Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Is it Too Late For Azaan?
Azaan's pov.
When the truth slaps your face as reality does what would you do, except regret what you did?
That's exactly what I am feeling right now after finding out that all that I knew about Fahd and Saira was nothing but a lie.
I couldn't help but feel tears forming in my eyes that are threatening to fall. How could I believe the pictures instead of my wife?
"Azaan, it isn't your fault?...."
"It is, Sameer. I threw my pregnant wife out of the house without even trying to let her explain. I hurt her and our unborn baby. Why? Because I let them screw with my mind, even though I was very much aware about Faryal. And what she can do. Yet, I let her get to me", I tell him tears pouring out of my eyes.
"At this moment I hate myself for letting a great woman go because of jumping to the conclusion about something that I would have known that is fake", I added before falling and crying my eyes out.
"I lost her, Sameer. And no one will tell me where she is...."
"Azaan, now its time for you to work on yourself and the get her back home. But for now, go to your parents and hers. They need to know this", he tells me.
I know that he is right but the main question is how do I even tell them about this without feeling more guilty than I already am?
"I know that look, Azaan but it's the right thing to do. For you and for her too. I know that this will sound absurd but maybe just maybe she will get to hear this from your sister who is her best friend. Remember Iman", he tells me.
I nodded and got up from the floor.
"Thank you Sameer for doing all of this. I really appreciate it my friend", I tell him.
"No problem, my friend. Now, get ready you stink. You don't Saira to run away from you as soon as she takes a sniff of you", he says laughing at me while shaking his head.
He left me to get ready to go and meet mine and Saira's parents so that I could tell them what Sameer and I found.
"Come On, let's go", I tell Sameer but by the look on his face, he didn't want to go with me.
"Please, I will buy you...."
"I can't, Azaan. Theres an update about Shyra that I need to follow up on", he explains to me.
"Okay, but please keep me update in your update", I tell him as we both walked toward our cars.
"Okay. See you soon Azaan".
When I reached home, taking a deep breath and knocked on the door while holding the file that Sameer gave me.
The file contained everything true Saira and Fahd were never lovers and I was wrong.
Completely wrong.
Khala Farwa came to open the door and let me. I greeted her and walked in hoping that Mamma will not get angry at me.
"Asalam Aleikum, my son. What brings you here?", Dad asks as soon as he saw me while looking at Mamma.
"Waleikum salaam. I am here to tell you that what you said was true and that what they sent me was a lie. Before you say anything else, I am sorry for everything, mamma, dad. I just want my wife back and I know that Iman knows where she is..."
"Sorry son but that part you are own your own. Because I don't think that Iman would give you her address or even tell you where she is. Unless...."
"Aayan, no. Don't tell him..."
"Mamma, please I am willing to do anything to get my wife back. Just tell me what I have to do", I begged my parents to tell me what I have to do to get Iman to tell me what I need to know.
"Hayat, he is your prince. Tell him. Plus he looks miserable, habibty", dad tells Mamma trying to control his laughter.
"Fine. I will explain to you what you need to do but it wouldn't be easy. Remember that, my prince", she started explaining to me what I need to do for my sister.
"Thank you so much, mamma. I promise that I will do my best to bring my wife back home. I love you guys so much", I hugged both of my parents.
Time to get my plan into motion.
Time to get my family back.
Saira's Pov.
Sometimes things work out better than we plan because the best planner is none other than Allah. He knows what we need in our lives.
He had sent my best friend Shyra to me. I finally found her in one of the cafes that I had gone to.
Not to get coffee. I know that I am pregnant and I can't have coffee. I went to some cinnamon rolls that I was craving.
It turns out that this kid loves sweets like her father.
Alhamdullilah, for finding one of my best friends Shyra. But what I saw wasn't the Shyra I knew didn't look the way she did.
The light in her eyes was gone because of that fateful day. The day she lost everything and decided to leave us so that she could get away from him.
"Shy, I am here. You can talk to me about anything...."
"I am fine, best friend. I promise..."
I gave her the meanest glare that I could get.
Thank you, Khala Hayat for teaching me this.
"Fine, I will tell you how I feel. I feel like I am not the same person especially after what happened all those years ago. I hate myself for letting it happen. Maybe just maybe I could stop it...."
"Stop, Shy. You did nothing wrong and it isn't your fault but him. Only his. And next time don't even think about saying that I again", I yelled at her making sure that she will listen this time.
I began explaining to her how Sameer was going nuts trying to find her.
"Why? I am fine...."
"Well, best friend, you left without telling anyone besides, letting us know via text that you are okay. That's it", I tell her. "Just a message wasn't enough to make people not worry about you," I added.
Shyra didn't look the same as she did before. I couldn't blame her as she went through a lot in her life. Especially after what happened to her.
We were interrupted by the doorbell indicating that someone was at the door.
I got up and opened the door only to find Azaan at the door with his suitcases.
"Can I come in? Yes, I can. Do you how hard it was to find this place, especially with the directions that I was given", he says as he walked in with his suitcase behind him.
"What are you doing here? I didn't invite you in...."
"Didn't Mama Sameera teach you that its bad to leave your guests outside the door?", he says with a grin on his face.
"Well, you arent a guest. More like unwanted guest. Besides, could you leave? I don't need you here..."
Azaan didn't even listen to me, he just walked towards the living room where Shyra was looking at us with an amused face.
"Asalam Aleikum Shyra. How are you doing? I hope you are well...."
"Azaan! Why are you here?", I interrupt him while Shyra was trying to hold her laughter but I knew that she wanted to laugh.
"I am here for my wife and...."
I put my hand up to stop him from continuing his sentence.
"Don't continue that, Azaan. Where are the papers that I need to sign?", I ask him putting my hand out so that I can get the papers from him.
"What papers?", Shyra asks.
"Divorce papers that Azaan is here to give me, right?" I tell her looking at Azaan.
"I guess I will leave you two. Best friend we will catch up later. Take care", she tells me hugging me. "Give him a chance to explain himself before you throw him out", she whispered to me.
After she left, Azaan stood there looking at me with unshed tears in his eyes. I could feel him looking at my pregnant stomach.
He slowly moved toward me while looking at me while tears fell down his face.
"I am sorry, Saira. I promise that I will try to make up for everything that I have done to you and our baby. That's my promise, habibty", he tells me putting his hand on my stomach.
Give him a chance, Saira.
I couldn't even answer him, I just walked away because I didn't want him to see me cry.
I walked into my room, forgetting to close the door. I sat on my bed trying to control myself from making noise or me crying.
But I didn't even notice that Azaan came in and sat beside me. He then pulled me into his arms making me cry more.
"I am sorry, habibty. I am sorry," he keeps saying to me over and over.
I don't know what I should do. Should I give him the chance he deserves? I can bear to get hurt again, especially when I have to think about my baby.
My precious.
My baby is the most important thing in my life right now.
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