Sting the Beautynapper
Lucy's POV
"This is wrecked" I laughed
"Yeah it is, I wonder, will they ever find us?" Natsu asked and then we all laughed
"Were like a family" Happy say
"We are family" I said
Natsu nodded and smiled
That dreamy smile
"I'll buy food for us" I suggested
"Sure be careful!" Natsu yelled at me and then I left
"I'll go" Happy said and then he followed me
We walked
"Hey Happy look at that!" I burst out laughing
I pointed out at the fish mascot
We both laughed
Then suddenly someone held my hand and covered my mouth I heard Happy yelling 'Stop it Sting! No'
The thing I heard was that sentence and The last thing I saw was Happy punching Sting, but he's a cat
Natsu's POV
Why are they taking so long?
I stood up but then Happy barged in looking worried
"What Happened?! Where's Lucy?" I asked
"THIS IS NO TIME TO PANIC LET'S ASK FOR HELP!" Happy and I ran out of Lucy's apartment, Lucy didn't even had a chance to change her wedding clothes, and also me, I'm still wearing wedding things though
We asked help, to none other than Dad
"DAD!!" I yelled
"Where have you been son?! What Happened to you?!" Dad asked
"This is no time for that! Lucy is kidnapped by Sting!!" I yelled
That Sting, he's gonna pay
"WHAT?!" Dad was surprised
"Let's Go Dad!!" I yelled and we all rode the car
"Stop at that cake shop" I said "I'll ask help from her friends"
"Go Son! We'll ask help and ask from the others" Dad and the driver left
Were all worried
I don't know why It's just Sting, but I've got a bad feeling about this
"ERZA, JELLAL!!" I called them
Luckily all of Lucy's close friends were there
"Hey, Natsu the idiot" Levy laughed
"Your name on Lucy's phone is Natsu the idiot" Cana laughed
"I saw it earlier, It's not Natsu the idiot, It's 'Natsu the sweet monster'" I said "THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR THAT!"
They were all taken aback
"Why?" Juvia and Mirajane asked
"Lucy!! It's Lucy! She's kidnapped by Sting!" I yelled
"It's just Sting" Erza said
They all went out the store
"We'll find her!" They all shouted, Erza closed the shop, Jellal is helping too
"Happy! Do you know where they are?!" I asked him
"Not a clue, but they went that way!" He pointed straight
We ran and ran
No sign of Lucy
I'm really getting worried
I don't know why! But I--
I admit it! I like Lucy! But I need to find her!
Ok! I don't like her! I love her!
Tears started streaming down my cheeks
"Don't worry Natsu, we will find her" Happy said
"It's all my fault!" I started crying
"C'mon it's nobody's fault, keep your head up" Happy cheered me up and I nodded
I decided to text my other friends
To: 'Queen Ice'
"Gray! Help me, my girlfriend is kidnapped by my brother, I know your the boyfriend of Juvia, one of Lucy's friends, please help me"
From: 'Queen Ice'
"Were already searching, I'll text Lyon and my other friends to help"
To: 'Rusty Iron'
"Gajeel! Please, help me, I know your Levy's girlfriend, And I also know that you know Lucy! Please help me find her"
From: 'Rusty Iron'
"Were on it! This is unusual Pinky asking for help"
Thank goodness
From: 'Igneel'
"Son! We already told the police, they're on it, I know it's just Sting, but we don't know what he might do"
To: 'Igneel'
"Thanks dad"
Someone is calling me
"Hello?" I answered
Happy stared at me while talking on the phone
/It's me/ I know that voice, It's Sting
"Give me back my girlfriend you idiot!!" I yelled from the phone, I heard him smirk
Lucy's POV
Sting keeps on hitting me and asking why can't I love him back, My whole body is full of bruises and wounds, bloods streaming from my body, he is now talking to Natsu
Sting held the phone to my ear
"N-N-Natsu.." I managed to say
"Lucy!! You sound hurt! Are you alright!? I'm saving you! Wait there!!" He yelled
"H-H-Help me" After Natsu heard that, Sting hung up
"Now Lucy" Sting said
Natsu Save me I'm scared, he keeps on hitting me
Natsu's POV
"Is Lucy there?!" Happy asked
"Yes!! I HATE HIM HE IS SURELY GONNA PAY!" I yelled and ran to search for Lucy
What will happen? Things are gonna get interesting *smirk* Read the next chapter
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