Chapter Thirty-Three.
Going Back Home.
Two Months Later.
Saira's Pov.
Azaan and I decided to go back home as it was the right time for us. And the other reason is that Iman has been planning something for the both of us ever since she found out that we are going to be mothers together.
I have no idea what she had planned for us. Even though I already told her that I didn't want her to make a big fuss out of this.
Because not many people are happy with the news of my pregnancy. I know this because of what Faryal had done to Azaan and me.
I couldn't help but feel scared of what would happen if she appeared again.
"I know that look, habibty," Azaan tells me seeing that I wasn't listening to what he was telling me. "Don't think about that, please. It isn't good for you and our precious baby", he added pulling me in his arms and making me feel safe.
"I know but...."
"Not buts or even Ifs, habibty. Whatever happens, I promise that I will be right beside you, always. I love you, my love, my world," he says kissing my forehead making me feel safer than I ever felt in my life.
Sometimes Allah knows the person we need in our lives. He might bring hurdles and many trials along the way but He always finds a way to unite them.
"Thank you for that, habiby", I tell him smiling knowing that he will never let me down again or even let me go.
Azaan packed everything for us and he didn't even want me to help with anything. I keep telling him that I am not invalid but he keeps saying that it is his responsibility to do everything for us.
For me and our baby.
"Azaan, please let me help. I will just fold my clothes and that's it...."
"No, no and no. Sit right there and don't even think of moving or I will get angry at you", he says trying to glare at me.
I couldn't help but pout while taking a seat on the couch while watching him fold and pack everything single clothes that we had.
Watching him fold our clothes while trying to figure out where to put the clothes that were on the floor. He had unfortunately packed the clothes wrongly.
Instead of packing the suitcases that were there, he packed them into his suitcase.
"Azaan, why don't you let me help you? I promise that I won't move but I will explain it to you what to do", I tell him trying to hold my laughter.
Azaan's Pov.
The look on my wife's face, when I made the mistake, was priceless. She was holding her laughter while looking at me.
I didn't want her to help me as she was carrying precious cargo.
Our precious baby.
"Okay, I will let you help from there where you are seated", I tell her trying to glare at her for laughing at me. "You can laugh, habibty", I added laughing alongside her.
"Okay, I think that's enough. I will tell you where to put the clothes", she tells me as she started explaining to me where to put the clothes.
"Thank you so much, my love. Otherwise, I will still be packing the way I know. Now, lets feed the baby...."
"Azaan, stop with the food. Are you trying to make me fat by always feeding me?", she asks while glaring at me.
I didn't want her to get hungry on our way back home. And also I have been trying to make up to her for the mistakes I have done to in the past.
"I am not doing that to make you fat. I am trying to...."
"Azaan, come here and sit beside me", she tells me. I walk to where she is and took a sit. "Look at me, I know that you are trying to make it up to me for what you did even though you didn't need to. Plus, whatever happened made us stronger than ever. And I am thankful to Allah that He brought us together again", she added kissing my forehead.
"Now, stop with the food and go put the suitcases in the car, please. While I go to the bathroom and no you aren't coming with me", she added getting up from the couch and then waddling toward the bathroom.
I couldn't help but laugh at her trying to be bossy even if she couldn't.
I did what she asked me while waiting for her near the entrance of the apartment door.
"I am here, don't even think about looking for me", she tells me when I turned to look for her.
"I wasn't going to..."
"Azaan, we both know that isn't true. So don't deny what I have told you", she glared at me.
"Okay, sorry. Can we go now?", I ask her holding out my hand for her to take.
"Okay, lets go", she says taking my hand, and then I led her to the car. I then opened the door to the passager's side for her.
"Put on your seatbelt...." I was about to continue when all I got was a glare from her. "Please", I added smiling at her.
"Okay, done. Any other demands, Mr. Muhsin", she tells me while glaring at me.
"No, sorry. I am not demanding you to do anything except to take care of you...."
"Okay, now come in the car or do you need an invitation?", she asks me folding her hands on her chest.
Ya Allah, why didn't Mamma or even Dad tell me about the mood swings that a pregnant woman has? I wish that they did tell me before I came to get her. Not because I would regret it but it's better knowing than not knowing at all.
I quietly got into the car and started driving praying that her mood will be calm but I was mistaken again.
"Azaan, can you open the window, please?", she asks me.
I opened the windows without arguing and telling her that she would get sick.
I just grabbed a blanket that I have kept beside me and handed it to her. I gulped when she turned to face me. I silently prayed that she won't say anything and accept it.
When she accepted it, I breathe a sigh of relief that I was holding in.
I was thankful that she didn't say anything. I love her but a husband should do everything that his wife asks him.
"I was to apologize for how I have been behaving. I am sorry for treating badly and making you angry," she tries to apologize to me. But I couldn't blame her for that.
I smiled at her.
"Its okay, Saira. I understand you very well. You don't need to apologize to me", I tell her.
"Thank you, Azaan", she tells me holding my hand and squeezing it.
"Now, try and get some rest. We still have a long way to go, " I tell her as she nods and I try to adjust her seat to make her comfortable.
"Thank you, and wake me up when we reach home, okay?".
"I will".
I felt at ease when I see her happy and smiling because of me. I am forever thankful to my sister, mamma, and dad for making me realize my mistake.
The mistake that almost cost me to lose my family because of the stupidity that I believed.
All I can say is Alhamdullilah.
Allah knows best for us.
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