Chapter Thirteen.
A Special Chapter.
Memories Of Azaan, Iman, Fahd, Azhar, Saira, Hannah, and Hanan's Childhood.
Writer's Pov.
Some memories are kept inside our hearts especially when it comes to people who are special to us.
"Happy Birthday to Iman,Saira, Hannah and Azhar!!!".
All the children sang for the birthday girl and boy who turned 9 years today. Their school friends were all invited to their party especially when their parents suggested having a birthday party for their four children namely; Azhar, Iman, Hannah, and Saira as they were born a month apart from each other.
Their friends brought a lot of presents for the four of them but the presents will be opened when they have eaten their dinner and cake.
"Iman, here this is for you", Shyra Adam who is Iman's classmate and best friend.
"Thank you so much, Shy", Iman tells her hugging her.
While someone else was waiting for their turn to give their present to Iman.
"Shy are you done? Is it my turn now?", Hanan asks her while she is holding a big box that was wrapped.
"Yes, sorry it took long", Shyra tells her while moving aside to let Hanan go to Iman.
"It's okay. Don't worry about it. Here you go, Iman. This is for you. Mum helped me wrap it. I hope you will like it", she hands the box to Iman who then hugged her cousin.
"Thank you, Hanan. I will because it came from you, Shyra and also Saira. Thank you again for bringing me these gifts", Iman tells them happily.
The four girls have been best friends since they were in diapers.
The three couples decided it was best for their kids to celebrate their birthdays together rather than one month apart.
The boys decided to give something to Azhar who was the only birthday boy at the party. So Fahd, Azaan, and Sameer decided that it would be a good thing to just give Azhar something that he always wanted to have and that is a car collection.
They all put their money together to get their best friend the gift he always wanted.
Azhar loved cars and he has a lot of collections which he started at a young age.
"Come on, kids. Time to play the party games", Hayat tells the kids.
They all gathered around her to find out what games they were playing.
"You could either chose, hide and seek or even coloring. Anything you kids want to do", she explains to them.
They were excited to know that they could do whatever they wanted until it was time for cutting the cake and eating the food.
As all the kids played together, the parents knew that they were building memories that will last a lifetime for both the parents and their kids too.
The kids were so happy to play with their friends, especially Azhar who was running around with Azaan and the others while the girls took their coloring books from the table where Hayat had placed them.
Sharing a birthday wasn't a big deal for the four children because that's how they were raised since they were young.
Their parents have made them feel like family and friends, and most importantly their children shouldn't feel that they should have to compete with their parent's attention.
Their group became bigger when Shyra, Hanan, and Sameer joined them. Hanan was the daughter of Aayan's cousin Laila with her husband Khalid.
The same Khalid that is Sameera's brother. They study in the same school and had been best friends since they enrolled in the school.
Their parents prayed that their friendship will last a lifetime and they will learn to trust each other in good times, bad times, and worst times.
"Shyra, its time to go now", her mother tells her but knowing that her daughter didn't want to leave her best friends yet.
Shyra pouted at her mother, knowing she wouldn't hesitate to let her daughter stay for a while.
"Okay, habibty. We will stay just for a while then we have to go and check on your father at home", her mother tells her.
Her father has been feeling well that's why he wasn't there at the party.
Shyra cheered and walked back to her friends who cheered as well.
Hanan, Shyra, and Sameer will play an important part in Azaan, Saira, and Fahd's lives.
Life has a strange way of showing us who we need in our life except for Allah. He knows what we need and who deserves to be in our lives.
Just like Shrya, Sameer, Hanan, and Fahd will not know what will be happening in their lives except Allah. As their story isn't finished yet and it's about to just begin.
Hanan and Fahd's story will be His Healer. (coming soon) In shaa Allah.
Shyra and Sameer in The Healer Of Her Soul which is yet to be written. (Coming soon In shaa Allah).
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