Chapter Nine.
A Mother Knows Best, Azaan.
Hayat's Pov.
When a parent sees their children in pain and they aren't able to do anything about it because they don't know how to help them.
Each time I saw my son Azaan's face I could see the pain in his eyes. I don't want to be known as the prying parent but I needed to know what is happening to my prince.
I knew that something happened to him and its all Faryal's fault. She did something to him that made him the way he is and I need to know for sure if my suspicion is true.
I watched as he walked out of the wedding venue, I knew that I had to follow him. I looked at Aayan who was busy talking to Zain.
I got up and quickly walked outside to find him before he leaves.
Alhamdullilah, I found him near his car, he was opening the door.
I walked up to him and touched he should startling him.
"Mamma, what are you doing here? Do you need something?", he asks me.
"I need to talk to you, my prince. And not later, now", I tell him.
"No, my prince. Come with me", I took his hand and, led him to an unoccupied bench.
"Talk to me", I tell him.
He looked me in the eyes and I saw unshed tears in them.
"I will tell you everything but you need to promise me that you wont tell Baba about it", he tells me.
"Okay but if its bad, I will have to because you know that I cant lie to him or even keep anything from him", I tell him.
He then began explaining to me what happened between him, Fahd, and that girl Faryal. I couldn't believe it.
"She betrayed me, mamma. I loved her with everything and yet she betrayed me, why? Did I do anything to bad for them to hurt me like this?", he asks with tears falling down his face.
I can't believe that Fahd would do this, I didn't expect him to do it but Faryal I did expect her to do this.
"Maybe its best that you didn't marry her, Azaan. Remember that Allah takes people away who aren't meant for us. Don't be distraught, my prince because everything will be fine. In shaa Allah. Just trust in Him because He knows what's best for us", I tell him trying to get his mind out of what happened to him.
Saira is what is best for him and I will try to make him understand that he shouldn't think of the past anymore.
In the coming days, I try to make them be together even if it's against my husband who is adamant to make sure that Azaan doesn't get hurt.
But a mother knows best for her children.
"Aayan, I am thinking about it for awhile now. And I know you will be somehow against it but try and think about it, habiby", I try to tell him about the marriage between Azaan and Saira.
"Hayat, we can't go against them if they don't want to get married, then what? They will be hurt especially Saira if our son doesn't accept to the marriage. We both know how she feels about him", Aayan tells me.
"You are right, habiby. We still have to talk to Azlan's parents about Iman. I think we need to focus on Iman for now", I agree with him but deep inside we both knew that Azaan needs someone like Saira in his life.
But what we both didn't know was the fact that Azaan listened to our conversation and this will be a push he will need but what I am worried about is Saira. My husband is right in saying that she might get hurt in all of this.
Ya Allah, guide my son to the right path. To the path that is for him and not the wrong one that someone else will choose for him. I pray that everything will be okay.
In shaa Allah.
Sometimes people just need a push in the right direction especially when it has to do with their lives.
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