I head downstairs after taking a shower feeling fresh. I find Maria setting the table. I smile greeting her and she smiles back. Sidharth is not on the table. We used to always have breakfast together and if he was going to miss breakfast he would always let me know. Its heartbreaking how much we have grown apart. I need to get my life on track, find a job. I dont think the hospital I used to work at will want anything to do with me after the way I left. I have a baby to think about. I cant stay here forever. Sidharth and I are clearly over. I can never forgive him.
Maria serves me juice and I smile. A doorbell rings and Maria gets it. She comes back with a wide smile, carrying a thousand roses with a box of chocolates and a nice small card. I look at her amused.
"Maria do you have a secret admirer?" I ask chuckling.
"Oh I wish Mrs Shukla. Looks like you are the one with a secret admirer. These are for you." she says handing them to me and I smile.
"Who are they from?" I ask taking them from her hands. She smiles shrugging her shoulders. I smell them smiling. "mhmm they smell so good." I mutter.
"There's a letter." Maria mutters showing me the card and I smile taking it.
"Hey Cupcake. I am sorry I couldn't have breakfast with you my love. I had an early meeting with Jay. I miss you already. I will be home for lunch. I love you baby with all my heart."
My expressions changed after reading the letter. My cold and stern expressions came back. Sidharth is being so romantic but now I feel disgusted and pity that this marriage has come to end. He betrayed me, our love and all the trust I had in him. I trusted my husband with my life. I never thought he would do something so despicable.
I ignored his letter and gift and pushed them far away from me. I continue to eat, enjoying my breakfast pushing the uneasy feeling in my heart. I felt emotional and happy after seeing his gifts and letter, his efforts but no I dont want to feel anything. I dont want to melt. I want to hate him but no matter what I am not able to hate him. My love for him is suppressing my hate for him. But I cant love him now, I cant forgive him now and I definitely doesn't want to live with him.
I was enjoying my breakfast before I find myself running to the bathroom to vomit and excreting everything I had in breakfast.
I hear my phone ringing in the dining room. Maria comes running into the bathroom with my phone and I wave my hand trying to stop her from giving me the phone. I vomit again, feeling very weak and I hear Maria tell Sidharth that I am vomiting and as usual he panics cursing loudly and I roll my eyes sitting on the floor.
I woke up early in the morning and got ready to go deal with the asshole that proposed my wife for marriage back in Eastern Cape. I would have loved to deal with him last night but Cupcake wasn't okay. I left too early today I didn't get to have breakfast with my wife that I haven't had the opportunity to in a long time. I wanted to see her but she was asleep and I didn't wanted to disturb her.
I drive to the warehouse and I am shocked to see Jay's car parked outside so early as I pull up. I get off the car heading inside and I find him on his phone as I walk in. I wave at him and he waves back. I pass heading down to the basement. The son of a bitch had a nerve to fucking propose my wife, now its time for him to pay. I take off my jacket as I walk into the basement and his eyes widen with the fear as he sees me walking in. I have all the ideas on how to fucking torture his miserable soul out of his body, he messed with the wrong man.
I take out the grinding machine and plug it on, not saying a word to him and he starts begging for his life.
Oh he was too quick to beg, he should probably save that strength for later.
Jay comes running into the room while I am busy torturing the life out of this punk, he is screaming his lungs out and Jay puts a bullet in his head saving him from his misery.
"Why the fuck did you do that for?" I ask annoyed. I wanted to torture him until he cant even scream anymore.
I had already cut his fingers , his both hands, all his toes and both his feet. Jay came in just when I was going for his knees and saved him from his misery.
"To save your time. And save myself off the torture of listening to that clown tearing my eardrum." he stated with a smirk.
Jay can be a piece of shit!
"Fuck you Jay" I mutter walking away. He just flipping spoiled my fun.
"Wait Sidharth, my man just told me that Mike is looking for his friend. Its only a matter of time before he realizes that we killed him. We need to increase security around Mahi and Shehnaaz."
"Dont worry about Mike. I am ready for him." I mutter walking away. Its time I put Mike in his place once and for all. I call my PA and ask her to have flowers delivered to my house. I send her a message with a little note I wanted written on the card.
"Bro I need you to be in charge of security at my wedding. I cant have Mike gate crashing my wedding. Mahi would never forgive me." Jay mutters and I can sense the worry in his voice.
"Mike will be long dead before your wedding." I give him my word. I have a plan and if it all goes well Mike will be dead before he can even come for us.
"Thanks bro."
"Whatever" I say rolling my eyes. He can be so sentimental sometimes.
"I am out. I want to take a bath in my apartment and go to the office, Jacob needs me.
"How are things with Shehnaaz?" he questions and I sigh sadly.
Where do I even start?
"She is torturing me and punishing me. I know I deserve that but still I cant live away from her. I want to take care of her and our baby but she wont let me come close to her. She wont even share a bed with me. She kicked me out last night. I couldn't believe it, she keeps telling me about the damn divorce. I swear I am loosing my mind. I am scared that she will leave me and I cant let her go. I cant live without her. I know I did a sin, I betrayed her but still I cant let her leave me. I love her man. I dont know what to do anymore." I state truthfully. I am so fucking scared and lonely. I miss my wife, I want her back so bad. I need her for being sane.
"What do you mean you dont know what to do anymore? What have you even done for her?" he questions and I realize I haven't done much yet except for nagging her to forgive me every now and them and crying silently.
"I apologized man but she doesn't want to hear it. I just got Jane to send her favourite flowers. I wan to take her out tonight.
"But you know your wife loves your attention and your love. Why are you wasting your time buying her stuff and taking her out? It wont work and you know it. Infact she will accuse you for trying to buy her like she did when you asked her out."
He reminds me and I chuckle sadly knowing he is telling the truth.
I remember the night I met Cupcake at the musical night. She was performing and my heart melted right then and there watching her on the stage. She was with three other girls. Her friends were literally throwing themselves at me and I just wanted her. I knew if I didn't make a move on her then she would reject me in the future telling me about how her friends wants me. I watched her get off the stage approaching us. She was wearing a beautiful smile as the crowd applauded her.
She looked so beautiful and innocent. She was stealing glances at me when she thought I wasn't watching her but my eyes were always on her and I smirked.
She came to our table because her friends had joined us. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She was so so beautiful. She greeted us and her friends hugged her congratulating her.
I stood up from my chair wanting her close and also offered a hug and she gave me one, a professional one if I must add, her ass pushed back, opening a huge gap between us and I felt like grabbing her waist and pull her close to me. I needed to feel her closer but I held back the desire to grab her. She pulled back and didn't even spare me a glance as she turned to her friends telling them how nervous she was on stage.
Damn that was literally the first time in my life that I actually took interest in a girl and she didn't seem even a bit interested in me. Normally girls threw themselves at me, saving me the trouble of having to ask them out. But Shehnaaz, she was something, she was different and that was the thing that pulled me towards her.
She just continued as if I wasn't there.
One of the girl left early saying her boyfriend was outside and Jay, who was a comedian of the moment took that two other girls with him and me and Shehnaaz left behind.
I offered to take Shehnaaz home but she refused and I wont lie that hurt me a lot.
She took her phone and called an Uber. I asked for her number but she again refused. God she was out to bruise my ego. I never felt like this with any other girls. They all were crazy for me.
I smiled as she stood up to go and wait for her Uber outside and I followed her. She turned surprised and asked where I was going and I told her that I was accompanying her home.
She just smirked thinking I was joking. As soon as her ride arrived I slid into the car with her. She turned and looked at me like I was crazy, and maybe I was but I didn't care. I needed to know she was safe. I suddenly felt the need to protect her and I went with her to her home and we had a chat along the way about what she likes and she also told me that she was a medical student.
I asked for her number again before she got off and she refused again. I was hurt very hurt. I got off the car, opening the gate for her and she gave me another professional hug and walked away. I slid back into the Uber asking the driver to take me back to the club still hurt.
I never felt this hurt before. I never ever felt like this before. She made me feel something different.
I took my car from the club parking and drove to Jay's place knowing he had two girls over. I took one of the girls for the night, releasing the frustration of being rejected for the first time in my life. I wanted to remove that feeling. I didn't wanted to feel anything. I had her for night and felt guilty next morning knowing she is Shehnaaz's friend. I doesn't wanted to think about her but I cant help. I was only thinking about her.
That Morning I had my driver deliver a bunch of flowers and a diamond necklace to her house. I wrote my number on the card and asked her to call me but she didn't.
Days passed and I kept checking my phone waiting for her call and nothing happened. She didn't called me.
I did that every day for a week, asking my driver to deliver a new gift each day. Every gift I sent had diamonds, diamond earrings, bracelets and bunch of roses accompanying each gift. She still said nothing.
I went to her home myself on the fifth day and she found me waiting outside her gate. I dont know if she was surprised or annoyed to see me but I wasn't going to let that demotivate me. I wanted her, I really like her and I wasn't going to back down.
I offered her a ride to campus but she refused, then I told her I would follow her to campus and wait at the door of every class she will attend until she agrees to go on a date with me and she dared me to do it walking away to take a taxi. I followed her taxi to the campus and her jaws dropped when she saw me behind her as she was heading to class.
I had no intentions of really waiting out the door for her but she didn't need to know that. As long as she believed that I would do it, that was all that mattered to me.
She turned and took my hand dragging me to my car and I smiled like a crazy lover as she whispered telling me to go and she would go out with me for dinner the same night. I used the opportunity to request for a proper hug, I really wanted her close to me and she hugged me. I knew she wouldn't reject, she was just shy. It felt good having her so close to me in my arms. I felt at peace that I never felt before.
Later on that day I sent my driver to go get her in my Bentley but she refused to come with it and took a taxi. When my driver called me telling me she refused to come with him, I was pissed more than anything. Who would choose to take a taxi over a Bentley??
And it was late anything could happen to her on the way here. Why must she be so stubborn?
She arrived a few minutes later and I couldn't pretend so I confronted her about being careless and that's when she accused me of buying her. She went on to tell me that she was not for sale. I was so shocked and that's when it hit me, that everything I had done to try and impress her was interpreted differently.
The next day I took a taxi to her place and waited for her to come out. I hate waiting for anyone but she was special. I can wait for her my whole life.
I still didn't have her number, when she came out I offered to accompany her to campus taking a taxi with her, she was so impressed. That's when I realized she is actually impressed by the simplest things. She gave me her number FINALLY that day and we started talking on the phone. I would call her at least six times a day because that's how much I would miss her.
We had dinner together almost every night and I had to learn about simplest restaurants around her location because she didn't like the expensive ones. One day I found myself eating street food one evening with her and I enjoyed it very much.
I never did so much for any girl but again she was not some simple girl. She was different and very special.
We kept going on those simple dates for like a month and I finally asked her to be my woman and she agreed. I was so happy, I felt like I got everything. Three months later I took her to my house, one moment we were sitting on the couch watching movie, then we started kissing, fuck her lips were everything I ever wanted. I pulled her closer to me as the kiss got deeper. I couldn't control the desire I felt for her. I pulled her into my lap pushing the skirt she was wearing up. My hands cupped her breasts and she moaned sexily. I wanted her so bad. We kissed, out tongues battling for dominance, at this moment we were both panting like crazy. I took her in my arms leading her to the bedroom. I laid her on the bed and took off my shirt. Then we kissed again, the kiss becoming more passionate. I took off her shirt, and her skirt throwing them away on the floor and I kissed her across her belly going down her thighs.
Suddenly I felt her shaking, I stopped and asked her what was wrong. She said nothing and pulled me up claiming my lips again.
I pulled back and asked her again as I could feel her body shaking, then she told me she had never had sex before. I stopped looking into her eyes. It suddenly made sense that why she looked so innocent. I told her we didn't need to do it that night and I could wait for her but she claimed my lips again and whispered in my ear that she was ready, driving me off the edge. I kissed her all the way to her toes, appreciating her beautiful body then I went back up, settling between her thighs. She was already wed and ready for me. I murmured licking and sucking her, tasting her sweet juices "so sweet baby.".
She tasted so good, so sweet. I slide my middle finger into her core, moving it slowly while I continued moving my tongue on her clit. She flexed her hips up, her hands holding my head in place as she started thrusting upward. I groaned as she started screaming my name. Her legs started shaking and I knew she was close, in no time she let loose cumming on my face and I took out my hard member sliding it into her while she was reaching her climax.
"damn baby so fucking tight" I groaned as she screamed whimpering as my hard cock stretched her inner walls and I stayed still not moving, allowing her to adjust to my size , she was so fucking tight. I wanted to thrust into her, hard but I couldn't. I didn't wanted to hurt her. I wanted to make sure this is the best experience for her. She started moving making me want her even more.
"fuck! Stop baby, you are going to make me loose control here. Wait a little bit so you can adjust baby." I groaned and she whispered "I want you" in my ear thrusting upward and that was all it took to drive me crazy. She was so fucking good. I found myself screaming her name coming into her without a warning only to find that she has also reached her climax at the same time. It was the very first time in my life that I lost control like that.
I was exhausted after that and so was she. I claimed her lips again and then whispered in her ear
" I love you Shehnaaz" I had not planned on saying that like that. I wanted to surprise her with the best possible way but at that moment it was the only thing I could think of.
"I love you too Sidharth, with all my heart." she murmured making my heart skip a beat. My heart was beating differently. I could swear my heart beat for her. I kissed her, for a long time before I found myself asking her what she was doing to me. I had never felt what I was feeling in that moment. It was new, beautiful, strong, probably the best feeling I had ever felt. We made love again and fell into a deep slumber.
A week after that night Shehnaaz found out that I slept with her friend the night I first met her and she dumped me. When she told me we are done, I was heartbroken but I thought I could get another girl to replace her. I wasn't going to beg her, all the girls I had been with used to beg me, not the other way around. I thought she would also beg me so I got into my car and left.
I couldn't sleep that night hoping she would call and apologize for breaking my heart but she didn't. I made myself busy in my work so that I couldn't think about her but it didn't helped me.
Two days later I was loosing my mind, feeling the most painful pain I had ever experienced.
I went looking for her at her place. I didn't wait at the gate as usual that day. I couldn't wait, I needed to see her. I knocked and she opened the door. I pulled her into my embrace as soon as she opened the door. She tried to pull back but my hold on her tightened. I needed her, I couldn't control my desire to hold her close to me.
An old woman came into the kitchen asking who was at the door and she found me holding Shehnaaz into my embrace. That was the day I learned that, that place wasn't her parent's home but her friend's home.
I begged her for weeks to forgive me and did everything possible to make her forgive me even though logically speaking I had not cheated on her but I know I hurt her feelings.
She was mad and I was afraid of loosing her, something I had never felt before. I begged her until she forgave me and I promised that I would never hurt her like that again.
FLASHBACK ENDS**********************
Now years later I find myself in a similar situation, only this time its worst because I actually cheated on her and now my baby wants nothing to do with me.
But I will not give up so easily. Fuck! I will never give up on her, on us. I will beg her and do whatever it will take to make her forgive me but I cant loose her. She is my everything and I cant let her go.
I decide to call her because I wanted to hear her voice. I am missing her but Maria answers her phone telling me she is vomiting. I became restless and scared and stride out of the warehouse in hurry leaving Jay confused. My baby is sick. I want to be there for her.
4000 WORDS..💜💜
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