can see that one of them is Inconceivable still with his hand and the other is a cruiser. The cruiser sails up to her and asks if she's fine to which she answers that shes just fine. Some bruses but nothing serious. The three then helps eachother fight against the pursuing fleet and at first it seems like they're winning until disaster struck. The cruiser gets hit by several torpedoes slowing her down which leads to her getting shot by the siren battleships, killing her. Inconceivable has also recieved some smaller injuries along with the Cygnet but nothing serious. But she then starts to sail sloppely but when she notices the giant battleships shells comming towards her, she knows it's too late to dodge. She thinks she's going to die but suddenly Inconceivable grabs a hold of her and pushes her out of the way.
It feels like the world is moving in slowmotion, she can see Inconceivable glance at her with a worried expresion as a large shell penetrates his X-turret base. Theres a small delay before smal sparks starts to fly out of small gaps in the plating until an explosion makes the turret fly up tens of meters in the air as if it was a football being kicked. A violent fire erups from the hull almost like a giant blowtorch. Inconceivable tries to cover his face but his shoulder is badly burnt and the coats arm is now burning. The explosion made his Brodie helmet fall of and sink into the depths of the ocean never to be seen again. He slaps out the fire and picks out a small metal splinter that got in his face. Cygnet watches in horror at what just happend to Inconceivable. She can see his exposed burned flesh on his arm and theres still small fires inside his rigging. But when she looks in his eyes can she only see that hes worried about her.
But when Inconceivable shakes her shoulder she comes back to her senses and notices that she got hit in the leg! She didn't even notice because of the adreanaline but now she can feel the pain spread through her leg. Inconceivable tells to just run even though it hurts. Run as fast as she can to safety because he's not fast enough to follow with her. The Nelson-Class wasn't designed for speed afterall. Cygnet tries to protest but he doesnt listen and just pushes her away. She ultimately listens to his request and sails away as fast she can. She didn't see him after that.
End of flashback.
They're all shocked at the story they just heard. The sheer willpower Inconceivable had and at the lenghts he went to just protect his comrades. He really is a true war hero. They're also supprised that he was able to survive and shrug of an ammo detonation since not many has really done that. Some get scarred for life by just witnessing someone getting ammo detonated, the results are always gruesome and violent.
Wales and Hood later go back to work to try and sort out all the paperwork after the war and then they get even more information about Inconceivable deeds and achievements. They know he's going to recieve medals but they're not sure if that will be enough to show all the things he's accomplished.
Some more story information: I'll just say it here that Inconceivable lost his hand in the pursuing battle after he sent Cygnet away and lost his turret. Where he was found later was in another part of that same battle where Cygnet's task force were. Yeah some of the wrecks were her comrades. I'll just mention it here because I won't dwell deeper in the Siren war for now.
Hope you enjoyed!
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