The Hunt.
Inconceivable is walking down the streets towards the docks, the sound of cranes moving and alarms can be heard from the docks as everyone is geting their ships ready for combat. Yet Inconceivable is walking calmly and steady along the shops and hauses. When Inconceivable gets to the docks are a few destroyers already leaving to scout ahead and some of the cruisers are almost done getting everything ready for the battle. Cranes go over his head carrying supplies such as food or extra parts.
Inconceivable looks to the left and sees his ship being towed from the repair station, It's new rangefinder sparkling in the sunshine. Everything seems to be ready on the ship so Inconceivable walks to one of the outer bridges and jumps on his ship. He then waves to the tug boats that he has control and after waiting for the smaller ships to get out of the way he steers his ship out of the dock. Close behind him is Hood and Prince of Wales and he can see them inside their ships bridges. They nod to eachother and then they speed up to try and catch up to their target. The real hunt begins.
Meanwhile on HMS Ark Royal.
The waves are rough but the ship keeps moving forward at full speed to launch its Swordfish torpedo bombers. Ark Royal herself is standing inside the bridge overseeing the planes getting into launching positions. She had gotten information from HQ about the threat that Bismarck and her escort Prinz Eugen can cause to their transports comming in from the Eagle Union.
When all her planes have been sent on their way she stares at the small black dots getting smaller over the horizon wondering, "Will any of those old paper planes get back?".
Around 30 minutes later onboard Bismarck.
Bismarck is busy reading a sea map and comparing it to old trade routes used before the war to try and maximize their chance of finding and destroying as many convoyes as they can. But suddenly she hears a ping and then another. It just keeps going so she checks her sonar that is stationed behind her but then she realizes the pinging came from the numerous planes comming towards her. She starts sprinting up to the bridge to assess the situation further and guide the AA guns but as she walks past a cleaning cabinet she trips and falls on her face. She groans painfully as she tries to get up from the floor but slips down again. It seems like one of the yellow birds forgot to clean it properly.
Meanwhile above the waves the Swordfish torpedo bombers keep approaching but they're not met with any AA yet. But after a while of closing well inside the Bismarcks AA range the guns finally open up but the shots are very innacurate. One of the Swordfishes get hit but the shell just flies straight through the wooden wing without destroying anything important. Soon they're within torpedo range so they release their payloads and disengage. The torpedoes closes in on the giant ship but the ship turns and narrowly misses most of the torpedoes except for one that hits the stern of the ship.
Back on Ark Royal starts the information pile in from the planes about the strike and from the information can Ark Royal report to HQ that Bismarcks rudder is out of action. The prey is stuck. The hunters can move in.
HQ after recieving this information gives an update to Inconceivable and his small group about Bismarcks position and damage. So now they're sailing at flank speed and readying their ammunition.
After a little while of sailing Hood, who sailed a little ahead spots Bismarcks signature on her new radar. She notifies Inconceivable and Wales who soon also gets the same signature. So they get into riggin form expecting Bismarck to already have noticed them. That theory would get proven right very quickly as several shells come whistling and upon contact with the water creates giant water pillars. Hood and Wales shield themselves from the water while Inconceivable just stares towards Bisamrck's general locatin without flinching at all as the water and schrapnell pours down on him. He then shouts to the two others to counter fire on his command as his gun barrels rise to the right angle provided by his newly replaced rangefinder.
- On my command! Ready! Fire! shouts Inconceivable before the thunderous roars of countless guns being fired deafens out his words. They can now see Bismarck's figure in the distance and all the waterpillars appearing that she dodges around. They keep firing but Inconceivable can already see that this battle is going to turn into a brawl. So he draws his officer sabre and takes of his gasmask. Bismarck gets her polearm ready and they soon clash.
Bismarck tries to slash towards Wales but she leaps backwards while firing a 14" inch volley towards Bismarck. Bismarck shields herself as 2 shells hit while the rest are near misses. No severe damage. She then dashes out of the smoke and right infront of Wales. Bismarck is about to swing when she sees Hood in the corner of her eye getting ready for a full broadside salvo. So Bismarck stops her assault and dodges the incoming salvo barely. Then another salvo come from behind Hood flying over her head and hits Bismarck catching her in the dodge. She doesnt have time to see who it came from though as she is interupted by Wales attacking again. Wales is fighting Bismarck at extreme close range as Hood and Inconceivable fires from range.
Bismarck and Wales keep clashing with their weapons but after a while Bismarck starts to get the upper hand. The shelling has also lessened so Bismarck without glancing towards Hood direction concludes that her two other enemies have started taking their time aiming. So she decides to use the opening and kicks Wales in the stomach pushing her back and stunning her. Bismarck then turns around towards Hood. She's about to fire at Hood, her horrified and supprised face visible even from range but right as she's about fire one of her Shark hulls seems to notice something. She looks to the left only to see a sabre slashing upwards towards her neck!
She reacts quickly and tries to get away from the sword but is not able to get away scot free as her left sharkhull is sliced of completely and her arm gets a shallow cut tearing her coat.
She can now clearly see her third opponent, a large brown coat, black pants, black gloves, a tall figure and a Brodie helmet covering the persons face. She can clearly see the Royal Navy's emblen on both shoulders but when the person lifts their head revealing the face is Bismarck very shocked. She remembered that face from a photo one of her older colleagues showed her. The photo was from an older time in the Azur Lane alliance when the Iron Blood still was a member. It was a photo of an experienced warrior that had sunk more tonnage than some fleets consisted off. The face from the picture belonged to HMS Inconceivable and he was right now right infront of her as her opponent. To be frank. Bismarck was very nervous, maybe even scared for the first time ever since her construction...
To be continued...
Well, well, well. Im back finally after a long while with a new chapter. I usually write the chapter a little over 1 000 words because in the time im done writing a new chapter im not going to be as interested as I started. I need to recharge and maybe do something else y'know. I hope you guys will enjoy a new chapter and I'll try to update more often. sorry for the wait. Cya!
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