Lone Veteran
A couple days later was Inconceivable discharged from the hospital and he was thinking of reuniting with his task force at the navy barracks. He really wanted to see them and how they were doing because they were like a family to him. They had known eachother for several months and some members even for a years. But he was going to stop at the cemetary to pay respect to the ones that had fallen in the war, fighting against the sirens. It was fall and the leaves were all yellow and orange, some even red. Leaves flew around in the cold wind yet it was comfortable. He wasnt freezing with his thick coat on and the only sound that could be heard was the wind and the chirping of small birds. He later turned in into the cemetary and walked past some graves towards the graves for those who had fallen in a war. Outside the rows of crosses and tombstones was a large stone template standing up with tens of names writing on it. On the top was the large words "Great Siren War" engraved in the stone and right under it in smaller engravings stood "Killed in action".
He looked through the list of many names in silence and did a small prayer for the souls to rest peacefully. He was then about to leave when he saw a familiar word in the corner of his eye. He stoped and looked closer. It was then he realized that it stood "Task Force 22" and he was curious since it was actually his task force. He knew he had lost a few in his task force but he wanted to be sure and pay some extra attention to them. But when he read through the list he became more pale after every name he read. When he had read it all was tears running down his face. He fell down on his knees sobbing as every person from his task force was written in the stone. Not a single survivor and there were more task forces mentioned to the side of it. All of them had many names written in them and he knew every. single. one. of them. That was the reason no one other than his superiors and sisters had visited. They were all dead...
Inconceivable changed after his discovery. He became more closed off from other people and worked more alone. He had his reasons. He didnt want to become too attached to people because he knew how much pain and regret followed with loosing those people. He also didn't want to become distracted from his job because he used his power and authority to try and save as many as possible. He did what he could to expose as few to danger as possible but even though this meant more pressure on a fewer ammount of people was he still willing to do it. Because in the end he would take all that pressure and responsibility on himself. He did many missions alone or with minimal support so that no one else had to die. Atleast until the day he died but he was planning to make that day a really long time in the future. So that as many as possible can make and enjoy their best moments of their life.
They said the Great Siren War as over but it really truly wasn't. The main fighting and battles were over but there still still was smaller siren forces out there and the siren leaders were still out there. But their main fleet was defeated. Inconceivable kept fighting on in these smaller battles.
26 October 1933: Inconceivable protects a large convoy against several siren destroyers without support and succesfully protects all the transports.
8 July 1935: Inconceivable and a small task force of 3 Light cruisers and 4 Destroyers attack and destroy a large siren convoy with 2 Battlecruisers, 4 Heavy cruisers and 6 Destroyers deffending it. They sank all transports and only 3 siren Destroyers escaped. No allied ship was lost.
13 April 1937: Inconceivable returns from patrol in the Nortern Parlament as an
co-opiration mission with a total of 19 siren ships sunk.
29 August 1939: Inconceivable engages 3 siren Heavy cruisers and 4 Destoyers and is hit by 3 torpedoes. Returns to base for repairs and refit. Recieves new radar, targeting equpment and a lot more AA deffences. Several quad 40mm Bofors and Pom-Pom anti aircraft guns.
4 February 1941: Inconceivable returns to the new Azur Lane base after patrol in the Atlantic. Sunk 8 siren cargo ships and 3 Iron Blood cargo ships.
Inconceivable sails into port as he watches from the bridge of his ship. The sun is shining bright and the birds can be seen flying along over the ship. He docks his ship and jumps of onto the port. There he's met by several personnel and he notifies them about him having a damaged rangefinder again. He was a little reckless with his firing again. When he's talked with the workers he goes to the main HQ to give a more detailed report of his mission. He's still wearing a brown coat and an officer cap instead of his Admiral clothes because he didn't feel like changing to them.
He walks up a wide stone staircase to the large doors and opens them. When he walks in he's welcomed firstly by curious looks before they turn serious and some even stand up and salute him. He just gestures them to sit down while he keeps his head low. He walks through the corridor to his office and closes the door after him. There on his desk awaits a mountain of paper work. He just sighs and starts to get to work. A few hours later hes done and he has now packaged his small report so he goes out of his office and hands it over to one of the workers. Then another one comes up to him and tells him that he's been called by Queen Elizabeth for a meeting.
He quickly goes and changes into his admiral clothes and before leaving he wipes some oil from his right cheek before he hurries over to the luxurious building with beautiful gardens surrounding it. When he enters is he met by a quiet corridor before a maid comes around a corner and tells him to follow her to the meeting room. They walk for a bit through the hallways as his figure towers over the maid by around 20 centimeters. The maid then opens a door and inside the room is a round table with many of the Royal Navy's most powerfull ships present. Warspite, King George V, Prince of Wales, both his sisters, Hood and Queen Elizabeth herself. Inconceivable takes a seat besides Queen Elizabeths thats been reserved for him. When he sits down the meeting starts. Queen Elizabeth decides to comence the first discussion.
- As all of you know, we are now in a war against the Iron blood and the Sakura Empire might join them soon. Inconceivable has already had a first contact with Iron Blood forces pretty recently but it wasnt anything big from what I've heard? starts Queen Elizabeth.
- Yes, I sank a few Iron Blood cargo ships but they didn't have any direct escort. One of my escorts detected a submarine disengaging though. answers Inconceivable in a clear tone but with a hint of exhaustion.
- Hmmm... Well the situation is going to change because we've detected something big in our waters. starts Prince of Wales with. Everyone looks at her with curiosity.
- KMS Bismarck and Prinz Eugen has been sighted leaving the Iron Blood base and is heading towards our northern convoys. adds Prince of Wales, almost everyone has an supprised face other than Inconceivable. He just has an annoyed and tired expression.
- Really? During all the time I was escorting them almost nothing happend but just as I leave them alone Bismarck herself shows up. says Inconceivable with a tired sigh.
- It is very unfortunate I suppose, your presence might have made the leader of Iron Blood have second thoughts. But it's what it is and we have to respond. says Warspite with her arms crossed.
- Suffolk and Norfolk is following and watching over their movements right now while Ark Royal is getting into position to launch a strike in around 30 minutes. I want Hood, Prince of Wales and Inconceivable to try and start an engagement after Ark Royal's strike. The rest of our hard hitting fleet will later arrive for more support. Are there any objections? asks Queen Elizabeth. No one objects.
- Then let's move! We have a war to win! shouts Queen Elizabrth in a confident voice. Inconceivable is the first one to sit up and his large figure really attracts alot of attention thanks to his coat giving also giving off a very powerfull aura. It gives courage and everyone stands up and heads out the door.
Inconceivable and Queen Elizabeth are the only ones left and Inconceivable is about to leave but is stopped by Queen Elizabeth.
- When you're back, come over to my garden. We're going to have a tea party so don't forget it. Inconceivable stands still for a couple seconds before noding and leaving, leaving Elizabeth who is a little disapointed at the lackluster response.
As Inconceivable is walking through the corridors towards the docks he whispers a few words to himself as he's walking.
- And so the hunt for Bismarck begins.
End of chapter.
Sorry for not updating in a while. Hope you atleast enjoyd this book so far! Cya
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