The Date of Gajeel and Levy
Lucy's POV
After that day
I saw Natsu beside me again!
"Natsu!!!" I yelled
"Why do you always yell?" He smirked "Don't worry, my dad knows"
I sighed in relief
"Let's go to the mall" I suggested and I took a bath and get dressed, as usual
Natsu did the same
We woke up Happy
"Aye Aye" Happy whispered and got up
We walked outside and rode a taxi
Once we get to the mall we saw an unexpected someone
It was Pantherlily
"Hey Lily" Happy called
"O-oh hey" Pantherlily replied
"What are you doing here?" I asked "Where's Levy and Gajeel?"
"Well, you see, they're on a date, they left me, so I'm spying on them" Lily said nervously
"Spy? I like the idea! Where are they?" I asked
Lily pointed at the ice cream shop
Maybe it's her day off
"Were gonna spy with you" Natsu and I whispered to Lily and he laughed
"Spying on them?" Happy asked "Nice Idea"
Happy, Natsu and I smirked evilly
Pantherlily shrugged and sweatdropped
"Let's be spies" I said "We need a costume so they can't recognize us"
I grabbed clothes from my bag
"Where did you get that?" Natsu asked
"I'm always ready" I smirked
They all shrugged
"Lucy is so into this" Happy said
"Well, Levy recorded my speech and they took a photo of me and Natsu" I said and blushed
Natsu laughed hard
"Baka.." I mumbled
We all wore a black jacket with hoods
"This is stupid" Natsu muttered
"What did you say?!!" I asked and gave him a glare
He shrugged "N-Nothing, I said this is so amazing and wonderful and t-that jacket suits you"
Natsu's POV
"Good" She said
I never realized that she was so scary, after she fought those perverts I feel like I'm scared
I burst out laughing
"What?!" she asked me
"N-Nothing" I replied
We followed Levy and Gajeel
"They're turtles" Lucy whispered
"What do you mean turtles?" I asked her
"Idiot! It means slow" She slapped the back of my head
"S-sorry, hey, don't slap me dummy" I stuck out my tongue
"Oh yeah?" She said and I started to ran away taking off my jacket
"H-Hey!" She called out to me
"Kids.." Pantherlily muttered
"Your the kid" Happy laughed
Lucy and I started chasing each other like kids
Then we bumped to
Gajeel and Levy and we both fell
"Ow! Natsu you dummy! Now where are they?! We just lost them didn't we?" Lucy asked while in front of me
"L-look behind you" I pointed to Gajeel and Levy who was shocked
Lucy looked behind her
"O-Oh!!! H-Hey!! Me and Natsu are just dating around, so see yah!" She yelled and grabbed my arm but Levy held her arm
"W-what?" Lucy asked nervously
"Let's have a double date then!" Levy squealed
I shrugged "Cool with us"
Then Lily and Happy walked right up to us
"Your caught huh?" Happy asked
"Shush!" Me and Lucy shushed him and he mouthed sorry
"Lily?!" Gajeel asked
"I'm not Lily, I'm uh, I'm a real life kiwi!" Lily said, Gajeel and Levy glared at him "Fine, uh, Natsu and Lucy went to our home, and uh, they asked for you two, um, I said I will help them find you in the mall!"
Nice reason
"Yeah" I sighed in relief
And then we talked more and more, especially the girls, they talked all about kinds of books
"Do you know about Serendipity?!" Lucy asked her
"Yeah! About a boy who lied, he said that the girl was her girlfriend and that he doesn't want to marry the other girl! And then in the end they got married!" Lucy and Levy both squealed
"A boy who lied?!" I asked
Kinda reminds me of me and Lucy
Lucy shrugged
"That story.." She muttered
"It. was. meant. to. be.!! Natsu is your soulmate!!" Levy squealed
More of that, talk here, talk there, talk everywhere
But we had fun
Serendipity is not a real book though, I think, But I just made it up LOL check ya later
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