Chapter Sixteen.
She Knows The Truth.
Two Months Later.
Saira's Pov.
Happiness is what I have been feeling for these two months even though we didn't get to go on our honeymoon as our parents wanted for us. I fall more and more in love with him but that changed one day when I overheard my husband talking to his friend Sameer about me.
"I had to marry her for the sake of Iman's future nothing else....."
"But you have fallen in love with her, right? And don't you dare lie about that Azaan. I could hear it whenever you talk to her on the phone. Stop all of these talks about marrying her when you didn't love her and let her in, brother. You need her, she needs you. Anyways, I think I will be going now, I have a lead on Shyra and I have to go and see if it's the right lead", Sameer tells him getting up from his seat and walking out of the office.
I quickly walked toward the kitchen to keep myself busy. I could hear the front door close and Azaan walking toward the kitchen.
He walked towards me and hugged me from behind but I was too angry to even let him do that. I push him away and walked away from him but he didn't let me.
He held my hand and pushed me toward him.
"Azaan, let me go...."
He didn't heed my words and pulled me into his arms.
"You are mine no matter what....."
I looked at him with tears in my eyes knowing that he might be right but he had no right to force me to marry him because of his sister's relationship.
People will think that I married him out of love but what they don't know is that it's always going to be one-sided love.
Azaan will never love me as I love him.
He thinks that I am after Iman's fiancee who is my best friend.
He moved closer and closer to me making me move a step backward. His honey-brown eyes looked into mine trying to get something out of them but I knew that I had to guard my heart against him even if he is the one in it.
"Could you move back, please?", I put my hands on his chest trying to push him away but he didn't budge.
What is he made?
More like pure muscles.
"What if I don't want to move back? What will you do then?", he asks as he moves his nose on my neck making me shiver. "You smell so good", he added placing a kiss on my neck.
"Azaan, move....."
I couldn't even finish what I was saying when he smashed his lips onto mine.
Push him away.
My conscience tells me but I ignored it by pulling his soft hair making him moan.
I love him but why does it feel like he does too?
How did it come to this?
"Does he kiss you like that?", he asks me pitting his forehead with mine.
I pushed him and slapped him.
"He is my best friend's husband. Iman is like a sister to me. Why would you think so low of me? I am not her and I will never be her. So if she has hurt you to the point where you being to doubt everything I do. Well, I am ready to give you what you want. Because I can't live like this. I can't live with a man whom I loved all my life when he can't seem to find in his heart to just see. I am not and I will never be after Azlan as he is and will always be Iman's", I shouted at him but I knew that he didn't and won't listen.
So I will be deciding for myself because this isn't the future I wanted for myself.
I harshly wiped my tears and walked away from him knowing that if I stayed I wouldn't be able to do what I have planned for myself.
I am sorry, Azaan but not everyone is her.
Leaving would be the best thing to do as I didn't want to be in a marriage where there was no respect or even love.
I am sorry, Aunt Hayat for what I am about to do.
Leaving would be the best thing to do as I didn't want to be in a marriage where there was no respect or even love.
I am sorry, Aunt Hayat for what I am about to do. I couldn't do this after finding out why he married me. I needed to get out of there before I breakdown in front of him.
When he is the last person I want to see when I cry especially when he is the one who hurt me.
Azaan's pov.
I did it again. I hurt her again without realizing that in the process of doing that, I am hurting myself more.
I wish I never met her.
Saira is the one who lights up a room with just her smile but now her star is darkened because of me.
Why does love hurt so much?
Loving the wrong person does that but with the right person, it's magical.
Ever since she betrayed me I haven't been the same person even my mother noticed it but I know that she didn't want to ask me as she is giving me time to explain myself to her.
I picked up the phone and call the one person who has never let me down.
My mother, Hayat.
"Asalam Aleikum, mamma. I need you", I tell her as soon as she answered the phone.
"I am on my way", she tells me before hanging up.
She has never let me down and she has never treated me any differently just because am not her real son.
She always tells me:
"You are my son from the moment I married your father. And no one is going to change that. If anyone has a problem they will have to deal with me because you are my son no matter what. I love you, my prince".
I am glad that Baba married her instead of someone else.
The day I met her was the day I chose her to be my mother and no one else.
I walked into our room but I couldn't find Saira anywhere.
She left me.
It means now she knows why I married her, but was Sameer, right about me falling for her?
I can't fall in love with her.
What if she is just like her?
Why does this hurt?
I could hear someone knocking on the front door, I immediately knew who it was.
My mamma.
I opened it letting her in. I couldn't help but hug her and want her comfort and her love.
"I am sorry, mamma. I am really sorry", I chant saying that over and over again.
She put her hands on my face and looked at me with a confused look on her face.
"What's the matter, Azaan? What happened to you? And where is Saira?", she asks me wiping the tears that were falling down my face.
"I lost her mamma. I lost the best thing that has ever happened in my life because I listened to my head when it said things about her that werent even true", I began explaining to her what happened between Saira and me.
Everything including how I married her because of Iman's future.
She was beyond shocked and started shaking her head. I knew that I had disappointed her and let her down. And most of all I had broken her promise to take care of and cherish my wife.
"I don't know what to say, Azaan. All I can say is that I hope you have regretted your decision in marrying her and now you can go after her to get her to forgive you. And that's when I may forgive you, my son. But always remember what I told me about Saira. Look for her and when you find her, make her realize that you are regretting what you have done to her. Don't force her to be with you when she doesn't want to", mamma advised me.
I know that she is right but what is this feeling that I feel in my heart when she slapped and left me?
"You love her, yet you can't bring yourself to say it out loud, my son. You have fallen for her. Don't lose that especially when winning her back. You will win her back as your wife. In shaa Allah", she added hugging me.
Her hug felt like she has forgiven me without her saying anything to me.
I have my mamma on my side and now it's turned to get my wife back at my side.
I love her. She crept into my heart without even trying. Her care, her love, and everything she did for me was from her heart. Mamma is right, I do love her.
Time to get my Saira, my wife.
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