Chapter Four.
Saira Finding Out About The Secret Meetings Between Fahd And Faryal.
Saira's Pov.
Why can't get over the fact that I need to help Azaan in whatever trouble he might be in?
I will have to start by following the two people who are most important to him.
Faryal and Fahd.
Even though it hurts to know that he might never feel the same way about me as I feel about him.
I followed her from Azaan's house to where she is heading to.
I know what I am doing even though I have no idea what I will find when she reaches her destination.
All I know is that she is up to no good especially when she is trying too hard to get along with Iman, and the entire family.
Calm down, Saira. She will not see you. Just try and look as if you aren't following her.
After some time, she reached the mall where she told Iman that she was heading straight home.
Then what is she doing here?
Faryal started walking toward a man and hugged him from behind.
I need to see who she is hugging before they leave where they are going.
To my surprise, I was dumbfounded to find the face of the man she is hugging is none other than Fahd.
I didn't want to believe it.
But sometimes we have to witness things with our own eyes because when someone tells us we rarely believe them.
I immediately took out my phone to take a picture of the couple as proof that they are together.
But the main question is will he believe me?
Ya Allah, please give me the strength that I need to show this picture to Azaan. And I pray that he believes me. Ya Allah, you know all I am trying is to make sure that he doesn't get hurt.
Most people would go and confront them but not me. I want them to confess to him about their infidelity.
I took a deep breath and walked home to get my thoughts together before telling anyone what I found out.
I don't know what to do in this type of situation especially when the two guys are childhood best friends.
A friendship built on trust, love, and the bond that they have is like brothers. I just can't let that be taken away by her.
When I reached home, I decided to talk to my parents, maybe they will help me make a decision.
I walked in to find my father sitting on the couch with a book in his hand.
A medical book.
"Asalam aleikum, dad. Can I talk to you about something? It's something important", I tell him taking a seat beside him.
"Waleikum salaam, habibty. Sure. What is it you want to talk about?", he asks me putting the book he was reading aside to listen to me.
That's how my father is.
I began explaining a few things to him but left out that the situation is about Azaan, Fahd, and Faryal.
"My friend needs your advice because she doesn't want to ruin people's friendship. So should she tell them or not?", I ask him.
"It depends if the person will believe her. And it he doesn't then it will create a bigger problem. But the advice I have for you is that secrets don't always remain hidden. I hope this helped you, habibty", he tells me.
"Thank you, dad. I needed that".
I knew exactly what to do with the pictures I have. I will send them to Azaan through an unknown number because he shouldn't know it's me.
He might think I am doing this out of jealousy.
I am sorry for this Azaan but it's for your good. As a good friend and Muslim, I can't let her betray your trust like this even if they might be just friends.
I thanked my father and walked toward my room to send the pictures to Azaan.
I then sent the pictures to his phone without my name getting involved. I just hope I did the right thing if not then I hope that I haven't made things worse than they are.
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